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2015-11-10 914 Обсуждений (0)
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When my daughter came home from grocery shopping with a four-pack of bath soap, I was shocked. We hadn't purchased soap in this household for about 14 years and I couldn't understand why she suddenly had the need to buy big bars of a nationally-known brand of "bacteria-fighting deodorant soap."

"I had a coupon," she said. "It only cost 30 cents."

Well, that explained it. My daughter loves a bargain. But soap is one thing we don't need in our house.

Just a small part of our hotel soap stash!

It isn't that we don't use bath soap, or that we prefer to be stinky and dirty. We don't need bath soap, or face soap, or glycerine soap, or perfumed soap, or deodorant soap, or French Milled soap or even shower gel... because we have overflowing boxes of the stuff.

We have hotel soap.

Not only is it perfectly legitimate for us to have the toiletries, it delights the hotels that we've stayed in to know that their "branding" is displayed in our home. The marketing people are thrilled that the little packages with the hotel name are sitting in our bathroom, and that every time we wash our face or step into the shower, we think of our stay at that particular lodging.

They want us to have it. They are happy that we have it. They count on us having it. They would be disappointed if we didn't have it.

So what exactly is it OK to take from your hotel room, and what is considered theft?


Most hotels expect that you will take the soap. They plan on it. But there are other things that they expect you to take too, so except for the shower curtain, think about things that start with the letter "S."

• Soap.

• Shampoo.

• Shower gel.

• Shower cap.

• Sewing kit.

• Stationery.

• Shoe Shine Kits.

• Slippers.


Yes, slippers. Many really upscale hotels put terry-cloth slippers in your room, often with elaborate embroidery with the hotel's name or crest across the instep. It's branding. Every time you look down, you see the name or initials of the hotel; the hope is that it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling, makes you remember your wonderful time there, and makes you plan on returning.

"I wish more people would take the slippers," says David Benton, Vice President and General Manager of the tony Rittenhouse Hotel in Philadelphia, a member of the Preferred Hotels group. "We hate having to throw them away. We can't use them again; we WANT our guests to take them."


So now we know what you CAN take without fear of arrest and incarceration. What is it that you can't legitimately spirit away from the hotel? What is considered "theft?"

Almost anything else.

No bathrobes, towels, sheets, pillows, pillowcases, bedspreads, ashtrays, glasses. No washcloths, drapes, desklamps, shower curtains, phone books, headboards or artwork. No throw pillows, bath rugs, room-service dishes, mattress pads or light fixtures. Not the glossy hardcover destination books that sit on the desk, although the weekly magazines are fine. The Gideon Bible is fine too.

"We used to have really nice lightweight cotton bathrobes in the rooms," says Keith Douglas, General Manager of The House of Blues in Chicago. "But people took them. They were easy to pack because they were lightweight, and they had the 'HoB' logo sewn into them. It cost us a fortune on an annual basis, so we changed them to heavy terry-cloth robes without the logo, and the theft dropped by 90%."

Really elegant, upscale hotels tend to have less of a pilferage problem than urban, trendy and hip hotels, where the branding on verboten items makes them more desirable as collectibles.

"We have removed the H&B branding on a lot of our things," says Douglas, "because we found that we were replacing them with alarming frequency. A lot of the people who stay here want to have a souvenir of the House of Blues in their own homes, and we don't mean soaps. Hard goods: Ashtrays, glasses, coffee mugs. We lose a lot of our throw pillows too, which aren't branded but are distinctive. People like them, so they take them."

Mr. Benton of The Rittenhouse notes that pilferage isn't a real problem in his hotel since it caters to a clientele which "certainly doesn't need to take these items." On the other hand, if someone is going to steal from his hotel, they do it on a grand scale.

"Someone took a Mary Cassatt painting several years ago, at the time valued at over $35,000," says Benton. "It was found by the F.B.I. a couple of years later, in a private home in Aspen. We got it back."

"We had a guest once who took home the entire contents of her mini-bar," says Douglas, "and then threw a fit when she received the bill. She said she thought it was part of the amenites package!" (Yeah, right.)

"We finally settled for about half the cost, but that was really something."

Just remember S, and you should be fine.






Hotel bookings are earning hotels a lot of money because the hospitality and tourism industry is enjoying unprecedented growth. Most of this growth is being fueled by very clever advertising and marketing by the hotel industry that is convincing people to travel and stay in swank hotels in different parts of the country as too in the rest of the world.

