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Science Learning Easier When Students Actively Recall Information

2015-11-10 712 Обсуждений (0)
Science Learning Easier When Students Actively Recall Information 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Put down those science text books and work at recalling information from memory. That's the message of new research from Purdue University that says practicing memory retrieval boosts science learning far better than elaborate study methods. Educators traditionally rely on learning activities that encourage elaborate study techniques focused on improving the encoding of information into memory. But, when students practice retrieval, they set aside the material they are trying to learn and instead practice calling it to mind.

The study, “Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning Than Elaborative Studying With Concept Mapping,” tested both learning strategies alongside each other. “In prior research, we established that practicing retrieval is a powerful way to improve learning,” said Karpicke. “Here we put retrieval practice to the test by comparing its effectiveness to an elaborative study method, specifically elaborative studying by creating concept maps.”

Concept mapping requires students to construct a diagram – typically using nodes or bubbles – that shows relationships among ideas, characteristics or materials. These concepts are then written down as a way of encoding them in a person's memory.

In two studies, reported by Karpicke and his colleague, Purdue University psychology student Janell Blunt, a total of 200 students studied texts on topics from different science disciplines. One group engaged in elaborative study using concept maps while a second one practiced retrieval; they read the texts, then put them away and practiced freely recalling concepts from the text.

After an initial study period, both groups recalled about the same amount of information. But when the students returned to the lab a week later to assess their long-term learning, the group that studied by practicing retrieval showed a 50 percent improvement in long-term retention above the group that studied by creating concept maps. This, despite the students own predictions about how much they would actually remember.

Karpicke found that when students have the material right in front of them, they think they know it better than they actually do. “It may be surprising to realize that there is such a disconnect between what students think will afford good learning and what is actually best. We, as educators, need to keep this in mind as we create learning tools and evaluate educational practices,” he said.


(по материалам сайта www.freerepublic.com)

Тема 6


Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее выражает лицо или предмет, над которым совершается действие. Категория страдательного залога свойственна и русскому, и английскому языку, однако ее употребление в английском языке гораздо шире, поэтому существует и больше способов ее передачи на русский язык. В ряде случаев перевод страдательного залога не вызывает особых трудностей и требует незначительных изменений английского предложения (табл. 6).



Таблица 6

Способ Пример Перевод
Глаголом в форме страдательного залога или кратким причастием А new equipment was installed in the lab. В лаборатории было установлено новое оборудование.
Глаголом в форме действительного залога (при переводе возможно изменение порядка слов) The research was done by professor N. Профессор Н. провел данное исследование. Также возможен перевод: Данное исследование (было) проведено профессором Н.
Глаголом, заканчивающимся на -ся; -сь The lectures were always ended by а test. В конце каждой лекции проводилсятест.
Безличным предложением The film will be shown tomorrow. Этот фильм покажутзавтра.

Особую сложность при передаче на русский язык вызывают: непрямые страдательные конструкции (напр.: I am invited to all the parties); глаголы с послелогами (напр.: This article is often referred to); английские глаголы, требующие после себя беспредложного дополнения, которые при переводе требуют предложного дополнения (напр.: He was attacked); глаголы в страдательном залоге, за которыми следует два предлога подряд (напр.: These conditions will be objected to by other scientists).

(Слепович В. С., с. 111 – 112)

2015-11-10 712 Обсуждений (0)
Science Learning Easier When Students Actively Recall Information 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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