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2019-12-29 348 Обсуждений (0)



Специальности: «Менеджмент организации»,

 «Государственное и муниципальное управление»

Учебное пособие

Согласовано:                                          Утверждены на заседании кафедры

Заведующий кафедрой                             Гуманитарных и социальных дисциплин

Менеджмента                                              от «__25__» ____10____ 2007 г.

_________ к.э.н., доц. Морозова Ю.С.

Заведующий кафедрой

_____________ к.ф.н. доц. Разумеев М.Л.


Разработал – ст. преподаватель

Яцевич Т.В.


Петропавловск-Камчатский, 2007



1. OFFICE FURNITURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2. OFFICE EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

3. COMPUTERS IN AN OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

4. STATIONERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

5. ORIENTATION INSIDE AN OFFICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

6. OFFICE SAFETY & SECURITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

7. THE COMPANY YOU WORK FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

8. WELFARE SCHEME FOR EMPLOYEES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

9. BUSINESS ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

10. JOB TITLES & PERSONNEL FUNCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

11. JOB CONTENT AND OPPORTUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

12. SALARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

13. COMMUNICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

14. SPEAKING OVER THE PHONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

15. ARRANGING AN APPOINTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

16. PETTY CASH & CHANGING MONEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

17. MONEY & BANKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

SPECIAL FINANCING INSTITUTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

THE FINANCIAL MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

TODAY'S EXCHANGE MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

THE EUROCURRENCY MARKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50




Офисная мебель

modem furniture                   современная мебель
modular furniture                  модульная мебель
furnished                               меблированный
fitted wardrobe                     встроенный шкаф (для одежды)
built-in closet                        встроенный шкаф
corner construction               угловая конструкция
office cupboard                    канцелярский шкаф
desk                                      канцелярский (письменный стол)
typing desk                           стол для пишущей машинки
filing (file) cabinet                шкаф для картотек
filing shelves                         полки для картотеки
filing drawer                         ящик для картотеки
top / bottom drawer              верхний / нижний ящик
cabinet                                  шкафчик
conference grouping             уголок для проведения совеща­ний
conference table                    большой офисный стол
coffee table                           низкий столик
high-back desk chair             стул с высокой спинкой
visitor chair                           стул для посетителя
swivel chair                           вращающийся стул
mobile chair                          стул на колесиках
easy chair                              кресло
ergonomic                             эргономичный
upholstered                           мягкий (о мебели)
leather                                   кожаный
two-seater sofa                     двухместный диванчик
coat stand (rack for coats)   вешалка
tray                                       тележка, поднос
umbrella stand                     стойки для зонтиков
planter (plant stand)            ящик для комнатных цветов
waste-paper basket             корзинка для использованной бумаги



Modern modular furniture offers great flexibility to create interesting configurations. Movable partitions can change the size of the space: being moved around they divide big spaces into work cubicles.

A senior management office can be divided into three zones: a working zone, a conference zone for meetings with employees and an area for relaxation and entertain­ing visitors.         

Modular and ergonomic furniture optimizes the amount of usable space and can organize functional and comfortable workstations, Manufacturing companies offer a selectable of Corner constructions, shelves, compact desks with rounded corners, light weight filing cabinets with wheels which can be tucked away under desks, conference groupings and up­holstered or leather furniture, office wardrobes of various designs and sizes.

The colour of the floor has an effect on people: they tend to feel less confident when walking on shiny floors от од light carpeting. Dark carpeting gives visitors a feeling of sta­bility.

Neutral colours and surfaces are recommended for con­servative offices: warm colours such as beiges keep people relaxed, while cool colours - blue, grey - keep people ener­getic and concentrated. For offices where desk-top computers are the main means for work, it is recommended to have the walls painted in a light shade of green, as green is relax­ing on eyes that have been 'glued' to a computer monitor.

Artwork - watercolors, landscapes - placed on a wall will also help-cope with fatigue and irritation.



Офисное оборудование

air conditioning кондиционер
personal computer (PC) персональный компьютер
computer set up компьютерная установка
desktop model стационарная настольная модель
handheld model переносная модель
portable/mobile personal computer переносной компьютер
Intercom внутренний телефон или селекторная связь
switchboard внутренний коммутатор
calling centre АТС для организации
telephone телефон
answering machine   автоответчик
with digital memory с цифровой памятью
with error correction с системой исправления ошибок
fax machine факсимильный аппарат
photocopier  копировальная машина
laser printer лазерный принтер
desk lamp настольная лампа
calculator  калькулятор
dictating machine диктофон
document shredder уничтожитель документов
Typing Выполнение машинописи
Typist машинистка
shorthand typist стенографистка
typewriter печатная машинка
manual typewriter механическая печатная машинка
electric typewriter электрическая печатная машинка
to type печатать (на машинке)
wpm (words per minute) слов в минуту
to type at 40 wpm печатать со скоростью 40 слов в минуту
to have high shorthand показывать хорошие скорости
and typing speeds стенографирования и печатания
ribbon лента
ribbon cassette катушка с лентой
left/right margin stop левый/правый полеограничитель
paper bail with roller планка для прижатия бумаги с роликами
platen валик
paper release lever рычаг освобождения бумаги
Keyboard клавиатура; кнопочный номеронабиратель тел.
a new line красная строка
Space интервал
Margin поле
Paragraph абзац
punctuation marks знаки препинания
colon /: / двоеточие
semicolon / ; / точка с запятой
full stop (US : period) /. / точка
comma /, / запятая
hyphen / - / дефис
dash / - / тире
apostrophe /' / апостроф
brackets / () / скобки
inverted commas, or quotation marks / "..." / кавычки
question mark /? / вопросительный знак
exclamation mark /! / восклицательный знак
oblique / наклонная черта
tick "птичка"
cross/x/ "крестик"
asterisk / * / "звездочка"