Know What Is Being Offered

However, before proceeding with your hotel room reservations it pays to first of all learn about the type of hotel room amenities that are being provided by the hotel and whether the price you are being asked to pay is right for the kind of amenities being offered. Most travelers, business or leisure travelers will want to stay in hotel rooms that must be comfortable and which are well equipped with the best hotel room amenities.

It is therefore a good idea to learn from the experts and from fellow travelers how to ensure getting the best deal the next time they leave home to travel to other cities and even different countries. The first step in ensuring that you get the right hotel room amenities is deciding on your own preferences in regard to type of hotel accommodation you need.

Some people prefer certain kinds of hotel room amenities because these amenities help them with their business while others prefer hotel room amenities that help them relax and unwind more. So, a business traveler would look for a different set of hotel room amenities as compared with a vacation traveler. Knowing which type of hotel room is right for you will help you save on unnecessary expenses and also help you find the most suitable room.

Be Patient When Looking for Your Hotel

Even if a hotel is providing the right kind of hotel room amenities you should not grab the first chance to stay at such hotel – not without comparing what other similar type of hotels are charging you for similar hotel room amenities. Such comparisons will help you get even better deals while the amenities will be the same.

Another aspect to deciding on best hotel room amenities knows the destination where you plan on living away from home. Sometimes, you can get good hotel room amenities but at higher cost simply because the hotel is located in the city center. If you move away from the city center a hotel will charge you less for similar types of hotel room amenities.

One type of hotel amenity that everyone likes is the Jacuzzi hotel room. Before deciding which the right hotel accommodation for you is it pays to be a bit more curious than normal because by letting your curiosity get the better of you it becomes possible to search farther and wider and come up with even better deals.





Work in hotels and other accommodations can be demanding and hectic. Hotel staffs provide a variety of services to guests and must do so efficiently, courteously, and accurately. They must maintain a pleasant demeanor even during times of stress or when dealing with an impatient or irate guest. Alternately, work at slower times, such as the off-season or overnight periods, can seem slow and tiresome without the constant presence of hotel guests. Still, hotel workers must be ready to provide guests and visitors with gracious customer service at any hour.

Because hotels are open around the clock, employees frequently work varying shifts or variable schedules. Employees who work the late shift generally receive additional compensation. Many employees enjoy the opportunity to work part-time, nights or evenings, or other schedules that fit their availability for work and the hotel’s needs. Hotel managers and many department supervisors may work regularly assigned schedules, but they also routinely work longer hours than scheduled, especially during peak travel times or when multiple events are scheduled. Also, they may be called in to work on short notice in the event of an emergency or to cover a position. Those who are self-employed, often owner-operators, tend to work long hours and often live at the establishment.

Food preparation and food service workers in hotels must withstand the strain of working during busy periods and being on their feet for many hours. Kitchen workers lift heavy pots and kettles and work near hot ovens and grills. Job hazards include slips and falls, cuts, and burns, but injuries are seldom serious. Food service workers often carry heavy trays of food, dishes, and glassware. Many of these workers work part time, including evenings, weekends, and holidays.

Office and administrative support workers generally work scheduled hours in an office setting, meeting with guests, clients, and hotel staff. Their work can become hectic processing orders and invoices, dealing with demanding guests, or servicing requests that require a quick turnaround, but job hazards typically are limited to muscle and eye strain common to working with computers and office equipment.

In 2003, work-related injuries and illnesses averaged 6.7 for every 100 full-time workers in hotels and other accommodations, compared with 5.0 for workers throughout private industry. Work hazards include burns from hot equipment, sprained muscles and wrenched backs from heavy lifting, and falls on wet floors.




After all formalities are over, you are checked-in and acquainted with services and facilities provided in the hotel, the porter will show you to your room. He unlocks the door and turns on the light. He then raises the curtains (or shades) in the daytime or lowers them at night. If one requires nothing else, the porter is dismissed (you already know that it is customary to dismiss people waiting on you with a tip). The bedrooms have a restful feeling of comfort, the bedrooms are double-glazed for keeping even temperatures and quiet undisturbed relaxation.

Once, you decide to stay at a hotel you are referred to as a «guest». You’ll find notices everywhere reminding guests of leaving their keys at the desk when going out. All the keys are hung on a special key-rack. Whenever you ask for your key the clerk looks into the pigeon hole. Almost in each hotel you are sure to find Hotel Regulations. Here is an example:

«May we draw the attention of our guest to the following arrangements:

1. Rooms must be vacated by 1 p.m. on the day of departure. Otherwise the management regrets that an extra day must be charged.

2. Guests are requested to be as quiet as possible after 11p.m. so as not to disturb other people’s rest.

3. Any complaints should be made to reception or direct to the manager.

The management wishes you a very pleasant stay».

