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Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words.

2020-02-04 1562 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Verbs: apply, achieve, enhance, encourage, include, satisfy, produce, fulfil, draw upon, attune, involve, grow, change, develop, improve, take into account, affect, emphasize, minimize, aid, select.

Nouns: solution, environment, occupant, response, requirements, sustainability, methodology, research, analysis, integration, resource, goal, psychology, residence, specialty, imagination, increase, population, health, issues, awareness, advocacy, furniture, posture, strain, body, movement, carpet, chemicals.

Adjectives: multi-faceted, functional, attractive, regulatory, positive, relevant, ergonomic, muscle, disabled, elderly, hypo-allergenic, energy-efficient, renewable.

Adverbs: aesthetically, continually.


Task 2. Match the word and its definition:


1 environment A an answer or reply
2 enhance B the number of people living in a particular area, city,
      state, country, etc.
3 response C to increase the attractiveness of other qualities
4 psychology D the natural surroundings or social conditions in which people live
5 population E the study or science of the mind and how it works

Grammar exercises


Task 3. Make up the tag-questions:

1. Green design involves selecting furniture and carpets,  …?

2. Interior designers deal with technical engineering issues and aesthetic design issues,  …?

3. Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural detailing,  …?

4. The most common specialties of this kind are lighting, kitchen and bath, and closet designs,  …?

5. Designs are created in response to and coordinated with code and regulatory requirements, …?

6. An increased focus has been placed on developing solutions to improve the living environment of the elderly population, …?

7. The interior design process includes research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process,  …?


Task 4. Do a grammar test using Active or Passive Voice:

1. Designs (create) in response to and coordinated with code and regulatory requirements.

2. Creative and technical solutions (apply) within a structure to achieve a built interior environment.

3. Most interior designers (do) many kinds of projects.

4. The interior design process (follow) a systematic and coordi-nated methodology, including research, analysis and integration of knowledge into the creative process.

5. Ergonomic design (involve) designing work spaces and fur-niture that emphasize good posture and minimize muscle strain on the body.

6. Many designers (become) interior decorators, graphic de-signers, and computer graphics consultants.


Reading comprehension

Task 5. Read the text once again and give the main idea.

The text is about …, the text covers the problems of …, the text discusses the issues of … etc.


Task 6. Answer the questions:

1. What disciplines does the work of an interior designer draw upon?

2. What areas of design are becoming increasingly popular?

3. What does ergonomic design include?

4. What is green design?

5. What areas can designers specialize in?


Interior Designers

An interior designer is responsible for the interior design, decoration, and functionality of a client’s space, whether the space is commercial, industrial, or residential. Interior designers work closely with architects and clients to determine the structure of a space, the needs of the occupants, and the style that best suits both.

Interior designers have to be good with more than colour, fabric, and furniture; interior designers must know materials, have budgeting skills, communicate well, and oversee the ordering, installation, and maintenance of all objects that define a space. They also have to know about electrical capacity, safety, and construction. This broader range of required knowledge distinguishes them from interior decorators.

Interior designers have to be able to work with contractors and clients alike, planning and implementing all aesthetic and functional decisions, from faucet handles to miles of carpeting - and all this usually must be done within a fixed budget. Interior designers are hired for their expertise in a variety of styles and approaches, not merely their own personal vision. Therefore, they have to be able to balance their own tastes and their clients’ tastes - and be willing to put their clients’ tastes first. Interior designers are often asked to begin their planning before construction of a space is finished; this means that they must be good at scheduling and comfortable reading blueprints. Interior design is hard work, but those who do it well find the work very satisfying.

Interior designers draw upon many disciplines to enhance the function, safety, and aesthetics of interior spaces. Their main concerns are with how different colours, textures, furniture, lighting, and space work together to meet the needs of a building's occupants. Designers plan interior spaces of almost every type of building, including offices, airport terminals, theatres, shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, schools, hospitals, and private residences. Good design can boost office productivity, increase sales, attract a more affluent clientele, provide a more relaxing hospital stay, or increase a building's market value.

