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Point out the facts that turn out to be new for you

2020-03-19 169 Обсуждений (0)
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Тексты для дополнительного чтения на английском языке

Для студентов I курса

по направлениям 521600 «Менеджмент» (бакалавр),

521600 «Экономика» (бакалавр)


Тексты для дополнительного чтения составили:

доктор филологических наук Чикилева Л.С.,

Зиннурова Ф.Ф. (филиал ВЗФЭИ в г. Уфа)


     Учебно-методическое издание одобрено на заседании

     Научно-методического совета ВЗФЭИ


     Проректор, председатель НМС, профессор Д.М. Дайитбегов







Введение …………………………………………………..…....…….4

Case 1 (part 1) Where’s the Beef? Mcdonald's Sells Hamburgers in a Hindu Country………………………..…………………………………..5

Case 1 (part 2) Where’s the Beef? Mcdonald's Sells Hamburgers in a Hindu Country…………………….......................................................7

Case 2 (part 1) Ted & Harry's Ice Cream Factory:

the Russian Experience ……………………………………………..….9

Case 2 (part 2) Ted & Harry's Ice Cream Factory:

the Russian Experience ……………………………..…………...….. 12

Case 3 The Toledo Bicycle Company: Peddling into

Eastern Europe …………………………………………………..….. 15

Case 4 The Great Oklahoma Oil Company: MNC Joint Venture Responsibilities ………………………………………………….……..…..17

Case 5 P roblems Taxing the Demon Weed: T obacco and Gray Market Activity …………………….……………………………………………...20

Case 6 Tonia Motorbikes: a Case of Chinese Piracy……………....23

Case 7 Pegasus Footwear: Trampling on Religion…………..…….25

Bibliography ………………………………………………...............29





Пособие рассчитано на лиц, имеющих подготовку по английскому языку в объеме средней школы. В пособии представлены материалы, которые могут быть использованы на этапе перехода от изучения Basic English к изучению Business English, в частности, английского языка по специальности «экономика».

Пособие разработано на основе современных аутентичных материалов, оно профессионально ориентировано. Особое внимание уделено отбору слов и словосочетаний, имеющих экономическую направленность.

Целью обучения с использованием материалов данного пособия является овладение профессиональным языком специальности, а именно, развитие навыков чтения для извлечения информации, а также овладение экономическими терминами.

В пособии приводятся упражнения для развития навыков устной речи. После прочтения текста и его обсуждения требуется высказать собственное мнение по содержанию текста. В упражнениях использованы слова для активного усвоения. Ко всем видам упражнений даются ключи. Упражнения способствуют развитию умения кратко изложить основное содержание текста на иностранном языке. 

Тексты данного учебно-методического пособия могут быть использованы как при работе в аудитории, так и для индивидуальной работы.

Пособие может быть использовано на занятиях по английскому языку на 1 курсе, а также на курсах ДОУ в экономических классах.



Case 1

Part I





In 1954, a milkshake mixer salesman named Ray Kroc traveled to San Bernardino, California, to see why one restaurant had ordered so many of his Multimixers. The McDonald brothers had invented a new concept in the restaurant business and Kroc wanted to see for himself why the business was so popular. Dick and Mac McDonald had pioneered fast food based on high volume, low prices, limited menu, and quick service. The restaurant was a success, and Ray Kroc wanted it. He negotiated an agreement with the McDonald brothers in which he would become the exclusive franchiser of the McDonald name.

In 1955, the first McDonald's franchise opened in Des Plaines, Illinois. The McDonald's empire would be based on four core values—providing customers with quality, service, cleanliness, and value (QSCV). Kroc believed that consistency in these core values would allow McDonald's to build a strong brand image throughout the United States. He was right. The concept was a success, and by 1963 McDonald's was selling one million hamburgers a day.

The first international McDonald's opened in Canada in 1967. McDonald's continued its international expansion into Japan, Germany, Australia, France, and England in the 1970s. Additional outlets were established in Latin America, the Middle East, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, and China. The motive for McDonald's international expansion was the realization that most potential sales existed outside the United States. As Kroc had said in 1954, when he witnessed the McDonald brothers' original restaurant concept, "This idea can sell anywhere." Based on the need for additional sales growth and the belief that the concept could be exported, McDonald's embarked on an aggressive international expansion effort beginning in the 1970s. Today, McDonald's has restaurants in over 100 countries and derives approximately 60% of its profits from sales overseas. On average, the company opens a new restaurant somewhere in the world every five hours, and a McDonald's can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Prior to 1996, McDonald's did not have a restaurant anywhere on the Indian subcontinent. With a population of over one billion, many view India as a market with enormous potential. India's population is second only to China, and, with differing birth rates, India will become the most populated country in the world by 2020, according to some estimates.

1. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions:

рост продаж, огромный потенциал, согласно некоторым оценкам, большой объем, темпы рождаемости, низкая цена, продажи за рубежом, быстрое обслуживание, продавец;

основываться на главных ценностях, создать известный брэнд, создать новую концепцию, открыть торговую точку, извлекать прибыль, быть успешным, быть инициатором организации быстрого питания;

2. Translate into Russian:

to invent a new concept; to pioneer fast food; to be based on core values; to provide customers with quality; to build a strong brand image; to be a success; to establish an outlet; to derive profits;

salesman; high volume; low price; aggressive expansion; potential sales; sales growth; sales overseas; enormous potential; birth rates; according to some estimates; quick service;


3. Match the following:

1. quick                                       a. value

2. core                                         b. service

3. strong                                      c. volume 

4. high                                         d. expansion

5. potential                                  e. brand image

6. aggressive                                f. sales

7. enormous                                g. potential


4. Say whether these statements are true or false:

1. Kroc knew for sure that this idea could sell anywhere and that is why he became the exclusive franchiser  of the McDonald name.

2. A new concept in the restaurant business turned out to be unpopular across the globe.

3. McDonald’s continued its international expansion into India because it was completely sure of the enormous potential of the Indian market.

4. It was consistency in the four core values and not other factors that made McDonald’s so popular.


Point out the facts that turn out to be new for you


Case 1

Part 2


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