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III . Говорение. Проверка знаний из истории изобретений.

2020-02-04 160 Обсуждений (0)
III . Говорение. Проверка знаний из истории изобретений. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


- How well do you know some facts from the history?

Match the inventions with the inventors and say what are they used for.

(На доске опорная схема: An invention - an inventor - usage, картинки , карточки с фамилиями учёных).


  IV. Аудирование.




- TV, radio, magazines and newspapers advertise a lot of products. Listen to one of the commercials and answer the questions. ( вопросы на экране, звучит магнитофонная запись).


What thing is being advertised?

What firm is this thing from?

What are the main benefits of the thing?




- Do you know when were the most important inventions made? Let’s play and remember. Work in two groups. There are different dates on the blackboard. Throw the dice and say what was invented. For every correct answer you’ll get 50000$. Work in two teams. ( в классной комнате находится игровое поле с различными датами, кубик, игровые деньги).


VI. Новый материал.


 Аnswer my questions!


- What do the inventors receive for their inventions?

- What prizes do they receive?

- Do you know anything about Alfred Bernhard Nobel?

Look at the screen, read the information and after that be ready to compleate the sentences and put questions to them. Work in pairs. ( После того, как учащиеся прочитают и переведут новую информацию о Нобеле, они получают индивидуально предложения , которые должны правильно дополнить)


Famous scientist and inventor
Alfred Bernhard Nobel (1833-96).


• Nobel invented dynamite in 1867.

• He invented a smokeless gunpowder in 1887.

• Nobel built a network of factories to manufacture dynamite and corporations to produce market his explosives.

• Nobel registered over 350 patents, many unrelated to explosives (e.g., artificial silk and leather).




 - A.B. Nobel was a Swedish chemist and inventor.

 - He was born in Stockholm.  

 - He received an education in Russia, France and in the USA.

 - After receiving his education he worked in his father’s company in Saint Petersburg.

 - During the Crimean War (1853 - 56) that company developed mines, torpedoes and other explosives.

 - After the war his father went bankrupt, and in 1859 the family returned to Sweden.

 - Nobel invented dynamite in 1867.

 - He invented a smokeless gunpowder in 1887.

 - Nobel built a network of factories to manufacture dynamite and corporations to produce market his explosives.

 - Nobel registered over 350 patents, many unrelated to explosives (e.g., artificial silk and leather).

 - Nobel prizes are awards granted annually to persons or institutions for outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, international peace, and economics.

 - The first Nobel Prizes were awarded on December 10,1901.




Complete the sentences, translate them and put questions to these sentences:

1.Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a ……………

2. He was born in ………

3. He received his education in……………..

4.A.B. Nobel worked in………………….

5.His father’s company developed………………….

6.After the war the family returned to……………….

7.Nobel invented ………in 1867.

8.He invented a………..in 1887.

9.Nobel built a network of …….. to manufacture dynamite.

10.Nobel registered over……patents.

11.He also invented such materials as…………..

12.Nobel prizes are given to persons or institutions for....

                       in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, international peace and economics.

13.The first Nobel prizes were awarded in…….

VII. Р абота над проектом.

What would you like to invent? Work in three groups. Make your own invention using this plan.

Plan of your project is on the screen:

Invent a new thing you like.

Draw a picture, a blueprint ( чертёж ), or a plan.

Think about a name for your invention.

Think how you can use it.

What do people need it for?

Advertise your invention.

Present your invention.

VIII .Презентация проектов и их обсуждение.

IX. Рефлексия.


- Today we have generalized our knowledge about inventions. How much money have you earned? What was the most interesting moment at the lesson? What kind of thing could you buy on your money?


X. Hometask : Prepare for the role game “ Meeting of the famous scientists of the world” or write the composition “ Scientist I am proud of”.


Резервное задание :

  Д иалогическая речь.


-Would you like to know other names of inventors. Please, read about their inventions and tell us about them in a small dialogue. ( учащиеся получают мини- тексты о разных учёных и их изобретениях)




2020-02-04 160 Обсуждений (0)
III . Говорение. Проверка знаний из истории изобретений. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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