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The Statue of Liberty symbolizes ...

2019-11-21 390 Обсуждений (0)
The Statue of Liberty symbolizes ... 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

a) a woman with a torch;              b) a land of freedom;

c) the man's sculpture;                  d) the commercial center of New York;

Which part of London can be called its centre?

a) the City;            b) the West End;   c) the East End;     d) the Westminster;

Who is officially the head of state in Great Britain?

a) the Parliament;                          d) Conservative Party;

b) the Prime Minister;                   e) the King or Queen;

c) Labour Party;

4. What's the capital city of Scotland?

a) London;             b) Edinburgh; c) Glasgow;           d) Cardiff;

Who is officially the head of the state and the government of the USA?

a) Congress;                      d) President;

b) Republican Party;         e) Communist Party;

c) Democratic Party;

6. The United Kingdom is a …

a) constitutional monarchy; b) republic;            c) empire;   d) monarchy;

What is the most important festival of the year for the most British?

a) Halloween; b) Christmas; c) New Year's Day;

d) St.Valentine’s Day;

How many chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

a) one;                    b) two;                   c) three;                             d) four;

9. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as …

a) a Red Rose;                   b) St. George;        c) the Union Jack;     

d) the Stars and Stripes;

The oldest royal residence is ...

a) Buckingham Palace;                             d) Covent Garden;

b) The Tower of London;             e) The City;

c) Westminster Abby;

11. Do you … clean the house every day or every week?

a) must;                  b) had to;

c) have to;              d) have;

12. She tried to get out of the house, but … . The doors were locked.

a) couldn’t;                       b) wouldn’t;

c) was to;                          d) needn’t;

13. I may … go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there.

a) had to;               b) had;

c) have to;              d) have;

14. He explained that they … for us at seven near the gate.

a) would be waiting;         b) will be waiting;

c) would wait;                   d) will wait;

15. We saw the castles that … centuries before.

a) had been built;              b) are built;

c) were built;         d) built;

16. We wanted to know where she … her holiday.

a) would be spending;                              b) was going to spend;

c) is going to spend;                      d) is spending;

17. When we arrived at the airport, we found that the flight … .

a) had been cancelled;                  b) is being cancelled;

c) has been cancelled;       d) is cancelled;

Guernica ... by Picasso.

a) has painted;       b) is painted;

c) paints;                            d) was painted;

19. America … several centuries ago.

a) had been discovered;                b) was discovered;

c) will be discovered;        d)is discovered;

Alpha Romeo cars ...in Italy.

a) made;                                                    b) make;

c) are made;                                              d) has been made;


Вариант 5

А .М . Terpigorev (1873-1959)

to defend graduation paper (thesis) - защищать дипломную работу (диссертацию)

to pass an entrance examination - сдать вступительный экзамен

to get a higher education - получить высшее образование

to do one's best (one's utmost, all one can, everything in one's power) - сделать все возможное, не жалеть сил

to make contribution ( to) - вносить вклад в (науку, технику и т.д.)

choose ( chose, chosen ) - v выбирать; choice - nвыбор

collect - v собирать, коллекционировать

dangerous - а опасный

deposit - n месторождение, залежь; bedded deposits - пластовые месторождения

describe - v описывать, изображать; description - n описание; descriptive - а описательный

facility - n ( pl facilities) средства; возможности; оборудование; устройства

fire damp - n рудничный газ, метан

harm - n вред; v вредить; harmful - а вредный

relate - v относиться, иметь отношение

safety - n безопасность; mine safety безопасность труда при горных работах; техника безопасности; safety measures меры безопасности; safe - а безопасный; надежный

seam - n пласт (угля); syn bed, layer; flat seam горизонтальный, пологопадающий пласт; inclined seam наклонный пласт; steep seam крутопадающий пласт; thick seam мощный пласт; thin seam тонкий пласт

state - n состояние; государство; штат; а государственный; v заявлять; констатировать; излагать

success - v успех; удача; be a success иметь успех; successful a успешный

       Academician A.M. Terpigorev is a well-known mining engineer who successfully combined his practical experience with scientific research. He was bom in 1873 in Tambov. In 1892 he finished school with honours1 and decided to get a higher education. He chose the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg, passed all the entrance examinations successfully and became a student of the Mining Institute.

       At the Institute he studied the full range of subjects2 relating to metallurgy, mining and mining mechanics.

       At that time students' specialization was based on descriptive courses and elementary practical training. One of the best lecturers was A. P. Karpinsky. His lectures on historical geology were very popular.

       During his practical training Terpigorev visited mines and saw that the miners' work was very difficult. While he was working in the Donbas he collected material for his graduation paper which he soon defended. The Mining of flat seams in the Donbas was carefully studied and described in it.

       In 1897 Terpigorev graduated from the Institute with a first-class diploma of a mining engineer.

       His first job as a mining engineer was at the Sulin mines where he worked for more than three years first as Assistant Manager and later as Manager.

From 1900 till 1922 Terpigorev worked at the Yekaterinoslav Mining Institute (now the Mining Institute in Dnepropetrovsk).

       In 1922 he accepted an offer to take charge of the mining chair at the Moscow Mining Academy and moved to Moscow. From 1930 he headed the chairs5 of Mining Transport and Mining of Bedded Deposits at the Moscow Mining Institute.

       Academician Terpigorev took a particular interest in mine safety. As a result of his investigations a series of safety measures in gassy collieries was worked out. For some time he was working on the problem of fire damp, the most harmful and dangerous of all the gases in mines.

       His two-volume work Coal Mining and Mine Transport Facilities is a full description of the state of mechanization and the economy of the Donbas. His other works are about mining transport facilities, mechanization of coal mining and mining machinery. He is one of the pioneers in scientific methods of coal gasification.

       1. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.

1.    After school Terpigorev decided to work in a mine.

2.    Terpigorev collected material for his graduation paper which dealt with mining thick seams in the Donbas.

3.    For more than three years Terpigorev worked at the Sulin mines.

4.    In 1922 Terpigorev accepted an offer to take charge of the mining chair at the Moscow Mining Institute.

5.    He investigated the problems of mine safety.

6.    He was one of the first to work on the problem of gasification of coal.

       2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.    When and where was Terpigorev born?

2.    What institute did he graduate from?

3.    What material did he collect while he was working in the Donbas?

4.    Where did Terpigorev work from 1900 till 1922?

5.    At what institute did Terpigorev head the chair of Mining Bedded Deposits?

6.    What did Terpigorev take a particular interest in?

7.    What works by Terpigorev do you know?

8.    What problems do Terpigorev's works deal with?

9.    What was the result of his investigations on mine safety?

       3. Переведите следующие сочетания слов.

а) охрана труда в шахтах

б) подтверждать

в) добыча угля

г) эксплуатация месторождений

д) метан

e) принять предложение

ж) выполнить задачу, задание

з) горизонтальный пласт

и) собирать материал

1.    поступить в институт

2.    решать важные проблемы

3.    выдающиеся исследователи

4.    успешно провести эксперименты

5.    выбрать профессию

6.    описательный курс

7.    происхождение железной руды

8.    начальник шахты    

9.    мероприятия по охране труда


Английский язык

Вариант №5

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