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CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. 35. Speak about the engineering and its tools

2015-11-10 1678 Обсуждений (0)
CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. 35. Speak about the engineering and its tools 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


35. Speak about the engineering and its tools. Use the information you’ve read in the TEXTS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY READING, the Active Vocabulary and the expressions below:


§ As far as I know… § I think you are right
§ I don’t think you are right § I think it is a good idea
§ It would be better to… § I like… /I quite like…/I really like…
§ It is very important to… § I don’t mind…





Резюме играет огромную роль. Хорошо составленное резюме должно давать полное представление о Вашем трудовом опыте, образовании и о других деловых качествах, чтобы потенциальный работодатель (employer) мог судить о Вашей квалификации. От четкости и информативности резюме во многом зависят Ваши шансы быть принятым на работу или учебу. Часто вместо слова «resume» используют аббревиатуру CV (Curriculum Vitae), что в переводе с латыни обозначает «ход жизни».

Резюме обычно состоит из следующих основных частей:


1. Личная информация / Personal information
2. Цель / Objective
3. Образование / Education
4. Профессиональный опыт /Work Experience, или Employment
5. Специальные навыки / Special skills
6. Рекомендации / References


Personal Information

Напишите полностью свое имя и фамилию, укажите адрес, телефон (вместе с кодом страны и города); электронную почту. Если в России сначала указывают фамилию, затем имя и отчество, то в англоговорящих странах сначала указывают имя, затем — первую букву отчества, и только потом — фамилию.


Следует указать не только желаемую должность, но и в одном-двух предложениях объяснить, почему вы считаете свою кандидатуру наиболее подходящей.


Пишите о том, какой вуз вы окончили. Название учебного заведения сокращать не принято. Укажите факультет и специальность, месяц и год окончания учебного заведения, средний балл аттестата.

Work Experience, или Employment

Обычно указывают не более трех последних мест работы. Укажите полностью название компании, свою должность, отдел, в котором вы трудились. Перечислите свои основные должностные обязанности.

Special skills

В разделе специальных навыков нужно указать:

а) знание иностранных языков и уровень этих знаний.

б) уровень компьютерной грамотности.

в) наличие водительских прав (driver’s license)

г) опыт воинской службы, если он есть и если он может иметь отношение к вашей предполагаемой работе.


Обычно рекомендаций должно быть как минимум две, и не от коллег, а от непосредственных начальников. Укажите конкретные лица, которые могут рекомендовать вас, напишите полностью имя, должность, место работы и контактную информацию ваших поручителей.

36. Here are some samples of CV. Look through them in order to compose your own CV:


Sample 1

На должность администратора /секретаря



235 White Road

San-Francisco, California 029992

+ 01 (245) 987-6543


To obtain an administrative assistant position which would utilize my administrative skills and offer opportunity for growth.


Technical College of San-Francisco September 1988 — May 1991


6/94 to present

The Institute of Medical Care; San-Francisco

Unit Secretary, Child and Adolescent Unit — Responsible for maintaining patient charts, entering patient data on database, transcribing medication orders, tracking and paging medical personnel. Relaying patient records to other treatment facilities and fielding incoming phone calls.

10/91 to 5/94

University of National Law; San-Francisco

Administrator, Registrar's Office

— Answered telephones, filed documents, produced letters for certification and deferment, proctored exams. Registered students for courses, proofread grade sheets, registration materials, exams and course schedules, computed grade point average, Interacted with students, faculty and staff.


Languages: English – mother tongue, German – beginning

Computer literate: word-processing (Word Perfect & Word for Windows), Spreadsheet (Lotus 1-2-3)

Excellent interpersonal and communications skills.


Available upon request

Sample 2


На должность маркетингового аналитика



0/01-1000 Neizvestnaya St., Moscow

Tel. (home): + 7 (095) 000-0000

E-mail:[email protected]


A full-time position as a Market Analyst, where a motivated high-energy team player capable of individual initiative will contribute to the efficiency and profitability of the company.


September, 1991 – June, 1996: Institute of International Economic Affaires, Finance Academy (Moscow)


June, 1998 – present

Procter & Gamble, Junior Marketing Manager, Cosmetics department:

— register clients’ orders on the data base;

— analyze the efficiency of sales;

Area of work: My duties are to provide the Head of Marketing Department with the relevant information about the market of cosmetic goods in Moscow, about costs’ dynamics and to maintain the clients’ data base.

September, 1995 — June, 1998

Milling Ltd, Specialist in advertising and marketing:

— Development of advertising strategy of the company;

— Copywriting advertising information;

— Clients data base administration.

Area of work: During my work for Milling Ltd I developed advertising profile for the company, created its corporate web site and conducted constant analysis of relevant markets in Russia.


Languages:Russian — Mother tongue, English — fluent at the Advanced level, French – fluent at the Intermediate level.

Computer literate: Windows 95/98/NT, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, CorelDraw, HTML.

Clerical: Typing 20 wpm.

Other: A professional Internet user. Have a driving license and prepared to be as mobile as necessary to provide the best performance.


Available upon request



Sir … or Madam… § I’d like to apply for a position as a … § I've been interested in working in … § I can offer many skills, for example … § I'm available for interview from … § communicative § hard-working § strong academical qualifications § enthusiastic § team-player § leading qualities § competence § flexibility § receptive § a strong command of (language) § acquired § achieved § established § assisted § coordinated (a project) § developed (a new way of working) § delivered (the project on time) initiated (a new system)

37. Compose your own CV. The phrases below and the Action Verbs will help you:


Action Verbs


Action verbs should be used abundantly throughout your resume and cover letters to promote your achievements. They help make a strong impression.

Management Communication Research Technical Teaching
achieved arranged clarified analyzed adapted
administered drafted collected assembled advised
analyzed developed conceived built clarified
consolidated defined critiqued calculated coached
coordinated directed detected computed coordinated
decided edited diagnosed designed defined
developed formulated disproved devised developed
executed interpreted evaluated engineered enabled
improved moderated examined fabricated encouraged
incorporated motivated extracted inspected evaluated
increased negotiated identified maintained explained
inspired persuaded inspected operated facilitated
managed promoted interpreted overhauled guided
organized reported interviewed programmed informed
planned researched investigated remodeled initiated
produced summarized organized repaired instructed
reported spoke researched solved presented
reviewed translated searched trained stimulated
scheduled wrote studied upgraded trained
strengthened   systematized   updated
Financial Creative Helping Clerical or Detail  
administered acted advised activated  
analyzed applied assisted assembled  
appraised composed coordinated approved  
balanced created demonstrated arranged  
calculated designed diagnosed classified  
compared developed educated collected  
computed directed encouraged described  
developed established facilitated edited  
estimated evaluated guided executed  
managed formed helped implemented  
marketed founded inspired maintained  
planned integrated maintained monitored  
projected invented modified observed  
reevaluated originated performed organized  
reconciled performed referred prepared  
researched presented represented published  


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CONVERSATIONAL PRACTICE. 35. Speak about the engineering and its tools 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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