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Water Filtration at Present - Whole House Water Filter Systems

2015-11-10 1355 Обсуждений (0)
Water Filtration at Present - Whole House Water Filter Systems 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Despite government regulations and incredible advancements in water technology, the water issuing from home taps is still quite contaminated. Although municipal water treatment plants are intended to provide clean, healthy water to all city residents, such plants must work with heavily contaminated water. The water contains disease-bearing pathogens, pesticide chemicals, and industrial sludge, to name only a few of modern water contaminants.

City officials must provide the healthiest water to municipal residents which modern technology affords. Considering the dirty water with which they have to work, this task can be quite daunting. Disinfection and disease control remain the main goals of such water treatment plants. Consequently, city residents receive chlorinated, and often fluoridated, water. Chlorine has been linked to asthma and other respiratory diseases, and excessive fluoride intake can lead to yellowed teeth, dental problems, and other serious health problems for young children.

City water treatment plants are simply unable to provide pure, chemical-free water to city residents. Even when water is purified at a municipal water treatment plant, it often picks up lead and other chemicals when travelling through a home’s plumbing system. While shower filters are a viable solution for the removal of chlorine from showering water, the best, and most modern, available water filtration technology lies in whole house filtration systems. These water filtration systems are installed in individual homes. They filter water as it reaches a home’s plumbing system, removing chlorine byproducts, tiny organic materials, and any other unwanted chemicals. They provide the purest form of water available. In fact, water filtered through a whole house water filter has begun to fulfill Hippocrates’s vision of great-tasting, clean water.


Text 51

The Future of Water Filtration


The current major concerns in regard to water quality are lead and disinfection byproducts. Lead is a key operational and treatment concern for municipal water treatment plants. It cannot be considered independently of other water quality and treatment issues.

In fact, it seems that water disinfection and protection from lead infiltration are at odds with each other. The pH level required for disinfection must be below 8.0, but the pH level required to minimize lead solvency in plumbing systems is often 8.0 or higher. Water treatment plants provide clean, disinfected water to home plumbing systems, but this water is immediately contaminated from lead as it passes through the plumbing system. The solution to this problem may be the removal of lead from plumbing systems, a factor that would completely revolutionize the plumbing industry.

The rising concern over chlorine byproducts is also likely to affect the future of water filtration. It has long been recognized that chlorination of water results in the formation of THMs. THMs are harmful chemicals that form as a reaction between chlorine and natural, organic materials in water. The most well-known of the THMs is the poison chloroform. This poisonous gas, detrimental to the respiratory system when inhaled, is one of the most important reasons for the installation of shower filters or whole house water filters. It is likely that future research will find other byproducts of chlorination, and the use of chlorine for disinfection could be restricted.

Though these are all speculations, water filtration and treatment will, doubtlessly, continue to evolve in the future. The most important future development may well be the complete transformation of water filtration technology from municipal water treatment plants to whole house water filters, or a combination of the two systems.

Приложение 1



Эффективным средством расширения запаса слов в английском языке служит знание способов словообразования. Словообразование происходит:


1. При помощи суффиксов:


Суффиксы Исходное слово Производное
существительных -er; or to teach – учить to work – работать to invent – изобретать teacher – учитель worker – рабочий inventor – изобретатель
-ist art – искусство science – наука artist – художник scientist – ученый
-ion; (-ation; -tion; -sion) to invite – приглашать to organize – организовывать to connect – соединять to express – выражать invitation – приглашение organization – организация connection – соединение expression - выражение
-ment to agree – соглашаться to improve – улучшать agreement – соглашение improvement – улучшение
-ing to begin – начинать to feel - чувствовать beginning – начало feeling - чувство
-ness dark – темный kind – добрый darkness – темнота kindness – доброта
-ship friend – друг leader – вождь, лидер friendship – дружба leadership - руководство
-hood child – ребенок brother - брат childhood – детство brotherhood - братство
-ance; -ence important – важный different – различный importance – важность difference – различие
прилагательных -able; ible to change – изменять(ся) access - доступ changeable – изменчивый accessible- доступный
-al; -ic; (-ical) culture – культура history – история cultural– культурный historic - historical– исторический
-ful beauty – красота use – польза beautiful– красивый useful - полезный
-less help – помощь home - дом helpless – беспомощный homeless - бездомный
-ous fame – слава, известность danger – опасность famous – известный dangerous – опасный
-y sun – солнце health - здоровье sunny– солнечный healthy– здоровый
глаголов -ate   active – активный   to activate – активизировать
-en short – короткий to shorten - укоротить
-fy (-ify) pure – чистый simple – простой to purify – очищать to simplify– упрощать
-ize (-ise) modern – современный to modernize - модернизировать
наречий -ly   loud – громкий part – часть   loudly – громко partly – частично


2. При помощи префиксов:


Префиксы Корневое слово Производное
un- pleasant – приятный familiar – знакомый unpleasant – неприятный unfamiliar - незнакомый
in- correct - правильный incorrect - неправильный
im- (il-, ir-) polite – вежливый literate – грамотный regular - регулярный impolite – невежливый illiterate – неграмотный irregular - нерегулярный
dis- to appear – появляться to disappear–исчезать
re- to read – читать to reread - перечитать
pre- war – война, военный prewar - довоенный
post- war - война, военный post-war - послевоенный
sub- division – разделение subdivision - подразделение
en- large - большой to enlarge - увеличивать


3. При помощи конверсии:


to answer – отвечать answer – ответ
to walk – гулять walk - прогулка
to work – работать work – работа
to order - приказывать order – приказ
to change – менять change – изменение
to free – освобождать free – свободный
to clean – чистить clean -чистый


4. Путем словосложения:


bed + room bedroom - спальня
black + board blackboard – классная доска
news + paper newspaper – газета
first + class first-class - первоклассный
rail + road railroad - железная дорога
gun + powder gunpowder - порох
tram + way tramway – трамвай
pipe + line pipeline - трубопровод
high + way highway – шоссе, автомагистраль
air + plane airplane - самолет
skate + board skateboard - роликовая доска
house + hold household - домашнее хозяйство
wind + mill windmill – ветродвигатель, ветряная мельница
clock + work clockwork - часовой механизм


Приложение 2




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Water Filtration at Present - Whole House Water Filter Systems 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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