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VII . Are the following statements true or false?                                                                   / 2

2020-03-19 186 Обсуждений (0)
VII . Are the following statements true or false?                                                                   / 2 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

I. Read the text “Nutrition” and translate it.                                                                    / 2


Nutritionis the process by which plants and animals take in and use food. Food is needed to keep the body running smoothly. It provides energy for work and play, for breathing, and for the heart's beating. The building material for muscles, bones, and blood comes from food. You cannot have a healthy body without healthy eating and drinking. Not enough of some foods, or too much of others, can lead to illness.

Experts on nutrition are called nutritionists. The food and drink you take in are called your diet. (This word is sometimes used in another way, to mean eating less food than normal in order to lose weight, as in "going on a diet".) A person's diet is so important because growth and health depend on it. Dieticians are people with knowledge of special diets (dietetics), such as those used for sick people in hospital. We should never forget that across the world 40 million people die each year from starvation and the diseases it brings. Fifteen million of them are babies and young children. For the millions more who suffer from malnutrition (not enough of the right foods), healthy eating is out of the question. It is hard enough just to stay alive.

The body needs many different nutrients. These are various substances necessary to provide energy and the materials for growth, body-building, and body maintenance. Every day millions of cells in the body die and must be replaced by new ones. Not all foods contain all nutrients. So it is not just the quantity of food eaten that is important, but also the variety. People who have enough food available may still become ill because they are eating too much of one kind of food and not enough of another. To stay healthy, we need to eat a balanced diet. This means a diet containing the right proportions of the main nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, minerals, vitamins, and fluids. Many foods are a mixture of these basic nutrients. A balanced diet also contains enough energy (in the form of food) to power the chemical reactions of living.

Some people worry that a vegetarian diet will be short of protein, but this is not the case. Plenty of protein can be obtained from the great variety of nuts, seeds, pulses, cereals, and soy products (such as tofu) which are now widely available, and from eggs and milk products. It was once thought that plant proteins were inferior to animal proteins, being deficient in some amino acids. It is now known that a mixture of plant proteins complement one another. For example, a shortage of an amino acid in one plant food, such as pulses, is counterbalanced by an excess of that amino acid in a different plant food, such as a cereal. Protein combinations such as beans on toast, rice and lentils, bean stew with pot barley, oats and nuts (as in muesli), provide very high quality protein. All other nutrients are present in adequate quantities in the lactovegetarian diet. If dairy products are not eaten, a supplement of vitamin В12 becomes essential. Many vegetarian foods are fortified with this vitamin (yeast extracts, some soy milks, some breakfast cereals, and so on). Vegetarians obtain iron from dried fruit, leafy green vegetables, whole meal flour, pulses, oats, nuts, and brown rice. They obtain calcium from cheese, nuts, sesame seeds, leafy green vegetables, and soy. Vegetarians have been responsible for the invention of foods such as peanut butter; cornflakes, muesli, and high-protein vegetable foods made to taste like meat.


II. Make 10 questions covering the gist of the text.                                                 / 2

III. Retell this text using your plan.                                                                          / 2

IV. Find in the text the words related to "Biology", write them down and make up a glossary. / 2

V.  Give Russian equivalents for the following words.                               / 2

to sustain life, restriction, supply, nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, consist of, cereals, nutrition, take in, to keep the body running smoothly, muscles, bones, blood, illness, starvation, substance, to provide, body maintenance, replace, fiber, minerals, vitamins, fluids, chemical reaction, inferior, deficient, mixture, complement, counterbalance, excess, supplement, essential.

VI. Translate the sentences into English using the words you learned.                               / 2

1). Аминокислоты — органические соединения, в молекуле которых одновременно содержатся карбоксильные и аминные группы.

2). В суточном рационе человека и животных преобладают углеводы.

3). Соя — один из богатейших белком растительных продуктов питания.

4). Голодание — состояние организма, вызванное недостаточным поступлением веществ, необходимых для поддержания гомеостаза.

5). Некоторые питательные вещества осуществляют множество функций в организме. Например, вода и минеральные вещества регулируют разнообразные функции, но не являются источниками энергии.


VII . Are the following statements true or false?                                                                   / 2

1) Human beings eat all kinds of different foods from animal and plant sources.         True/False

2) In prehistoric times people ate what they could find in the shop.                         True/False

3) Nutrition is the process 'by which plants and animals take in and use food.        True/False

4) The building material for muscles, bones, and blood comes from fluid.               True/False

5) Experts on nutrition are called dieticians.                                                         True/False

6) Every day millions of cells in the body die and must be replaced by new ones.       True/False

7) People who have enough food available may still become ill because they are eating too much different kind of food.                                                                                                              True/False

8) Plenty of protein can be obtained from the meat.                                                 True/False

9) If dairy products are not eaten, a supplement of vitamin В12 becomes essential.     True/False

10) Vegetarians have been responsible for the invention of foods such as milk, sugar, butter. True/False


VIII. Make a special diet for one of 3 types of people. Work out the things you can and you can’t eat. Take care about all necessary vitamins and elements.                                                           / 2

a) Vegan. You strongly disagree with people eating meat, fish, eggs, cheese or milk.

b) Vegetarian. You do not eat fish or meat but see nothing wrong in eating dairy products.

c) Gourmet. You love good food, including meat, fish and dairy products.


2020-03-19 186 Обсуждений (0)
VII . Are the following statements true or false?                                                                   / 2 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: VII . Are the following statements true or false?                                                                   / 2

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