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Ссылка для цитирования

2019-11-13 190 Обсуждений (0)
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УДК 159.922.7:616.89-053.2

Султанова А.С. Нейропсихологический подход к обеспечению психического здоровья детей и подростков // Медицинская психология в России: электрон. науч. журн. – 2017. – T. 9, № 1(42). – С. 7 [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://mprj.ru (дата обращения: чч.мм.гггг).


Все элементы описания необходимы и соответствуют ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 "Библиографическая ссылка" (введен в действие 01.01.2009). Дата обращения [в формате число-месяц-год = чч.мм.гггг] – дата, когда вы обращались к документу и он был доступен.



Neuropsychological approach to the provision of mental health of children
and adolescents

Sultanova A.S. (Moscow, Russia)



Sultanova Alfiya Sergeevna – candidate of psychological sciences, assistant professor, senior researcher of the Laboratory of Psychological-Pedagogical Foundations of Developmental Education and Emotional-Personal Development of the FSBSI "The institute for Studying Childhood, Family and Upbringing of the Russian Academy of Education", 5/16 Makarenko str., Moscow, Russia, 105062. Phone: 8 (495) 625-29-35. E-mail: [email protected]



The paper identifies and considers two aspects of a neuropsychological approach to the provision of mental and psychological health of children:
I. Neuropsychological aid in case of mild neuropsychic pathology and borderline states. The paper deals with the most frequent neuropsychological syndromes in children: 1) a syndrome of functional insufficiency of subcortical (subcortical-stem) brain structures, 2) a syndrome of retarded development of prefrontal brain areas and establishment of associations between frontal lobes and subcortical-stem brain structures, 3) a syndrome of functional insufficiency of the left hemisphere combined with misbalance in the functional development of the right hemisphere against the background of retarded formation of interhemispheric interaction.
II. Neuropsychological aid to children with severe forms of pathological states and a complicated structure of the defect: specifics of neuropsychological diagnostics and correction.

Key words: neuropsychology of child age; mental health; neuropsychological syndromes; neuropsychological diagnostics and correction.

  Received: December 12, 2016 Accepted: January 9, 2017 Publisher: February 3, 2017

For citation



The publication has been prepared within a framework of a state assignment of the RAE ISCFU


Providing mental and psychological health of a young generation is a crucial issue almost for every country including Russia. A recent decade has witnessed the growing spread of various neuropsychic disorders and growing psychological disadvantage of children and adolescents. The prevalence of pregnancy and birth pathology, somatic illnesses and other pathological states in childhood leading to the impairments of mental development has been growing. Different authors report that the prevalence of perinatal disorder of the neural system in children varies from 45 to 80% [1; 2; 12]. Meanwhile, perinatal pathology of the CNC even in case of a favorable income has remote effects and a negative influence on child’s mental development and social adaptation [9; 14]. The prevalence of basic forms of children’s mental illnesses grows by 10—15% each ten year; in 70% cases, neuro-mental illnesses cause child incapacity [11]. There is a growth of suicides among children and adolescents, the number of which has recently increased by 35—37% in Russia. In 2013, the Russian Federation occupied the first place in Europe by the number of suicides among children and adolescents [4]; there is one suicide death for almost 200 suicidal attempts [5]. Specialists assume that over 80% of children need some psychological, psychotherapeutic, or psychiatric aid now [13]. The increasing prevalence of both severe and borderline forms of mental pathology in a child population is a kind of challenge for modern psychiatry, clinical and special psychology, defectology, and pedagogics, a challenge that, in our opinion, has not received an adequate answer yet. We assume that there is a need for a complex approach to this issue. Only interdisciplinary interaction of specialists in this area can improve health and harmonize the development of a growing generation. Neuropsychology of child age is one of the disciplines to elaborate scientific and applied aspects of health saving technologies for children and adolescents.

Child neuropsychology as a scientific trend has been developing for several decades and its methods have long been successfully applied for the correction of various pathological and borderline states in children; however, many specialists are not well aware of the tasks, methods and specifics of this trend. Child neuropsychology "studies and analyzes the interaction between the formation of mental functions and cognitive sphere of a child and the maturation of neural sphere; besides, it investigates the specifics of mental functions disorders in case of organic injuries and impaired brain work in childhood [6, p. 7].

We identify two aspects of a neuropsychological approach to providing mental health of children and adolescents:

I. Neuropsychological aid in case of mild psychoneurological (neuropsychic) pathology, borderline states, and deviating development to children from a "risk group": neuropsychological diagnostics and correction, secondary prophylaxis.
II. Neuropsychological aid to children with severe pathological states and a complicated structure of the defect: neuropsychological correction, neuropsychological support of ontogenesis, secondary and tertiary prophylaxis.

2019-11-13 190 Обсуждений (0)
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