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Особенности употребления некоторых глаголов в прямой и косвенной речи

2020-03-17 389 Обсуждений (0)
Особенности употребления некоторых глаголов в прямой и косвенной речи 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Direct speech (Прямая речь) Indirect speech (Косвенная речь)

Will > Would

The doctor said, "You will get the result of your blood test tomorrow." – Доктор сказал : " Вы получите результат своего анализа крови завтра ". The doctor said that I would get the result of my blood test the next day. – Доктор сказал , что я получу результат своего анализа крови на следующий день .

Can > Could

The assistant said, "I can check it for you." – Сотрудник сказал : « Я могу проверить это ». The assistant said that he could check it for me. – Сотрудник сказал , что мог проверить это .

May -> Might

She said to me, "I may come, too . " – Она сказала мне: "Я тоже, может быть, приду". She told me that she might come too. – Она сказала мне, что тоже, может быть, придет.

Shall > Should (предложения, просьба дать совет и т.д.)

Shall > Would (когда речь идет о будущем времени)

Somebody said, "I shall be there at this time." – Кто - то сказал : " Я буду там в это время ". She asked, "Shall I open the window?" – Она спросила : " Может , я открою окно ?" Somebody said that he would be there at that time. – Кто - то сказал , что он будет там в это время . She asked if she should open the window. – Она спросила , не открыть ли окно .


Запомните! Следующие глаголы в косвенной речи остаются без изменений:

Модальные глаголы в прошедшем времени (would, could, had to, might).


They said, "There was nothing we could do about that." – Они сказали: "Мы ничего не могли поделать с этим".
They said that there was nothing they could do about that. – Они сказали, что они ничего не могли поделать с этим.


Модальные глаголы ought to, needn't и must.

He said, "They must be late." – Он сказал: "Они, должно быть, опаздывают".
He said that they must be late. – Он сказал, что они должно быть опаздывают.

Изменение указателей времени и места

Direct speech (Прямая речь) Indirect speech (Косвенная речь)
this (этот) that (тот, этот)
these (эти) those (те, эти)
now (сейчас) then (тогда)
today (сегодня) that day (в тот день)
tomorrow (завтра) the next day (на следующий день)
the day after tomorrow (послезавтра) two days later (через два дня, два дня спустя)
yesterday (вчера) the day before (накануне)
the day before yesterday (позавчера) two days before (за два дня до этого, двумя днями раньше)
ago (тому назад) before (раньше)
next year (в следующем году) the next year, the following year (в следующем году)
here (здесь) there (там)


Упражнение № 1.

Переведите в косвенную речь .

Например: " Iwork hard, " Yegor said. – Yegor said that heworked hard.


1. "I am planning to go to Kenya," Sonya said.

2. "I take my little sister to school every day," little Anton said.

3. "You may take my textbook," Nonna said.

4. "They are playing in the gym now," Nikita said.

5. "I don’t like chocolate," Masha said.

6. "My sister is ready to go," Tanya said.

7. "My mother usually goes shopping on Saturday," the girl said.

8. "The birds build their nests among the trees," the teacher said.

9. "I am not married," Katya said.

10. "I can't read these books. I don’t like them," Peter said.


Упражнение №2.


Переведите в косвенную речь.

a) Например : Ihave already finished the test. – He said hehad already finished the test.


1. We have gone on holiday.

2. Nellya can’t write; she has cut her finger.

3. The Ivanovs have travelled to many places.

4. Sasha has already learnt the poem.

5. My sister has broken my pencil.

6. My dad has never travelled by plane.

7. Andreу has lost his keys.

8. Lena has never slept in a tent.


b) Например : The party finished late. – He said (that) the party had finished late.

1. They lived in a camp when they were on holiday.

2. My brother got up early this morning.

3. Boris was a famous sportsman.

4. The couple agreed to meet at six.

5. Yesterday, I saw Masha in the street.

6. Tanya arrived by train.

7. Nikita went home early yesterday.

8. The kids played tennis in the yard.


c) Например :I’ll meet them at school. – He said he would meet them at school.

1. The match will take place next week.

2. This work will take little time.

3. My parents will come at 3.

4. Misha will do this exercise later.

5. My friend won’t be able to come.

6. They’ll build a new hotel here.

7. It will rain tomorrow.

8. Sasha won’t be able to come.

9. We’ll have examinations next year.


Упражнение №3.


Представьте, что вы встретили друга и он вам что-то рассказал. Перескажите , что он рассказал .

Например : Ihaven’t seen you for a long time. – He told me that hehadn’t seen me for a long time.


1. I was away from school because I was ill.

2. I phoned you many times but you were out.

3. Some of the schoolmates came to see me.

4. I had a cold and stayed in bed.

5. I watched TV.

6. I’ll come to school next week.

7. I’ll be better I hope.

8. The doctor has given me many pills.


Упражнение №4.


Перепишите предложения из косвенной речи в прямую.

Например : He said (that) the meeting had finished. – He said, "The meeting has finished."


1. He said that his bus hadn’t come in time the day beforе.

2. The boys said they would go to the football match.

3. He said their team hadn’t won the last game.

4. Masha said that she had gone to the library after school.

5. Liza said that she would go home early.

6. Wе said that we hadn’t made any plans yet.


Упражнение №5.

2020-03-17 389 Обсуждений (0)
Особенности употребления некоторых глаголов в прямой и косвенной речи 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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