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Ш. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

 1. The girl said, “I don’t study at the academy.”

 2. She said, “I was at home at seven o’clock.” 

 3. He says, ”I was writing a message at 5 o’clock.”

 4. He said, “I worked at the plant.” 

 5. John said, ”This man is our neighbour.”   

IV . Раскройте скобки. Переведите предложения на русский язык:  

1. If I (to go) to London, I (to visit) Abbey Road studio.  

 2. If she (to be) there, she (to buy) many interesting things. 

 3. If I (to be) in Scotland, I (to see) Edinburgh Castle .  

 4. I wish I (not to go) there yesterday.  

 5. I wish it (to be) summer now.  

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику:

1. Мы знаем, что она поедет в следующем году в Крым. 

 2. Он сказал, что учил немецкий язык в школе. 

 3. Она сказала, что завтра принесёт свой ноутбук.     

 4. Жаль, что мы не починили свою машину прошлым летом. 

 5. Если бы у меня была возможность, я бы учил немецкий язык.

 6. Учитель сказал, что Лондон - это столица Англии.

 7. Жаль, что у меня нет свободного времени.  

 8. Если ты приедешь в наш город, позвони мне.

 9. Если ты купишь новый компьютер, установи на него хороший антивирус.    

10. Она сообщила, что скоро навестит нас.    


Variant VII

I. Translate the text into Russian


Types of Maize. Several thousand varieties of maize are now grown

throughout the world and most of these can be allocated to one of the seven most

important groups: dent maize, flint maize, sweet corn, soft maize, popcorn, waxy maize, pod maize.

Soil Requirements. Successful maize cultivation is more frequently and

more easily achieved on soils which are of medium texture.

The maize land should be free draining in order that as much of the heat as

possible is employed in raising soil temperatures and not removing excess of soil

moisture. The soil should be naturally free draining to enable a full rooting system

to develop in a plentiful supply of oxygen.

Cultivation. Maize will require deeper ploughing, cultivations and seed-beds to obtain maximum growth. Autumn ploughing is advisable on stronger soils

and it may be left until the early spring when textures are light. Cultivations which

follow should be to a depth of 4-5 inches. They kill the weeds after germination;

inter-row cultivation can follow crop emergence to obtain further weed control.

Sunshine and Solar Energy. Little is said and written about sunshine and

solar energy requirements with this cereal. It is, however, assumed that for

satisfactory growth and ripening of the crop high levels of bright sunshine are re-

Maize is quite unique in its mode of growth and extent and duration of its

leaves. They grow in a manner which facilitates efficient use of radiant energy by

trapping most of the sun's rays and since the duration of full leaf extends almost to

grain maturity, the sun's energy can be transferred to grain yield throughout the

whole life of the plant. A point close to optimum leaf area is obtained early and

maintained almost to grain maturity thus making maize one of the most efficient

utilizers and converters of solar energy into plant energy particularly when the

whole plant is considered as the economic yield.

II . Составьте пять вопросов к тексту.

Ш. Переведите прямую речь в косвенную:

1. He said, “I didn’t understand this rule.”

 2. The girl said, “I‘ll go to the Black Sea next year.” 

 3. She says, ”I saw him in the park.”

 4. He said, “I have seen her here.” 

 5. Mary said, ”This is our new house.”   

IV . Раскройте скобки. Переведите предложения на русский язык:  

1. If I (to see) you, I (to be) very glad.  

 2. If she (to get) home, she (to phone) you at once. 

 3. If I (to go) to Scotland last year, I (to take) my camera with me.  

 4. I wish you (not to be) so greedy.      

 5. I wish it (to be) winter now.  

V. Переведите на английский язык, используя активную лексику:

1. Мы знали, что ему нравятся «Битлз». 

 2. Он сказал, что в следующем году поедет в Ливерпуль. 

 3. Она говорит, что не любит долго ждать.     

 4. Жаль, что мы не пришли вчера вовремя 

 5. Если бы у меня была возможность, я бы поехал в Шотландию.

 6. Все знают, что Нью Йорк - один из крупнейших городов мира.

 7. Жаль, что у меня нет этой книги.  

 8. Если бы ты его сейчас увидел, ты бы очень удивился.

 9. Если ты поедешь загород, возьми с собой побольше еды.     

10. Она сообщила, что Нью Йорк – это столица США.     


Variant VIII

I. Translate the text into Russian


Soil. The cultivation of oats may take place on a wide range of soil types with a reasonable degree of success. Oats can be found on all the light to medium soils in the higher rainfall areas and will give high yielding crops of good quality.

They can also produce good crops on some of the heavier soils, clay and silts, in

the drier areas of Britain where there are significant moisture reserves in the soil

which can be drawn upon during a particularly dry time.

Climate. The oat crop is particularly suited to the cooler, more humid climate of the western and northern regions of Britain where growth is relatively slow and as a result the grains have plenty of time to fill out to produce good plump samples.

Seed-bed Preparation. Oats are said to be the best cereal to follow the

ploughing up of grassland but this is only true if the grass is turned in timely and

well, the furrow slice being properly inverted and no large air pockets left which

tend to accentuate drying out.

Ploughing depths should be 6 inches except where grass or surface trash

need to be buried deeper and then 8-9 inches plough depths may be required.

Where early ploughing has been carried out it is often only necessary to give the

land a light-medium harrowing to obtain the desired tilth in the top 3 inches of the

Harvest. It has been pointed out that for straw to have additional feeding value the crop should be cut early and this will mean hindering one or two weeks before full ripeness. Very tall crops may be cut earlier than usual to make the harvesting easier and to avoid risks of late lodging and this will also apply to crops which have been undersown. Quick maturing varieties will often be cut before the rest to avoid grain losses and lodging. Some people suppose the best time to cut a good standing crop of oats is a few days before it is fully ripe. Since oats are much more prone to losing their grain by shattering than the other cereals then hindering must always be before full maturity.

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