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The Discovery of the New World. (p. 20, ex. XVII (1): Why is America called “America”)

2020-02-04 155 Обсуждений (0)
The Discovery of the New World. (p. 20, ex. XVII (1): Why is America called “America”) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

2. The First Lasting English Settlement (Jamestown).

3. The Pilgrims. (p. 21: The Mayflower Compact; p. 37: Thanksgiving Day)

4. The Roots of the Revolution. (p. 21 - 22: Walking the Freedom of Trail )

5. The 1st and the 2nd Continental Congresses. The War for Independence. (p. 21 – 22: Walking the Freedom of Trail, (2); p. 36 – 37: Independence Day; p. 38, ex. XX )

Additional reports:

1) Native Americans.

2) The Boston "Tea Party".

3) The American Revolution (1763–1783).

4) The Declaration of Independence.




1. The Constitution and the System of State Governing. (p. 14, ex. XIV (1 – 5); p. 29 – 32: Presidents’ Day, p. 33 – 34: White House Curse, A Presidential Curiosity)

2. The Removal of the Indians from their Lands.

3. The Civil War: the Reasons, the Results, the Consequences. (p. 23 – 25: The Civil War, (5); p. 29: Presidents’ Day; p. 39, ex. XXI)

4. The Period of Reconstruction.


1. The Position of the Amerindians.

2. Industry.

3. American Colonial Expansion.

An additional report:

 The US Constitution.



1. The Participation of the USA in the 1st World War.

2. The Years of Great Depression (1929).

3. Roosevelt's Plan of Dealing with the Depression.


1. The Participation of the USA in the 2nd World War.

2. The USA after the 2nd World War.

3. The Struggle of the Black Population for Equal Rights. (p. 27 – 29: Martin Luther King’s Birthday, (2))

Additional reports:

1) The "Gold Rush" of the 1840s.

2) Elections in the USA.

3) Political Parties in the USA.

4) Black Men in America.




1. The War in Korea (1950–1953).

2. A Balance of Terror.

3. Cuba.

4. The Vietnam Years (1969–1973).

5. America's Back Yard.

6. An End to Cold War.

Additional reports:

1) George Washington – America's First President.

2) Thomas Jefferson – the Author of the "Declaration of Independence".

3) Religion in the USA.




1. American Values.

2. Everyday Life.

3. Any information about the present day America.
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1. География США.

2. Сельское хозяйство страны.

3. Промышленное развитие.

4. Персоналии США (Американские президенты).


Перечень вопросов к зачету


1. Открытие Нового мира. Первое постоянное английское поселение. Пилигримы.

2. Причины революции. Первый, второй континентальный конгрессы. Война за независимость.

3. Конституция и система государственного управления.

4. Положение коренного населения.

5. Гражданская война.

6. Период Реконструкции.

7. Колониальная экспансия.

8. I Мировая война и ее последствия.

9. Великая депрессия. Выход из депрессии.

10. II Мировая война и ее последствия.

11. Борьба темнокожего населения за равные права.

12. «Холодная война».

13. Современная ситуация.


Специальность: Английский язык



1. Location. Geographical features. Climate. The official name. The status. The population. The geographical position. The relief. The climatic peculiarities.

2. History. The first settlers. St. Patrick and Christianity. The Danes. The conflict between the English and the Irish. A war for independence. The Irish Free State. The Republic of Ireland.

3. Government. Parliamentary Republic. President. Parliament. Prime Minister.

4. Economic development after World War II. Unemployment and emigration. A policy of industrial expansion. Agricultural and industrial development.

5. Population. The number of people. The nationalities.

6. Religion. The majority religion. Other religious beliefs. The Irish Constitution and religion.

7. Languages. The official languages. Gaelic. Gaelic and Irish in the English language.

8. Legends and traditions. The shamrock. The Viking raids. Cultural festivals. Gaelic football (hurling).

9. The capital of the country. The origin of the name of “Dublin”. The history of the city.



1. http://irelandinfo.org.ru/

2. http://media.karelia.ru/~resource/ireland/R1/htm

3. http://www.goldenmile.biz/ir_ger.htm/

4. http://www/ireland-geo.info/index.htm

5. www.consumoffshore.com/en

6. www.mprof.ru/eng/index.

7. www.speed-cat.net/site.




1. Symbols. The maple leaf. The national colours. The national anthem.

2. Population. Pre-European peoples. Early Canada. Survival. Origins of English Canada. Confederation.

3. Territorial and economic growth. The creation of the Prairie Provinces. British Columbia. Newfoundland. The intensification of economy. The growth of manufacturing.

4. Diversity and dissension. Immigration. English Canada and French Canada. Native peoples.

5. Parliamentary government. Representative and responsible provinces governments. A two-house Parliament. The Queen’s representatives in the country.



1. http://canada.eimc.ru

2. www.canada-geo.info/stat01.shtml

3. http://canada.worlds.ru

4. www.open.ge/el/

5. www.wikiznanie.ru



1. Facts at a glance .Full country name. Area. Population. Capital city.
People. Languages. Religion. Political status.

2. The History of Australia. Dirk Hartog. Abel Tasman. James Cook. Aborigines.

2020-02-04 155 Обсуждений (0)
The Discovery of the New World. (p. 20, ex. XVII (1): Why is America called “America”) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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