Most offices start with the basics: a telephone/fax machine combination, computer and a copying machine. A modern fax machine can be combined with a digital answering ma­chine, telephone, digital memory, and error correction.

It is important that the computer suits the needs of the user. There are Internet machines (Net Stations') that do not have hard disks and are specifically for web browsing. Com­puters are usually bundled with the software from which you can choose what you need. A network laser printer is eco­nomical and efficient, as office workers from many worksta­tions can print from the same machine.

The latest copiers have digital functions, colour capabili­ties, high quantity stacking capabilities.

Very often it is possible for every employee in an office to have a telephone extension at the desk. Workers can make direct calls from their own phones to anybody else in the office, through internal switchboard and telephone switch­ing systems or calling centres. Calling centres have a great capacity, and can accommodate from hundreds to tens of hundreds of subscribers. It is possible to use voice mail to call a person if he or she is not available at the desk.

Another must in an office is a document shredder. Big offices generate lots of waste paper, and a shredder is partic­ularly useful when there are checks, bank statements or other confidential materials to be shredded.



Компьютеры в офисе

word processor текстовый редактор
filing хранение информации
accounts department бухгалтерия
web browsing навигация в сети
install a computer установить компьютер
system administrator системный администратор
adaptation адаптация
tailored to specific needs  приспособленный под определенные потребности
programming  программирование
accurate information network точная информация
network server сеть (сетевой) сервер
workstation рабочая станция
access to the files password доступ к файлам пароль
wide area networks      широкомасштабная сеть
local area networks audible signal локальная сеть звуковой сигнал
transmission     передача
fraction    доля, часть
Computer-users, mini-vocabulary Словарик пользователя
byte данных байт
CD-ROM disk диск CD-ROM
CD-ROM drive дисковод CD-ROM
CPU (Central Processing Unit) центральный процессор
cursor    курсор
data данные
database база данных
file   файл
floppy disk магнитный минидиск, дискета
floppy drive дисковод для магнитных мини­ дисков
format формат (данных) форматировать
hard disk, HDD (Hard Disk Drive) жесткий диск, винчестер
hardware аппаратная часть, устройство
inkjet printer струйный принтер
input      ввод
key     клавиша
keyboard      клавиатура
modem (modulator-demo-dulator) модем
monitor   монитор
mouse    мышь
mouse pad коврик для мыши
output     вывод
programming language язык программирования
RAM (Random Access Memory) оперативная память
Screen экран
software программное обеспечение, про­грамма
text editor текстовый редактор


A computer really makes office life easier as it can do all sorts of different jobs. The same computer could be used, for example, as a word processor, for filing, printing, working out statistics for the accounts department, communicating with other offices, web browsing.

When a company decides to install a computer, it usually gets a system administrator to study the ways in which the machine might best be used. If the company is a large one, the system administrator may be a full-time employee, look­ing after the continuous improvement and adaptation of the computer system. The system administrator will recommend what kinds of program and computer equipment are required.

Many companies buy ready-written programs 'off the shelf, or buy programs that can be tailored to specific needs but are mostly standard. This reduces the cost of the system, for programming is very expensive and time-consuming. Once it is installed and running, a well-designed computer system can take over much of the routine work and at the same time provide accurate information about the business quickly and efficiently.


Such network consists of a central computer, with a num­ber of other computers, laser printers, and other machines, such as might be used in a modern office. Each computer that is linked to the network is referred to as a terminal or a workstation. The central computer is referred to as a network server. As each workstation has access to the files held on the hard disk system of the server, information held there can be obtained by any of the workstations, subject to the right pass­word. Thus the accounts manager can obtain historical data about sales, for example, and use his workstation to produce his statistics.

Wide area networks link offices in different parts of the country or of the world by special communication lines. Wide area networks link the same kinds of machine as local area networks, but you may find a facsimile machine at each end of the long-distance link. The facsimile machine can scan any document or photograph and transmit a copy of it to the machine at the other end of the link.

It is possible to transmit information over the normal 'speech' telephone lines, using a device called a modem. The output of the computer is converted into an audible signal, and sent down the telephone lines. A modem at the other end translates the signal for the receiving computer. Because tele­phone lines are intended for speech, they are not ideal for data. The speed of transmission is only a fraction of what can be obtained using proper data lines, and the reliability is not as good. The advantage is its cheapness.


2019-12-29 348 Обсуждений (0)


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