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Exercise 9. Read the text quickly and choose the correct answer.

2019-11-13 1517 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 9. Read the text quickly and choose the correct answer. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1 Google is a keyword / search engine.

2 This WORD is in upper / lower case.

3 AND / WHEN is a logical operator.

Finding information on the World Wide Web needs an Internet search engine such as Google, AltaVista or Excite. Search engines have a text box where you type in a keyword or words. A search engine is a software program that reads the keywords in the text box and searches the Internet for Web pages, websites and other Internet flies that use them. These documents are shown on the computer screen in a results listing.

When carrying out searches, you should usually be specific and brief in your choice of words. If the keyword is too general or includes too many different meanings, the results listing may not be useful. Different search engines categorize information in different ways, which changes the way they store and retrieve it.

Using upper case letters (capital letters) in a keyword search will only retrieve documents that use upper case. Typing in lower case (no capitals)is usually better because search engines will retrieve documents that use both upper case and lower case letters.

You can narrow a search using logical operators such as AND, OR and NOT. AND retrieves all the words typed in the text box, OR retrieves either of the words and NOT excludes words. Spelling is important when typing in keywords, but a search engine will not usually read punctuation, prepositions and articles.

Exercise 10. Tick (▼) the good things to do to find information on the Internet.

1 Choose keywords that are different to the item you want.

2 Give the best keyword to describe what you want.

3 Use as many general keywords as possible.

4 Try to use a keyword that can have only one meaning.

5 Type your keywords in lower case only.

6 Use logical operators to narrow your search.

7 Use full stops and commas.

8 Do not use words like at, in, on, a/an and the.

Exercise 11. Find the words and phrases in the text that mean:

1 clear and exact (paragraph 2)   ______

2 put into similar groups (2)        ______

3 to bring back (2) ______

4 make smaller (4)                       ______

5 mathematical words (4)           ______

6 does not use (4)            _________

Exercise 12. Talk about the keywords you should use to find information on the following topics.

· information on cheap hotels in the UK

· what the weather will be like tomorrow

· an essay on the history of the European Economic Union

· mobile phones that connect to the Internet

· a nice present for your mother's birthday.

Topic “E-Mail”.

Grammar: All tenses compared.

2.3 Exercises.

Exercise 1. Which of these things do you do with e-mail and which do you do with letters? Compare your answers with another student.

write a subject • send copies • write an address

• add attachments • sign in • sign your name

• go to your inbox • use a post box

• click on a name

Exercise 2. E-mails, like letters, should have a start and an end. Which phrases usually start a message and which end one? Write S (start) or E (end) next to the phrase.

1 Yours sincerely, ______

2 Love and kisses to all..

3 Dear Sir or Madam, _

4 Thanks for your e-mail. ____

5 Give my regards to your family..

6 Good to hear from you. ____

Which are formal (F)? Which are informal (I)? Write F or I.

Exercise 3. Write these messages in the correct order. Which are formal and which are informal?

1 e-mail 21st your August. I to refer dated

2 your I e-mail thanks, yesterday, got

3 you. can't I see wait to

4 seeing look to you. forward I

5 me a Give if you need ring me.

6 require call if assistance. Please you

Exercise 4. Work in pairs, A and B. Each of you has a box of commands and fields and a diagram of a typical e-mail Compose window with some of the commands and fields missing. You also have information about the commands and fields in your diagram.

• Look at your tables and diagrams before you start the activity.

• Take it in turns to ask and answer questions about your missing commands and fields.

Exercise 5. Match the questions (1-5) with the answers (a-e).

1 I want to send Katrina a copy of my e-mail to Petr, but I don't want Petr to know I sent her a copy. What do I do?

2 Can I invite all of my friends to my party by e-mail?

3 I got a message telling me the Subject Field is empty. Do I have to type anything?

4 Peter saw me type in my password. Now I'm worried he can read my e-mail. What can I do?

5 I'd like to send a photograph of my birthday party to grandpa. What do I do?

a Sure. You can send multiple copies by typing all

the e-mail addresses in the Cc: field.

b Click on the Add/Edit Attachments command

and attach the file to the e-mail.

c No. That field is optional in your e-mail

program. You don't have to complete it.

d Use Bcc:. This field means that the recipient

doesn't know who has received a copy.

e Click on the Options command and change it

from there.                                                                

Exercise 6. Match the words and phrases (1-9) from the texts with the definitions (a-i).

1 recipient   a a copy of your e-mail

2 field          b an unfinished document, e.g.
an e-mail to send later

3 multiple    c a secret word

4 password  d the topic or heading of an e-mail

5 draft          e something you can choose to
do or not do

6 optional    f the person who receives the e-mail message

7 carbon copy g with nothing inside

8 subject      h a text box where you type
words or data

9 empty        i more than one

Exercise 7. Go to your e-mail program and send an e-mail about your English lessons to some of your friends using Cc:. Think of a title or heading for your e-mail and type it in the subject field. Send a Bcc: to your teacher.

2019-11-13 1517 Обсуждений (0)
Exercise 9. Read the text quickly and choose the correct answer. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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