When staying at the hotel one is sure to come across some problems. As for me I found myself in a hotel with lots of drawbacks and when I made complaints, the staff found a lot of excuses for all drawbacks. When I said that electricity in my room was off and the fridge didn’t work, they said that I hadn’t plugged it in properly. When I said that central heating was off and air-conditioning was on full blast all night so that my room was freezing and I was cold at night, they said that I must have left the window open wide. When I said that they hadn’t brought me a newspaper that morning, they said that I hadn’t ordered it. And when I said that my purse and some valuable things had been stolen, they said that I oughtn’t to have left the door unlocked. I’ve believed I’ll never go there again!





Good chambermaid - is one of the most popular professions in the modern hotel industry. Cleanliness in the hotel has always been one of the indicators that determine the attitude of the customer to the hotel. Therefore, chambermaids, who can provide the appropriate level of cleanliness, were set above rubies by hotelier all over the world.


Maid service – is a hard physical labor. Chambermaid has to clean about 16 rooms per shift in average. This number is not constant, because it is necessary to take into account the room size and the number of beds. Chambermaids dust, vacuum, make beds, check the safety of the room equipment. Their responsibilities also include the transmission of things, forgotten by guests to the lost and found department of the hotel. It is believed that the average time that the maid spent on cleaning of one room should not exceed 40 minutes.


When cleaning chambermaids use a special trolley with detergents and tools for cleaning. These trolleys have long ago become a hallmark for the chambermaid profession.


The duties of a chambermaid may also include laundering. Hotels, which have their own laundry, have special maids in their staff, who only do washing and ironing.


The main work of chambermaids is performed either before the arrival of a guest, or after his departure. In expensive hotels there is also an intermediate visit of a chambermaid. Anyways, it is allowed only with the permission of the client. Sometimes, guests call chambermaids when they need some help with ironing or care of their clothing. In this case the chambermaid can expect an additional tip.


It is believed that the salary of chambermaids is low, as it does not require additional special education. A standard salary of an ordinary chambermaid ranges from 100 dollars per month in developing countries to one and a half thousand - in developed countries. However, many hotels and hotel chains tend to avoid staff turnover and provide various bonuses for those chambermaids, who perform their work perfectly.


Career of chambermaid in the hotel business – is quite a rare thing. Nevertheless, even here it is possible to expect promotion. Housekeeping services in the major hotels have special chambermaids departments, which are headed by the senior chambermaids. An ordinary chambermaid can expect promotion in this segment of hotel business. Hotels of the major resorts in the USA, the Caribbean, Australia, The Mediterranean region and several countries in the Middle East offer annual wages in the amount of 40 thousand dollars.


The best way to find a job of a chambermaid – just contact a front office service. Administration at the registration desk will propose to fill in the employment form or connect the applicant with the person responsible for the personnel policy of the hotel.





Tip in hotels is an integer part of hotel industry. This is a prime example of a tradition, which has become an inviolable rule in many countries.


An amount of tip and cases, when it is supposed to be offered is particular for each county. In some countries, for example in Japan and Australia, tip is forbidden and considered to be an offence. In several countries tip has the same status as a bribe. Many global hotel corporations prohibit their staff to receive additional money from customers. Nevertheless, these extremes are not determinative for hotel business. Tips in the most of the modern hotels are considered to be the «second earnings», just like a hundred years ago.


In many countries, the tip has its special designation. The French call them pour boire - «to drink». In Greece tip – it is filodrima or <<friendly gif>>. In some hotels tip is included in the room price. There will be a special section in receipt - <<for services>>. In Italy, for example, this section is called servizio e coperto. It is also can be found in Italian restaurants.


The major tip recipients in hotels are those employees, who directly contact with the guests. These are maids, waiters, concierge, doormen and porters. Tip will not be welcomed by administrators, florists and reception managers.


The size of the tip depends on the host country. In some U.S. states, for example, the tip size is defined by law. In the United States and Canada the most <<wealthy>> employee among the hotel staff is considered to be a waiter, serving the room. He receives, according to local etiquette, up to 20% of the order value.


In general, there are traditional rules for giving tip in the global hotel business. For example, the tip in amount of 1-2 euros to a porter for carrying your luggage from the door to the registration desk is considered to be optimal. The same tip should be given to a porter if he helps you to flag a taxi. However, if during the search for a taxi it will be raining on the street, the tip for a porter should be increased to 5 euros.


Porter carrying your luggage from the registration desk to a room expects the tip size, multiple to the number of your bags. In any case, the tip is supposed to be not less than two euros.