Traditionally, most interior designers focused on decorating - choosing a style and colour palette and then selecting appropriate furniture, floor and window coverings, artwork, and lighting. However, an increasing number of designers are becoming involved in architectural detailing, such as crown moulding and built-in bookshelves, and in planning layouts of buildings undergoing renovation, including helping to determine the location of windows, stairways, escalators, and walkways.

Interior designers must be able to read blueprints, understand building and fire codes, and know how to make space accessible to people who are disabled. Designers frequently collaborate with architects, electricians, and building contractors to ensure that designs are safe and meet construction requirements.

Whatever space they are working on, almost all designers follow the same process. The first step, known as programming, is to determine the client's needs and wishes. The designer usually meets face-to-face with the client to find out how the space will be used and to get an idea of the client's preferences and budget. The designer also will visit the space to take inventory of existing furniture and equipment and identify positive attributes of the space and potential problems.

After collecting this information, the designer formulates a design plan and estimates costs. Today, designs often are created with the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software, which provides more detail and easier corrections than sketches made by hand. Upon completing the design plan, the designer will present it to the client and make revisions based on the client's input.

When the design concept is finalized, the designer will begin specifying the materials, finishes, and furnishings required, such as furniture, lighting, flooring, wall covering, and artwork. Depending on the complexity of the project, the designer also might submit drawings for approval by a construction inspector to ensure that the design meets building codes.

Finally, the designer develops a timeline for the project, coordinates contractor work schedules, and makes sure work is completed on time. The designer oversees the installation of the design elements, and after the project is complete, the designer, together with the client, pay follow-up visits to the building site to ensure that the client is satisfied. If the client is not satisfied, the designer makes corrections.

Interior designers sometimes supervise assistants who carry out their plans and perform administrative tasks, such as reviewing catalogues and ordering samples. Designers who run their own businesses also may devote considerable time to developing new business contacts, examining equipment and space needs, and attending to business matters.

Although most interior designers do many kinds of projects, some specialize in one area of interior design. Some specialize in the type of building space - usually residential or commercial - while others specialize in a certain design element or type of client, such as healthcare facilities. The most common specialties of this kind are lighting, kitchen and bath, and closet designs. However, designers can specialize in almost any area of design, including acoustics and noise abatement, security, electronics and home theatres, home spas, and indoor gardens.




1. residential [ˌrezɪ'den(t)ʃ(ə)l] – жилой;

2. oversee - наблюдать, надзирать; следить, смотреть;

3. ordering – заказ, размещение, распределение заказов;

4. maintenance ['meɪnt(ə)nən(t)s] - содержание и техническое обслуживание, уход; текущий ремонт, эксплуатационные расходы;

5. capacity - мощность, нагрузка; производительность;

6. contractor [kən'træktə] – подрядчик; поставщик, снабженец;

7. implementing – зд .воплощая;

8. faucet ['fɔːsɪt]- кран, водопроводный кранж

9. carpeting ['kɑːpɪtɪŋ] - ковровое покрытие, ковролин;

10. blueprints - (детальный) план, программа, проект; образец, шаблон;

11. clientele [ˌkliːən'tel] - фр.клиентура, клиенты;

12. moulding ['məuldɪŋ] = molding - архит. лепное украшение;

13. code - свод, сборник правил, инструкций; кодекс;

14. inventory ['ɪnv(ə)nt(ə)rɪ] - опись, реестр, инвентарная ведомость;

15. computer - aided design ( CAD ) - автоматизированное проектирование

16. revisions [rɪ'vɪʒ(ə)n] - пересмотр, исправление; переработка;

17. facilities - средства обслуживания, удобства; услуги, оборудование, приспособления, аппаратура; здания (заводов, фирм и т. п.);

18. abatement - уменьшение; ослабление; смягчение, снижение.

Lexical exercises

2020-02-04 1562 Обсуждений (0)
Task 1. Find the pronunciation and the meaning of the new words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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