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Problems involving speech

2019-12-29 231 Обсуждений (0)
Problems involving speech 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

    There are several organic and psychological factors that can affect speech. Among these are: diseases and disorders of the lungs or the vocal cords, including paralysis, respiratory infections (bronchitis), vocal fold nodules and cancers of the lungs and throat. Diseases and disorders of the brain, including alogia, aphasias, dysarthria, dystonia and speech processing disorders, where impaired motor planning, nerve transmission, phonological processing or perception of the message (as opposed to the actual sound) leads to poor speech production. Hearing problems, such as otitis media with effusion, and listening problems, auditory processing disorders, can lead to phonological problems. Articulatory problems, such as slurred speech, stuttering, lisping, cleft palate, ataxia, or nerve damage leading to problems in articulation. Tourette syndrome and tics can also affect speech. In addition to dysphasia, anomia and auditory processing disorder can impede the quality of auditory perception, and therefore, expression. Those who are Hard of Hearing or deaf may be considered to fall into this category.

Active vocabulary:

Read and learn by heart:

several- несколько некоторый

affect- действовать, влиять на ч-либо

disease- болезнь

disorder- беспорядок

brain- ум

transmission- передача, привод

perception- восприятие, ощущение, осознание

message-сообщение, донесение, послание

articulation- артикуляция

nerve- нерв

in addition- в добавок

quality- качество

therefore- следовательно                                                         

Exercise I. Supply answers to the following questions:

1. What can effect speech?

2. What are they?

3. What diseases and disorders of the brain do lead to poor speech production?

4. What hearing problems can lead to phonological problems?

5. What articulatory problems, can lead to problems in articulation?

6. What else can effect speech?


Exercise II. Fill in the right preposition:

1. Nerve transmission, phonological processing or perception of the message (as opposed to the actual sound) leads .... poor speech production.

2. Hearing problems, such as otitis media with effusion, and listening problems, auditory processing disorders, can lead ..... phonological problems.

3. . ... addition ..... dysphasia, anomia and auditory processing disorder can impede the quality of auditory perception.

4. . Those who are Hard of Hearing or deaf may be considered .... fall ..... this category.


Exercise III. Give three forms of the following verbs:

to affect, to include, to impair, to lead, to hear, to listen, to damage, to impede, to consider.

Exercise IV. Retell the text in your own words.

Text A

Read and translate the text:

                                               Defectology is a part of pedagogy.

       Only recently, the entire field of theoretical knowledge and practical scientific work, which we conveniently call by the name of “defectology,” was viewed as a minor part of pedagogy, not unlike how medicine views minor surgery. All the problems in this field have been posed and resolved as quantitative problems. Entirely accurately, M. Kruenegel States that the prevailing psychological methods for studying an abnormal child (A. Binet’s metric scale or G. I. Rossolimo’s profile) are based on a purely quantitative conception of childhood development as impeded by a defect (M. Kruenegel, 1926). These methods determine the degree to which the intellect is lowered, without characterizing either the defect itself or the inner structure of the personality created by it. According to O. Lipmann, these methods may be called measurement, but not an examination of ability, Intelligenzmessungen but not Intelligenzpruefungen (O. Lipmann, H. Bogen, 1923), since they establish the degree, but neither the kind nor the character of ability (O. Lipmann, 1924).

       Other pedological methods for studying the handicapped child are also correct and relevant-not only psychological methods, but also those encompassing other sides of a child’s development (anatomical and physiological). And here, scale and measure have become the basic categories of research, as if all problems of defectology were but problems of proportion, and as though all the diverse phenomena studied in defectology could be encompassed by a single scheme: “more versus less.” In defectology, counting and measuring came before experimentation, observation, analysis, generalization, description, and qualitative diagnosis.

analysis, generalization, description, and qualitative diagnosis

Active vocabulary

Read and learn by heart:





 abnormal-из ряда вон выходящий


to determine-определять,устанавливать,решать



according to- согласно

inner- внутренний

to establish-основывать,учреждать




to impeded-препятствовать,задерживать

 handicapped-помеха, с отклонениями





research-научное исследование










Exercise I . Answer the following guestions:

1. What do we call by the name “defectology”?

2. Have all the problems in this field been posed?

3. What are the methods based on?

4. What is a measurement?

5. Do these methods determine the degree?

6. Are pedagogical methods cored?

7. Have a scale become the basic category of research?

8. Where does counting come in defectology?

Exercise II. Put 4-5 more questions to the text.                                                                   

Exercise III. Give Russian \ Kazakh equivalents for:

 the entire field of theoretical knowledge; as a minor part of pedagogy; as quantitative problems;

entirely accurately; methods for studying an abnormal child; to be based on a purely quantitative conception of childhood development; an examination of ability; the character of ability; methods for studying the handicapped child; sides of a child’s development; scale and measure have become the basic categories of research; defectology could be encompassed by a single scheme.

 Exercise IV. Make up sentences of your own with the expressions above

Exercise V. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations and read the sentences with them:

недавно, теоретическое знание и практическая научная работа, методы изучения детей с отклонениями, основанный чисто на количественной концепции развития детства, методы определяющие уровень интелекта, структура личности, устанавливать уровень, методы изучения умственно неполноценного ребенка, другие стороны развития детей.

Exercise VI. Guess the meaning of the words:

minor, quantitative, entirely, abnormal, purely, inner structure, neither ....nor..., handicapped, though, phenomena, single, counting, observation, generalization, description.

2019-12-29 231 Обсуждений (0)
Problems involving speech 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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