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Задание 7.  Вспомните с 6 пункта остальные пункты типового договора о купле-продаже

2019-11-22 672 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 7.  Вспомните с 6 пункта остальные пункты типового договора о купле-продаже 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Задание 8. Определите вид придаточного предложения: (обстоятельственное, определительное и именное). Проанализируйте члены в обоих предложениях

If people see that they can make money from the Internet, commercial use of this network will increase.

Задание 9. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу местоимения и союзы: who , that , which , when , where , whose , whom , who

Jorge Lopez. I seem to remember that name. Isn't he the man __we owe the check to?

Задание 10. Найдите ошибку в предложении и исправьте ее.

If they have a good sale, I would have stopped by on my way home.

Задание 11. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную предложение .

Mr White asked, "When is MV Orion arriving in Odessa?"

Задание 12. Вставьте вместо пропусков инфинитив либо герундий.

1. We decided against going to the movie,2.  We planned to study instead. 3. I enjoy __ advice to everyone, (give)

Задание 13.Преобразуйте приведенное ниже предложение таким образом, чтобы герундий стал подлежащим.

It difficult to plan your future.

Задание 14. Раскройте скобки :

If you (not drive) more carefully you (have) an accident.

Задание 15 Переведите на русский язык:

1. I wish the customers were not late as usual.2.  If I were in your place I wouldn't buy the tickets beforehand.



Вариант VII

Задание 1 . Текст прочитать, списать и сделать перевод на русский язык.   

Preparing to negotiate

an expert on negotiation explains roles. Before negotiations begin, preparing and planning are very important.

a  Get as much information as possible about the situation. If dealing with people from

another culture, find out about its etiquette and negotiating styles: the way people negotiate, what they consider to be acceptable and unacceptable behaviour, and so on.

B  Work out your initial bargaining position: what are your needs and objectives (the things that you want to achieve)? Decide your priorities (the most important objectives).

с  Try to estimate the needs and objectives of the other side.

d  Prepare a fallback position: conditions that you will accept if your original objectives are not met.

e  Perhaps you are in a position to influence the choice of venue: the place where you are going to meet. If so, would you prefer to:

 -be on your own ground / on home ground (in your own offices)

-go to see the other side on their ground (in their offices)

-meet on neutral ground, for example in a hotel?

F  If you are negotiating as part of a negotiating team, consult your colleagues about points a to e, and allocate roles and responsibilities.'

Negotiating scenario. At the beginning of a negotiation, follow these steps:

-Meet and greet representative! of the other company and introduce your colleagues.

-Offer coffee and small talk. Try to create a relaxed atmosphere.

-Go to the meeting room and suggest that you get down to business.

-Have a clear agenda and a timetable.

-First, give the background to the negotiations. Talking about the situation is a good way of reminding people of key facts and issues.

-Then kick off the

negotiations themselves, perhaps by finding out more about the priorities of the other side (the things they think are most important) or talking about your own requirements.

Negotiating styles. When you're negotiating with people from other cultures, it's important to think about what they consider as 'normal' behaviour. You'll need to think about the following:

body language, conversational rules, hierarchy, physical contact, relationship building,            

attitudes to time.

Задание 2 . Перевести предложение. Задать к нему все вопросы.

We received this letter from Continental Equipment a week ago.

Задание 3. Переведите и определите залог и время сказуемого:

1. I am work­ing now. 2. The work will have been done when he come.3.  They can be seen in our library every day. 4.   I was told to wait in the reception room.

Задание 4.  Раскройте скобки, поставьте гла­голы в нужные формы страдательного залога:

1. This newspaper (not read) because the pages (not cut).2.  The children (take) to the circus tomorrow.

Задание 5. Определите, какими частями речи являются слова и переведите их:

 to check — check — checking — checked

Задание 6. Поставьте глаголы в нужную временную форму, соблюдая правило согласования времен. Переведите предложения :

1. He said that he (can) not do it without my help. 2.  It was decided that we (to begin) our work early.

Задание 7.  Вспомните с 6 пункта остальные пункты типового договора о купле-продаже

Задание 8.  Определите вид придаточного предложения: ( обстоятельственное, определительное и именное). Проанализируйте члены в обоих предложениях

AH employees who have worked for our firm five or more years are entitled to four personal days a year.

Задание 9.  Вставьте подходящие по смыслу местоимения и союзы: who , that , which , when , where , whose , whom , who

They take on extra staff at Easter. That's the time of the year ___ they are at their busiest

Задание 10. Найдите ошибку в предложении и исправьте ее.

If 1 had more time, I would checked my paper again.

2019-11-22 672 Обсуждений (0)
Задание 7.  Вспомните с 6 пункта остальные пункты типового договора о купле-продаже 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: Задание 7.  Вспомните с 6 пункта остальные пункты типового договора о купле-продаже

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