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Ways to improve internal financial control of the state enterprises

2020-03-19 439 Обсуждений (0)
Ways to improve internal financial control of the state enterprises 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Financial control - a controlling system which provides the concentration of control actions for the main areas of financial activity, detecting deviations from actual values predicted (planned) and the factors that caused these deviations, and management decision-making process of the normalization of the financial management of the enterprise.

Building a system of financial control is based on the following basic principles:

1) orientation of financial controlling at achieving the financial strategy of the company;

2) multi-financial controlling;

3) financial controlling orientation on quantitative indicators;

4) compliance with financial methods of controlling specific methods of financial analysis and financial planning;

5) the timeliness, simplicity and flexibility of the system of financial controlling;

6) cost effectiveness of introducing financial controlling in the enterprise. [22, sec. 153]

Given the above principles of financial controlling in the enterprise is based on the following stages:

1. Defining Object Controlling. This is a general requirement to build any kind of controlling position in the company of his landing target. The object is controlling the financial management decisions over key aspects of financial activity.

2. Identification of species and controlling areas. According to the concept of the system of controlling, it is divided into the following main types: strategic controlling; current controlling; operational controlling. Each of these types of controlling perlichenyh to meet its scope and frequency of exercise of its functions.

3. Formation of priority indicators that are controlled.

The entire system of indicators on the importance zhyruyetsya wounds. During the first such ranking in priority are selected first level of the most important indications of this kind of controlling, then formed the system of priorities of the second level indicators which are in connection with chynnykovomu indices of the first level, similarly formed a system of priorities of the third and subsequent levels. [22, sec. 159]

When formulating the system of priorities should be taken into account that they can wear a different character for certain types of responsibility centers, separate directions for financial activity, for various aspects of the formation, distribution and use of financial resources. However, it should be ensured hierarchical summary of all control parameters in the enterprise in general and in specific areas of financial activity.

4. Develop a system of quantitative control standards. After identifying and ranking the list of financial indicators, which are controlled, there is a need to establish quantitative standards for each. Such standards may be set in absolute and in relative terms. In addition, these quantitative standards can be stable or movable nature. Standards are the strategic target ratios, indicators of current plans and budgets, the state system now or developed norms and standards of others.

5. Building a system of monitoring indicators contained in the financial controlling. Monitoring System (vidstezhuvalna system) is the basis of financial controlling, the most active part of its mechanism. [10, sec. 99]

The primary step in improving the financial status of Ukrainian enterprises is finding the optimal ratio of own and borrowed capital, which would provide minimal financial risk for maximum return on equity. Optimizing liquidity capacity of enterprises is implemented through the operational mechanism of financial stability - a system of measures on the one hand, to reduce the financial obligations on the other hand, the increase in cash assets to ensure these obligations. Financial liabilities the company may decrease due to: decrease the amount of fixed costs (including costs for administrative staff); reducing semi-variable costs; extension payable by commodity transactions; postponing dividends and interest payments. Increase the amount of monetary assets can be due to: refinancing receivables (by factoring, discounting and discounting of bills, forfeiting, enforcement); acceleration collection period (by shortening the commercial credit), optimization of inventory inventory (commodity by setting standards stocks using technical and economic calculations) reduction of insurance, warranty reserves and seasonal businesses to stay in the financial crisis.

It is appropriate to draw attention to the fact that to improve his financial situation of producers of goods and services must implement all the products that stagnates in warehouses. To expand the distribution business can create retailers. This will increase profits and increase capital turnover. Implementation of this project certainly does not solve the current financial problems, but will shorten the life of the product and speed up payments to creditors. The financial condition of the enterprise can not be sustained unless it receives income of which provide the necessary increase in financial resources to strengthen the material base of enterprises and their social sphere. [1, sec. 83 - 90]

Information about the financial condition of the enterprise is crucial for the management and for investors. Therefore deserves attention on the problem of information for the enterprise. Reliability of data of financial position is essential for making correct management decisions [7. 38 - 41].

Given the problems of the financial condition of the company in financial crisis and the need to stabilize the financial stability of enterprises in conditions of financial instability, we should take the following measures:

- Elimination of the external factors of bankruptcy, improve the current calendar financial document in which information is displayed currency of the company;

- Adjust the work in progress; nyzkooborotnyh transfer assets to a high speed;

- Use of local measures to improve the financial position, providing the financial situation of enterprises in the medium term, which appears in a stable flow of revenues from the sale of sufficient liquidity, improving product profitability, setting the suspension of penalties for overdue debt, providing sufficient financial resources to cover new current liabilities; gradual repayment of old debts, cut costs to the minimum level of energy and resource saving measures;

- A stable financial base, ensuring sustainable financial situation of enterprises in the long run, creating the optimal balance sheet structure and financial results, financial enterprise system to adverse external influences. [23, sec. 233 - 236]

Achieving economic sustainability of the enterprise is only possible using elements of modern management, timely response to changing external environment and strategic vision of the company. Improving the financial work in the business should make in the following areas: system and permanent financial analysis of their activities, the organization of working capital assets in accordance with existing requirements to optimize the financial condition, the introduction of management accounting and therefore the costs of, optimizing the distribution of earnings and dividend most effective choice policy, the wider introduction of commercial credit in order to optimize the sources of funds, the use of leasing for the development of production, the introduction of modern cash management, development and implementation of strategic financial policy of the company.



Financial standing - the most important characteristics of economic activities of the enterprise. It reflects the competitiveness of the enterprise, its potential for doing business, assesses the extent to which guaranteed the economic interests of the enterprise and its partners for financial and other relationships.

Investigations of ways to improve the financial condition of the company allowed to make certain conclusions concerning the main directions of improving the financial condition of the enterprise and its financial strategy. The financial condition of the company - a real (for a fixed time) and the potential financial capability of companies to provide some level of financing activities, self and liabilities of the enterprises and the state. Quantitatively it measured system performance for which is its valuation. The importance of the objectives of assessing the financial condition of the enterprise is its information provision. One of the most important characteristics of the financial condition of the company is financial stability. It is formed during the whole business.

Financial stability - is a state of financial resources so that enterprise, free cash maneuvering, could by their effective use to ensure a continuous process of production activities and its expansion and upgrade. The highest financial stability are companies that use only equity (ratio of autonomy is one). However, this limits the pace of their development (as can not provide the necessary additional amount of assets during periods of favorable market) and they do not use the financial ability to increase profits on invested capital.

Search of effective management of financial resources and ensure their integration into a real market economy makes the need to develop a financial strategy at this stage of enterprise development.

Thus, ways of improving financial planning business has become:

- The use of financial planning with sufficient information base that would meet the requirements of the manager as the number and quality.


2020-03-19 439 Обсуждений (0)
Ways to improve internal financial control of the state enterprises 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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