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Listen to the paragraph and complete the sentences. Oil and gas industry

2015-11-10 836 Обсуждений (0)
Listen to the paragraph and complete the sentences. Oil and gas industry 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The oil and gas branch is strategically important link of ______ _____ the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, part of the international economic community, certainly, couldn't remain unaffected. However, with the adoption of the ____ _____ _______ for the implementation of anti-crisis measures, many of the problems that have arisen in a number of developed countries have been avoided. Most importantly, _____ ___ ______ of the national economy as oil and gas companies are able to maximize the use of their technological, _____ and intellectual resources to keep stable economic growth. The continuous influx of injections in the oil and ___ ______ of Kazakhstan confirms not only the confidence of foreign investors and authority enjoyed by the ____ ______ of the Republic at the international level, but also that all obligations taken before the international _______ are carried out.


Debate the issue in groups and share with class.

“Construction and architecture.The housing problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

3. Express your attitude on the following themes:

“Economic revolution”



“Recreation resources”


Reading 1

What is a tourism? Who is a tourist?

Why do people make tourism?

3. Discuss the questions:

1. Why is important to visit such kind of places?

2. What extra information do you know about canyons?

3. What the role of Charyn in tourism in Kazakhstan?

4. What kind of ways could you offer to increase the level of tourism in our country?

4. Comment on the fooling statements:

1.Different type of people engage in cultural tourism?

2.Culture plays in people’s decision to visit a particular place.


Work on groups of three. The first group is the representatives of touristic bureau in Kazakhstan. The second group is the representatives of touristic bureau in Great Britain. And the third group is the representatives of touristic bureau in the USA.

As the representatives and specialists in recreation sphere discuss with your partner about the ways of resolving the crisis and develop of tourism in the region.

Make report on your visited foreign country.


Charyn canyon-one of the most impressive places of Kazakhstan. It is located in the valley of the river Charyn approximately in 200 kilometers to the East from Alma-Ata, towards border with China. On the most part of a way the route goes steppes, and already near turn on a canyon passes through the picturesque gorge. The Charyn canyon was stretched on 154 kilometers along the valley of the river Charyn (inflow Ili). And the most picturesque and the place of a canyon which is often visited by tourists is "the Valley of Locks". It is compact - at only 2 kilometers in length, and it it is possible to look in a day. From above, on a canyon crest, there are some observation decks, it is possible to go down and take a walk in a gorge bottom also. The Charyn canyon - very beautiful place! Looking at it, parallels with the well-known Grand Canyon involuntarily arise. As approaching the river Charyn height of slopes increases. Depth of a canyon reaches 150-300 meters. The river Charyn bears the turquoise waters from Ridges Tien Shan in the steppe, to the river Ili. In the Charyn canyon it is very prompt and powerful. Even at the coast the stream knocks down. There are also helicopter walks on the Charyncanyon .


Reading 2

1.What do you know about EXPO-2017?

2.What reforms do you think would be beneficial for the further development of your country?

3. Discuss the questions:

6) What kind of the state programs do you know?

7) Can you share your opinion about development of transport and logistics infrastructure in Kazakhstan?

8) How do the Republic approve energetic infrastructure?

9) What does it include program of industrialization?

10) How does the state deal with world economic crisis?

4. Read the article devoted to State Program “Nurly Zhol”. Compare the state programs in Great Britain, in the United Sates and make notes about differences.

2015-11-10 836 Обсуждений (0)
Listen to the paragraph and complete the sentences. Oil and gas industry 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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