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Ex.1. Match the following expressions with their equivalents: A) English with Russian, B) Russian with English

2015-11-10 1236 Обсуждений (0)
Ex.1. Match the following expressions with their equivalents: A) English with Russian, B) Russian with English 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


1. tax benefits a. поглощение (путем приобретения ценных бумаг), слияние компаний
2. forfeiture b. деликтное право
3. stock market c. истец
4. information gathering d. законное оправдание
5. claimant e. гражданский иск
6. tort law f. сбор информации
7. lawful justification g. налоговые льготы
8. market investigation h. конфискация
9. merger i. изучение (исследования) рынка
10. civil proceeding j. рынок ценных бумаг


1. потребитель a. slander
2. насилие b. financial loss
3. похититель людей c. trespass
4. клевета, кляуза (в письменном виде) d. defamation
5. клевета (в СМИ) e. negligence
6. клевета (в устной форме) f. consumer
7. финансовые потери g. nuisance
8. нарушение общественного порядка h. forcible injury
9. злоупотребление i. kidnapper
10. халатность, небрежность, невнимательность j. libel


Ex. 2. Choose the right definition of the following terms:

1. Directives are

a. The power to govern

b. Citizenship

c. Special rules binding on member states but not individuals until they have been transposed into national law

2. Recommendations are

a. Laws for everybody

b. Binding on those to whom they are addressed

c. Persuasive, that is, have influence

3. Decisions are

a. Human rights

b. Goods

c. Binding on there to whom they are addressed

Ex. 3. Make up sentences with the following words:

1. was accused, ex-director, with forfeitures, of, his company.

2. in, to be, happened, a good specialist, he, the market investigation.

3. had, one, the largest regional building firm, of ,a great financial loss.

4. his, in theft , defamed, neighbor, him.

5. clinical negligence, specialize, in, at a regional firm, David Jones,.

6. than, during, were mergered, more, twenty, companies, the last three years, by this foreign concern.

UNIT 10.

Ex.1. Match the following expressions with their equivalents: A) English with Russian, B) Russian with English


1. tort a. ответчик
2. mental disability b. ошибочный, неверный, правонарушение
3. wrong c. аренда
4. medical records d. умственная неспособность (недееспособность)
5. lease e. договор продажи (покупки)
6. contract law f. договор о найме
7. sales agreement g. соглашение о продаже в рассрочку
8. defendant h. медицинская документация
9. a hire contract i. контрактное право
10. a hire purchase agreement j. гражданское правонарушение, деликт


1. договор личного найма (трудовой договор) a. delay
2. встречная оферта b. vendor
3. поставка c. parties concerned
4. заинтересованные стороны d. counter offer
5. цена e. delivery
6. жертва f. terms of the agreement
7. продавец (недвижимости), риелтор g. price
8. условия юридического соглашения h. service contract
9. долг, связанный с азартной игрой i. victim
10. отсрочка j. gambling debt

Ex. 2. Choose the right definition of the following terms:

1. Will

b. a paper about leaving your property to somebody

c. suggestion

d. contract

e. partnership form

2. Experience

a. regulations

b. skills

c. rules

d. test

3. Barrister

a. trainee

b. Business man

c. legal person

d. supervisor

4. Privatization

a. taking to property

b. leaving to somebody

c. instructing a client

d. practicing as a solicitor

Ex. 3. Make up sentences with the following words:

1. is, breach of contract, a civil wrong, that, excludes, a tort.

2. the terms, both parties, tried, to keep, of the agreement, concerned.

3. to be delivered, was unlikely, to the defendant, the claim.

4. as a vendor, my, sister, works.

5. but, gambling debts, Mr. Smith, always, gambled, had, never.

UNIT 11.

Ex. 1. Match the following expressions with their equivalents: A) English with Russian, B) Russian with English


1. warranty a. навязывать, возлагать
2. void contract b. рекламация (претензия)
3. clause c. пострадавшая сторона
4. pre-condition d. разрыв контракта
5. Transfer Deed e. условие контракта
6. impose on f. недействительный договор
7. representation g. документ о передачи права собственности
8. discharge of contract h. гарантия
9. term of a contract i. клаузула (статья в договоре)
10. innocent party j. предварительное условие


1. предложение (оферта) a. principal
2. поставка товаров b. purchaser
3. предприниматель c. licensor
4. шеф, начальник d. licensee
5. поставщик e. offer
6. лицензиат f. supply of goods
7. покупатель g. trainee
8. лицензиар h. entrepreneur
9. стажер, практикант i. supplier

Ex. 2. Choose the right definition of the following terms:

1. Draft

a. form

b. project

c. legal system

d. court

2. Trainee

a. a person who practices in professional activity

b. a person who graduate in a nonlaw subject

c. a lay client

d. a member of Inn

3. A Bachelor of laws

a. a scientific degree

b. a badge of a law student

c. a name of a law subject

d. a qualifying law degree

4. Litigation

a. an advocacy training

b. a questioning

c. a trial

d. a shop-lifting

Ex. 3. Make up sentences with the following words:

1. to break, a warranty, the other party, as discharged, doesn’t permit, the contract.

2. for sale, this, is, offered, object.

3. under this act, of unfair terms, the country, the use, imposed on, of a contract.

4. with licensors, licensees, many firms, who, work, and, there are.

5. it, a purchaser, some product, sells, and, buys, a supplier.

6. for, this, trainees, non-academic society, educational resources, provides of high quality, its.

UNIT 12.

2015-11-10 1236 Обсуждений (0)
Ex.1. Match the following expressions with their equivalents: A) English with Russian, B) Russian with English 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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