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A Disastrous Sailing Holiday.

2019-12-29 420 Обсуждений (0)
A Disastrous Sailing Holiday. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Bill and Simone Butler left Miami one summer weekend on their annual sailing holiday in their boat, Siboney. They wanted to sail round the Caribbean Sea (1)________ two weeks.

(2)________ their holiday, they saw a large group of whales. Bill and Simone were very excited.

Unfortunately, (3)_________ they were watching them, the whales began to hit the side of the boat.

Suddenly, water started flooding in, and they realized that they were in trouble. They quickly

jumped into the lifeboat (4)________ the boat was sinking, and watched it disappear under the sea.

Fortunately, they had enough food and water (5)_________ twenty days. They also had fishing

line and a machine which made salt water into drinking water. These two things helped them to

survive (6)_________ their terrible experience.

(7)________ the next 50 days they caught about ten fish a day and ate them raw. They saw about

twenty ships, but although they waved and shouted (8)_________ they were passing, nobody saw

them. They were becoming weaker and weaker. Then, just as they were beginning to lose hope, a

fishing boat rescued them. Their disastrous holiday was over.


EX .4. Составьте предложения, используя во второй части Past Perfect :

Ø Snapper couldn’t buy any present for his parents in Spain à spend all his money.

Ø Molly didn’t visit the Hermitage à lose her way in the city.

Ø Pad won a journey to Paris à write a good story.

Ø They stayed at home à car break down.

Ø We didn’t enjoy the tour à have uncomfortable buses.

Ø Dan didn’t fly à miss the flight.

Ø They went to an airfield à book some flying lessons.

Ø Thousand of tourists booked rooms in hotels à call there beforehand.

Ø We went to the football championship in England à buy tickets.

Ø Pipper wanted to go to Disney Land à see it on television.

EX .5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Ты не пришел на ужин в гостиницу, ты должно быть голоден.

2. Дина не должна ехать на экскурсию, у нее температура.

3. Я жду Тима уже 20 минут , он должен скоро подойти .

4. Стюардесса должна сейчас объявить высоту нашего полета.

5. Не опаздывайте, Самолет должен вылететь через 15 минут.

6. Алиса должна проверить запасы топлива. Нам предстоит длинная поездка.

7. Вы должно быть наш гид.

8. Горничная должна убирать номер 2 раза в день, пока она еще не приходила.

9. Я должен идти, мой автобус отходит через полчаса.

10. Когда мы пришли в зал ожидания, поезд уже прибыл на 3 платформу.

11. Горничная уже прибрала номер, когда Раиса вернулась к себе.

12. Я обнаружил что, потерял ключи от машины, которую мы взяли на прокат в Риме.

13. Им было интересно узнать, что Дэвид в школе учил русский язык.

14. Когда пилот попросил пассажиров пристегнуть ремни безопасности, я это уже сделал.

15. Экскурсия была совершенно мне неинтересна, т.к. я был в Спасе на Крови в прошлом году.

Ex .6. Переведите текст на русский язык, составьте вопросительные предложения к выделенным словам:



The usual meals in England are breakfast, lunch, tea, and dinner; or in simpler homes breakfast, dinner, tea, and supper.

In many countries on the Continent breakfast is a snack rather than a meal but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal. For breakfast some people have a plateful of corn-flakes with milk and sugar or a plateful of porridge to begin with, and if porridge is prepared in the proper Scottish manner, it is a tasty, economical and nourishing dish. English people eat porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but not a good Scotsman (and Scotland is the home of porridge) would ever put sugar on his porridge. Then comes at least one substantial course such as bacon and eggs, or sausages and bacon, or ham and eggs. For a change you may have a boiled egg or fried fish. Afterwards comes toast with butter and marmalade made from oranges. The meal is “washed down” with tea or coffee. Many English people now take such a full breakfast only on Sunday morning; on week-days they prefer to have a "Continental" breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee.

Lunch, served between half past twelve and half past one, is based on plain, simply-cooked food. Many employees and. business men in London usually find it impossible to come home for lunch and so take it in a canteen, or a cafe, or a restaurant, but those whoare at home ge­nerally have cold mutton (left over from yesterday's dinner), ham with boiled or fried potatoes, salad and pickles with some pudding or fruit to follow.

English mutton is a treat and it is prepared in such a way, that you wouldn't know it is mutton. Salad is different from ours. You only get the clean green leaves and the so called "salad-dressing", a mixture of oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and mayonnaise, that you may take according to your taste. For lunch you may also have a mutton chop or steak and chips followed by biscuits and cheese and a cup of coffee. Some people like to drink water and light beer with lunch.

Afternoon tea follows between four and five o'clock. You can hardly call it a meal. This is not generally a formal meal. Instead of sitting round the table you have tea brought to you and you balance a cup on your knee or in your hand as you take thin buttered bread, pastries, cake or biscuits. Tea is the favourite beverageinEngland* It is very strong and mostly drunk with milk or cream and sugar. There are no "coffee-houses" in England but tea-rooms and luncheon-rooms there are in abundance.

There is nothing like an English tea-party, be it at home or in the open air. Such little at homes and outings do much to further sociability and make you feel on good terms with all the company in a short time which is very helpful to a foreigner in England.

Dinner which is about at 7 o’clock in the evening is the biggest meal of the day. It begins with some soup /English soup has nothing in common with our beet and cabbage or cabbage soup/, then fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables and dessert. You may have beef­steak accompanied by roast potatoes, and a second vege­table (probably cabbage and carrots). English lamb chops make a very tasty dish, particularly when eaten with fresh spring peas, new potatoes and mint sauce. Apple pie is a favourite sweet, and English puddings are an excellent ending to a meal.


Вариант B.


EX .1. Отметьте, что случилось раньше:

Ø After they’d been shopping Tina decided to watch TV.

Ø They watched television

Ø They went shopping


Ø After they’d been to the museum Snapper and Nick bought some burgers.

Ø They bought some burgers.

Ø They went to the museum.


Ø Milly and Jane asked Bob a map because they’d lost it.

Ø They lost the map

Ø They asked him a map


Ø John’s friends bought him a present in the souvenir department because he hadn’t been very well.

Ø John wasn’t well

Ø His friends bought him a present


Ø Paula was angry because she had missed the train.

Ø Paula was angry

Ø Paula missed the train


2019-12-29 420 Обсуждений (0)
A Disastrous Sailing Holiday. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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