Tip to maids is given, depending on the mood of the customer. The common tip size is 2 euros in 3* hotel, 3-4 euros in 4-5* hotel. These prices are valid for Europe, the United States and some Latin American countries. In the Caribbean, and Asian resorts the size can be lower: 0,5 - 1 euro and the 2-3 Euro respectively.





The hotel administrator or reception manager is responsible for the reception of guest as well as internal communications of the hotel services. The post of administrator is related to the guest reception service or, as it has been recently called, front office service.


It is believed that the post of administrator does not require special training. In order to have a chance to get a job of hotel administrator, an applicant must possess a number of personal qualities. Sociability, resistance to stress, organizational skills, and internal discipline are among them. A good administrator - is a good psychologist as well, who is capable of compiling an emotional portrait of the client and knows how he could be useful to him.


Among the mandatory skills an administrator should possess – a good level of English. Many big hotel corporations among the other requirement for an employee have a special one – the knowledge of several foreign languages. Several <<giants>> of hotel industry even have their own training schools, where it is possible to acquire a specialty of hotel administrator. The Swiss hotel schools are considered to be the most prestigious ones, for example, the Ritz hotel staff school in the Swiss town of Brig.


Among the duties of the hotel administrator are: the reception and the registration of guests, monitoring of the guest requests fulfillment, informing of the other hotel services about arriving and departing guest. In small hotels administrator serves as a cashier, settling accounts with guests. He also receives calls and registers room booking by phone. Room booking via the Internet, a method which has become popular within the recent years, ads some extra work to a hotel administrator. Sometimes, customers apply to a hotel to confirm reservation or send confirmation by fax. Several embassies consider the confirmation from the hotel as a cause for visa issuance.


In the big hotels several administrators can work simultaneously at the registration desk, and each of them will have a defined set of responsibilities.


Administrator’s shift usually lasts for 8 hours. However, many big hotels have a special shift timetable, because a registration desk in them works in the round-the-clock mode. Administrators in the small hotels usually have the same working hours, and at night they are substituted by a porter or a hotel owner.


The hotel administrator can count on career growth. It is believed, that this post is some kind of a basic course for the future reception service managers. According to the established international practice, hotels do not incline to hire reception service managers from outside and invite people, who are already acquainted with the inner structure and operating principles of the front office.






Cleaning services or housekeeping department is responsible for the cleanness and order in the hotel. The housekeeping department personnel include maids, chief of housekeeping department, supervisors and senior maids. Housekeeping department, as well as the front-office, works in the round-the-clock mode with 3 shifts. Depending on the hotel status, room cleaning can be performed once or several times a day. The higher the <<star>> rank of the hotel, the more frequent a room cleaning is.


Housekeeping department – is one of the strictly regulated hotel services. Each position has its own well-defined instructions. An average duration of cleaning of the room, where a guest lives, is about half of an hour. Cleaning of an unoccupied standard room should take less than 7 minutes. During the shift maid tides 15 rooms in average.

Supervisor or senior maids check the quality with the periodicity established by the internal order of the hotel. Supervisors must also follow specially formulated standards of verification.

Housekeeping department is responsible for the procurement and quality of detergents and household chemicals that are used in hotel cleaning services. Housekeeping department is also in charge of developing safety rules for use of certain disinfectants and household chemicals.


Hotel cleanness – is a concept that is perceived in different countries in different ways. Major hotel brands, which during many years have mastered cleaning technologies, are an excellent example to follow. In the hotels of Marriot chain or Four Season dust in the rooms in 5 hours after cleaning is considered to be a violation. Scrupulousness in the matter of cleanness – is a hallmark of hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


In the modern hotels cleaning of rooms and restaurants is often charged to the third-party companies. Typically, such practice is used by small hotels on the threshold of the high season. However, there were some cases, when even huge hotels used the cleaning services.


Besides cleanness housekeeping department is also responsible for the comfort in the room. Among the hotel staff you can now meet florists, flavor specialists and even more exotic professions. Not long ago, hotels in New York began to employ <<sleep managers>>. Their responsibility – is to check the comfort of mattresses, bedding quality and the softness of pillows.


Housekeeping department – is a <<spine>> of the hotel. In many ways thanks to it hotel get its regular customers. Following the English proverb << Cleanliness is next to godliness >> many global hotel corporations are investing millions of dollars into the optimization of hotel cleaning process.




