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V . Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

2019-12-29 230 Обсуждений (0)
V . Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Networking: A Cost Effective Investment For Your Business


   Let’s be honest. When most people think of making an investment in their business, their minds become clouded with thoughts of dollars and cents. They think about the cost of equipment, websites, lawyers, accountants, advertising, payroll, etc.

    You are often competing against numerous other companies that are already established and have the funds to create a competitive advantage. This creates a situation where you must try and create some sort of advantage for your company that your competitors cannot.

    One relatively inexpensive, often forgotten investment strategy that can prove to be very effective in the quest to expand your business and professional/personal brand is networking.    Networking, when done correctly, exposes your company, product/service, and brand to other business professionals, advertisers, sponsors, and potential clients. Research has shown that effective networking can be directly related to increase in a company’s profitability.

    In the simplest of terms, networking can be defined as the process or practice of building up or maintaining informal relationships, especially with people whose friendship could bring advantages such as job or business opportunities.

    The costs associated with networking are often very minimal, and some networking events are even free. Those that are not may have an admission fee that ranges any where from $10 to $50 per person, a modest fee that will pay significant dividends.

   In addition to networking, most business owners should also look to spend some funds on clothing, accessories, business cards, etc. This step is often cast aside as superficial; however, it should not be overlooked as first impressions are about 70% of the networking experience and, thus, should be taken very seriously. It is important to view every individual you meet (both inside and outside of a formal networking event) as a potential ally with whom you can build a mutually beneficial relationship. This is why your appearance and personal brand should be carefully considered.


VI . Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.


1. What investments in business do you know?

2. What does networking mean?

3. Why is networking called a cost effective strategy?


VII . Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.


                 Email Etiquette That Works For Business Communications


    There is unmistakable evidence that email has yet to evolve as an efficient form of business communications. Some people fail to see how email is a vast improvement over telephone voice mail when it comes to getting a timely response after you hit the “send” button. How many times have you left a voice mail and waited around for someone to get back to you? Have you been tempted to leave another message to convey the importance of what you want? If you have, you know that waiting time can be an awkward and anxiety – inducing interlude.

    If I ask you for some information, and you can’t get to it right away, all you have to do is hit “reply” and say something to the effect of, “Got it. I’m swamped now, but I’ll get back to you by close of business tomorrow.” So without having to pick up the phone, you tap out a few words and the sender is satisfied, knowing that the original email got through. Fail to send back that simple acknowledgement, and the irritation mounts.

    However, email, for all its blessings, can also be a source of annoyance and frustration. Too often, the byproducts are confusion, impatience and resentment. Email has a serious limitation. Your notion of the recipients’ immediate reaction is nonexistent when you can’t see their expressions and other non – speaking cues, as you would in a face-to-face encounter or tone of voice over the phone. Lacking those signs, you may not be cautious about injecting too much emotion (anger) or levity (sarcasm about a colleague) into your message. And remember: Email can be forwarded to addresses unknown to you, and it can be stored in someone’s file for a long, long time.

    So, it seems a good idea, when in doubt get up out of your chair and make it an in – person conversation. Don’t let high-tech electronic communications take the place of the direct give – and – take that has sustained the workaday world for many years.


VIII . Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.


1. Can you give any evidence that email is an efficient form of communication?


2. Why can email be a source of annoyance and frustration?

Немецкий язык


     В целях успешного освоения курса немецкого языка студентам предлагается следующая схема подготовки и предъявления на контроль преподавателю устных тем, текстов и контрольных работ:


Материал для самостоятельного изучения Материал для предъявления на контроль преподавателю

I семестр

I . Устная речь Темы: «Моя биография», «Встреча зарубежного партнера», «Образование в России или стране изучаемого языка » Материал по темам из любого имеющегося сборника устных тем по немецкому языку. II . Письменная речь: Составление резюме III . Контрольная работа №1 Схемы по грамматическим темам представлены перед текстом контрольной работы. I . Устная речь: 1. Монологическое сообщение «Моя биография». 2. Диалог «Встреча зарубежного партнера». 3. Монологическое сообщение «Образование в России или стране изучаемого языка »   II . Письменная речь: Составление резюме III . Контрольная работа №1 Во время защиты контрольных работ студент должен уметь устно выполнить любое задание и перевести текст контрольной работы (допускается использование самостоятельно составленного словаря). IV .Тексты для самостоятельного чтения


Содержание обучения во II семестре


Для оптимального усвоения материала на II курсе, предлагаем следующую схему подготовки и предъявления на контроль преподавателю устных тем, текстов и контрольных работ:


Материал для самостоятельного изучения Материал для предъявления на контроль преподавателю

II семестр

I . Устная речь: Темы: «Страны изучаемого языка»,  «Моя профессия» II . Письменная речь: - составление рекламного письма III . Контрольная работа №2 Схемы по грамматическим темам представлены перед текстом контрольной работы. I . Устная речь: 1. Монологическое сообщение «Страны изучаемого языка». 2. Монологическое сообщение «Моя профессия». II . Письменная речь: составление рекламного письма. III . Контрольная работа №2 IV . Тексты для самостоятельного чтения.


2019-12-29 230 Обсуждений (0)
V . Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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