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Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

2019-12-29 270 Обсуждений (0)
Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

1. Even a criminal must be told the nature of his crime before (convict).

2. The boy is fond of (play) with pebbles.

3. You couldn't look at her without (strike) by her modesty.

4. The prospect of (spend) the whole week with Michael was enchanting.

5. She consoled herself by (think) that he loved her as much as he was capable of (love).

Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. It was (surprise) that she didn't come to the station.

2. I usually find hockey rather (bore).

3. Are you (interest) in biology?

4. She was too (frighten) to call.

5. (paralise) with terror he didn't know what to do.

Translate into English using Passive Voice.

1. Можно ли положиться на эти цифры?

2. Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдешь на полках библиотек.

3. Когда мы приехали в Киев, это здание было только что восстановлено.

4. Со мной так еще никогда не разговаривали.

5. Этот материал хорошо носится и стирается.

6. Что строится на этой стороне реки?

7. Почему так прохладно в зале? – Его как раз проветривают.

8. Ваш проект уже принят? – Нет, он все еще рассматривается.

9. Когда мы пришли, обсуждалась новая картина этого режиссера.

10.  Чей концерт сейчас исполняется?

Make all types of questions to each sentence (general, special, disjunctive, alternative).

1. 50 to 70 percent of doctors' visits are due to stress-related illnesses.

2. Demand management refers to patient education, training programs, early detection, and self-care programs.

3. Job settings include family and child welfare agencies, hospitals and other health care facilities.

Вариант 4

Read and translate the text.


Gentrification refers to the physical, social, economic, and cultural phenomenon whereby working-class and/or inner-city neighbourhoods are converted into more affluent middle-class communities, as by remodelling buildings, resulting in increased property values and in the displacement of the poor. Gentrification is a complex term that is difficult to define; it is a process that has inherent class connotations and is an extremely visible process thatplays a key role in the physical and social form of contemporary cities. Gentrification is intertwined with change; as the community's buildings undergo renovation and beautification, rents increase resulting in a displacement of old residents that are replaced by more affluent ones.

Sociologist Ruth Glass coined the term in 1964, which she defined using London districts such as Islington as her example:

One by one, many of the working class quarters of London have been invaded by the middle-class – upper and lower. Shabby, modest mews and cottages – two rooms up and two down – have been taken over, when their leases have expired, and have become elegant, expensive residents [...]. Once this process of "gentrification" starts in a district it goes on rapidly until all or most of the original working class occupiers are displaced and the whole social character of the district is changed.

Gentrification can be a politically contentious issue. Gentrification highlights the instability of renting, whereby people might be forced to move away from newly desirable areas because the rent has now gone higher. Usually this conflict is limited to the local level and therefore many who live outside urban areas may not be aware of it. In response to gentrification pressure, cities in which there are more renters than owners often pass rent control ordinances.

Answer the questions to the text.

1. What is gentrification?

2. How does it affect the poor?

3. How does it change the face of the city?

4. What social effects does it have?

5. Is gentrification a visible process?

Write the sentences in Passive Voice with the same meaning.

1. Nobody told me that George was ill.

2. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.

3. I think they should have offered Tom the job.

4. Has anyone shown you the new machine?

5. Somebody has cleaned the office.

6. Someone has stolen a picture from a museum.

7. The room looked dirty because we hadn't cleaned it for a week.

8. I packed my things an hour ago.

Complete the sentences using have to, can, must, should, be able to in the appropriate form.

1. I'm sorry I couldn't come yesterday. I … work late.

2. … I use your telephone?

3. I think you … learn a few words of Greek before visiting this country.

4. Did you win the match? – Yes. It wasn't easy but I … do it.

5. You … be at work at 9 sharp!

6. … I put this notice in the corridor?

7. Her heart is weak. She … take treatment at hospital.

8. These goods are in demand. You ... advertise them.

Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets.

1. I hate (bother) with silly questions.

2. She objected to (treat) as if she were a child.

3. You hair is very long, it needs (cut).

4. I like (hear) that word. It brings back past memories.

5. (start) this school had been important to him.

Supply Participle I or Participle II for the verbs in brackets.

1. Janet will be (disappoint) if she fails the exam.

2. I sat in the corner (watch).

3. She was staring at him with wide and (terrify) eyes.

4. Miss Smith (look) rather unlike herself and (decorate) with a good many rings stood behind.

5. He was deeply (impress) by the woman who stood (wait) to receive him now.

2019-12-29 270 Обсуждений (0)
Complete the sentences using the Gerund of the verbs in brackets. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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