Hotel staff - is the appearance of every hotel. People, working in the hotel, form the attitude of the clients to the hotel no less than the interior or the menu. Among the most common jobs represented in the hotel are: concierge, doorman, maid, technician, maître d'hôtel, cook, waiter, security guard, manager of the hotel. Big hotels hire animators, doctors, masseurs, dealers as permanent employees. It is considered a sign of a good tone for a modern hotel to have an independent specialist for public relations and PR-manager.


Hotel business is an independent branch of the hotel industry. Therefore, the question of hotel staff training is of a great importance. Nowadays, many universities have special departments, where specialists for the hotel industry are being trained. Major hotel chains create special schools, where hotel business is studied. There are hundreds of different external programs, which help to obtain skills of various professions in hotel business.


Nowadays, the standards of education in hotel business are Swiss and French schools. Among the most eminent institutions for staff training Hotel School in Lausanne, Switzerland can be distinguished. The range of professions, which are taught in the hotel industry, is rather wide: from financiers to specialists in the field of spa, recruitment and telephone conversations.

The amount of the staff engaged in hotel activity largely depends on the status of the hotel. According to the recommendations of the World Tourist Organization, the optimum number of staff per 10 rooms in three star hotel – 8 person, in four star hotel – 12 person, in 5 star hotel – 20 person.


What regards the level of payment, there is still no common approach. The amount of salary depends on a wide array of factors: country, belonging to a major corporation, seasonality, etc. There is a special programs for career advancement, bonus and award systems in some hotel chains. Like Marriott or Hyatt. With some degree of certainty we can tell you about the level of salaries for managerial staff in the hotels. If you take an American hotel market as an example, the average payment level ranges from 36 thousand dollars per year for a reception manager to 57 thousand dollars per year for the hotel manager. In Russia the hotel manager gets from 1, 5 thousand dollars in the 3 star hotel to 4 thousand dollars in the 4-5 star hotel.


Among the basic skills, that a professional engaged in hotel business must have, are: the ability to handle stress, punctuality, knowledge of foreign languages, and attention to details. Those requirements are universal for managerial staff as well as service staff.

In <<Hotel Staff>> column we will tell you about the main occupations in the hotel business, familiarize you with a number of professional nuances and provide you with the information about the level of salaries and demands for different hotel jobs all around the world.





Welcome to the Grand Hotel “Europe” – one of the world’s truly Grand Hotels. Located in the very heart of St. Petersburg’s historic central shopping and business district, the Hotel combines all the charm of a bygone age with deluxe modern facilities and the highest international standards of service.

We are delighted to offer you the very finest in Russian hospitality. From the moment you arrive, we promise to envelop you in our time-honoured traditions of gracious Russian luxury. Great care was taken in the renovation of the Hotel, completed in 1991.

The Hotel’s fully equipped Business Centre and support facilities and services make it the ideal base from which to do business in St. Petersburg. The Grand Hotel “Europe” can provide you with secretarial assistance, interpreters, translators, a private meeting room or temporary office. International communications including postal and courier service are all available through the Hotel. Our Concierge will be happy to arrange transportation, make onward travel arrangements, reconfirm airline tickets and advise on restaurants for corporate entertainment.

Our private function rooms are ideal for important meetings, discreet negotiations, presentations, seminars and training sessions. Our Banquet Department will be happy to assist you with all arrangements including the supply of audio-visual aids and simultaneous translation equipment.

Throughout its history, the Grand Hotel “Europe” has been the venue for many grand occasions. Today our Banqueting team upholds this fine tradition. Whether it is for a small private dinner, a conference, product lunch or an elaborate dinner dance, they are on hand to provide the careful organization, considered advice and the attention to detail essential to a successful event.

Organizers have a choice of the elegance of the Krysha Ballroom with its glass roof to let in the spectacular summer spell of the White Nights, the cozy warmth of the Billiard Room and Caviar Bar or the light and airy meeting rooms in the Conference Centre. In addition, the Grand Hotel “Europe” can also organize and cater special events at the many places and other historic venues in St. Petersburg and the surrounding countryside.

Variety and quality are in the heart of the Hotel’s dining options. Restaurant Europe offers the finest in modern Russian and international gourmet cuisine amid breath-taking turn of the century decor. The Brassiere is an informal Bistro-style restaurant, while SADKO’s is the place to meet in St Petersburg. This American style bar/restaurant also features nightly performances by live local bands. For a spicy alternative try Chopsticks, the Hotel’s authentic Chinese restaurant. Enjoy a leisurely traditional Afternoon Tea on the Mezzanine or unwind before dinner over a quiet drink in The Lobby Bar.


2015-11-10 914 Обсуждений (0)
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