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Preferential policies tourist and excursion activities

2020-02-04 188 Обсуждений (0)
Preferential policies tourist and excursion activities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

ukraine revival excursion tourist

Introduction of preferential policy and promoted the adoption by the Council of People's Commissars of USSR ruling on the operational plans of the USSR People's Commissariat of Education in 1927 - 1928 academic year. The resolution, in particular, celebrated the great masses train adults and youth in cultural and educational tours and according to this decision was taken: draw on the work of excursion facilities and increase the number of concessional tickets. In 1929 on the basis of Council of Labour and Defence of the USSR on the distribution of concessional rail tickets for tourist movement in Ukraine was split 49 000 concessional tickets. All concession tickets concentrated in UMPETi released and organizations for their orders for organized tours. Benefits excursionists provided not only transportation services but also in residence. They could apply for a license UMPETu, which gave the right to discount the price of Ukrainian tourist bases to 33% on the bases of "Soviet tourists" - up to 20%. The governing structure, including UMPET, put on the use of incentives as a long and close to, local excursions. Dnipropetrovsk travel agency gave excursionists discount for travel in trams and buses. Kharkov travel agency took in its boarding tourists to the province even free of charge. It should be noted that the benefits provided for travel by rail cars in general, on ships in the lower classes depending on class, mileage, number of sightseers.

Discount tickets can be from 50 to 25%. Thus, the preferential policy analysis 20-x pp. shows that it was limited, but acted in such difficult economic conditions, which allowed to attract the broad masses of people into active tourism and excursion activities. UMPET determine the specific capabilities of each institution in terms of sightseeing the most effective economic benefits. In particular he was concerned about improving the quality of field operations, which significantly helped increase profitability. For further ramification of the regional field excursions UMPET opened all new tours institution. According to the resolution to the All-excursion meeting of thirty in September 1928 on the results and prospects of UMPETu, only he was given the first right to organize and build a sightseeing base. The decision was made with the aim of concentrating economic component excursion business in one structure. The primary task of the Society was the maximum coverage of tourists on excursions ekskursbazah in all regions of the country. To do this, planned to divide Ukraine into 20 districts with the appointment in each of them authorized the Company. Based on the real economic situation in Ukraine, UMPET organized as unit community that was being supported by equity contributions from the regional education authorities. He spent a great job to attract the widest possible segments of the population to participate in the Company. However, limited financial resources were not given opportunities to gather the required number of units for the construction of new tour bases. Organizational formation UMPETu carried out within a very short time, which was due soon reception buildings and property: transferring ekskursbaz was held from November 15 to December 1, 1928 p., and their preparation for the new tourist season was completed by April 1, 1929, however, despite all difficulties, ekskursbazy in the first year began to operate in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Dniprel'stan, Odessa. Gradually ekskursbaz network grew, covering other cities of Ukraine - Stalino, Nikopol, Donetsk, Berdyansk, Sumy, Poltava, Uman, Vinnitsa, Kamianets-cording Podolsky.

Ukrainian tourist opened outside Ukraine: in Moscow, Leningrad, Alushta, Simferopol, Kerch, Evpatoria, Bakhchisarai Gurzufe, Kutaisi, Nalchik, Makhachkala. During the tourist season 1928 - 1929 pp. it was already over 40, and by 1931 was planned to open more than 20. Organizational activity UMPETu rapidly embraced all the new regions of the Union republics. To keep the excursion network had to solve many economic and financial problems, complete tourist facilities the staff, establish the work of libraries, laboratories, etc. rolling points. There were some difficulties and the mutual settlements between governing tourist agencies of Ukraine and other Soviet republics on the territory of which worked ekskursbazy. Therefore, Ukrainian tour company acted in 1929 with a proposal to create an all-USSR excursion council whose members would all tours of the Union. Presidency of the Council had such exercise general management of all excursion allied organizations coordinate their activities. UMPET even raised the issue to the establishment of the Council no longer need to build ekskursbazy outside Ukraine. This would allow pay more attention to developing this excursion business in Ukraine. UMPET considered necessary to organize the All-Union Joint Stock Company with its members on equal terms to all included tours of the Union. It should be noted that this was only about koordynuvalnu role of the company. In the same period in the RSFSR launched preparations for a new company, which was called the "Association of Proletarian Tourism. However, the ultimate goal of his organization differs from the proposed UMPETom.

It was not to join on equal terms, and the full accession to it of all republican governance structures, their confluence with the subsequent cessation of self-employment. In this regard, was programmed in advance of the Society of proletarian tourism RSFSR exclusive rights to manage tourism and excursion business in the Federal level. Such a radical restructuring of tourism and sightseeing facilities reflect the policy of centralization of management, which intensified in all areas in the USSR, which is increasingly turned into a unitary state. From November 1929 to function officially starts Society of Proletarian Tourism RSFSR.

The company began to open branches and offices in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan and other republics. So, in 1930 and reorganized UMPET excursion business in Ukraine began to manage the proletarian tourism company, more precisely, his office - Ukrture, which was officially approved at a meeting Sovnarkoma USSR. Since then, tourism in Ukraine has become an integral part of tourism in the USSR, has lost its face, pidporyadkuvavsya all central institutions and regulations.


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