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2015-11-11 2888 Обсуждений (0)
WHAT DO THE STARS EAT? 5.00 из 5.00 4 оценки

Film stars are everyone's favourite subject. People love to talk about what they're wearing, who they're dating, and how much money they make. But have you ever wondered about what they eat?

Chefs and caterers on film sets have the answers. "Every actor has different eating habits," says chef John Sharp. "Some stars love meat, while others are strict vegetarians who don't eat meat, eggs, or fish. Some stars love junk food, while others are constantly on a diet and eat only healthy foods."

Ninety-nine per cent of the time, actresses are on a diet and insist on eating only low-fat foods. During the filming of Now and Then, Demi Moore ate nothing but Basmati rice, steamed baby spinach, green beans with lemon, and turkey sandwiches on wholemeal bread. During the filming of Twister, Helen Hunt only ate low-calorie foods, including poached eggs, dry toast, and steamed brown rice with vegetables.

Other stars love to eat junk food, and never count calories during their meals. Eddie Murphy's favourite food is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Whoopi Goldberg doesn't worry about how healthy her diet is, and loves fatty bacon sandwiches with lettuce, mayonnaise and lots of butter.

One thing for sure is that cooking for the stars is never easy, because they are often fussy eaters. "They want food fixed exactly the way they like it and always have something to complain about," says caterer Susan Tate. Bill Murray won't eat watermelon with seeds in it, and Mickey Rourke insists on freshly-squeezed carrot juice twice a day, but he won't drink it if it sits for more than six minutes.

Cooking for the stars is hard work, but few of these caterers ever think about changing jobs. "I love my work," says Susan Tate. "Where else can I see what Michelle Pfeiffer eats for breakfast or what Al Pacino has for a snack?"

Choose the correct variant using the information from the text:

1.Vegetarians don’t eat … a. junk food. b. vegetables. c. meat. d. healthy foods. 2. Most actresses don’t eat … a. law-fat foods. b. sandwiches. c. fatty foods. d. steamed vegetables. 3. Who likes junk food? a. Eddie Murphy b. Demi Moore c. Susan Tate d. Bill Murray 4. Cooking for the stars is … a. boring. b. difficult. c. easy. d. scary. 5. Caterers on film sets should … a. be fussy eaters. b. prepare only healthy food. c. change their jobs often. d. fix food the way each star likes it.

Exercise 2. Combine the words:

Dry, foods, eating, junk, freshly-squeezed, calories, poached, steamed, strict

1. __________ habits

2. __________ brown rice

3. __________ food

4. law-fat _________

5. __________ eggs

6. ___________ toast

7. to count _________

8. __________ carrot juice

9. __________ vegetarians

Exercise 3. Fill in the table with the given words:

Ice-cream, lettuce, lobster, cake, onion, lamb, chips, cabbage, peas, eggs, garlic, cheese, yoghurt, milk, mushrooms, pumpkin, ham, mussels, bread rolls, nuts, melon, cucumber, rice, sandwich, toast, green beans, potatoes, watermelon.



Exercise 4. Translate the given phrases into English:

Tелятина на закуску; десерт из клубники и ананаса; пирожное и мед на сладкое; салат с капустой и огурцами; пюре с соусом; вареная говядина; жареная свинина; каша с отбивной котлетой; жареный картофель с бараниной; малина со сливками; пирог со сливой; пудинг со смородиной; очень вкусные арбуз и дыня; хорошо приготовленный компот; жареный лук с морковью; белоснежная скатерть с салфетками; творог с виноградом; уксус и соль с перцем; порция каши; вишневый сок.


Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks in the sentences with words from the list:

Home-made / meal /raw/ spicy /diet/ chicken /steak/ takeaway /meat/ frozen

1. His __________ is terrible: he eats too many sweet things.

2. Strict vegetarians don’t eat __________ or fish.

3. __________ vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked.

4. I love __________ food but I don’t have too much time to cook.

5. She likes her __________ well done.

6. I am very busy so I often buy a __________ meal and heat it up in the microwave.

7. Our biggest __________ of the day is usually lunch.

8. She doesn’t like Mexican food because it is too __________.

9. Our typical Sunday lunch is roast _______, I especially like the wings.

10. We often buy __________ food on Fridays – either Chinese or Indian food.


Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box:

believe alternative to currently global growing getting opt for protect

1. Mane vegetarians eat soya as an __________ meat.

2. Some people __________ that all ready-cooked meals are unhealthy.

3. The number of people buying organic vegetables is __________ in mane countries.

4. The UK government is __________ studying how to encourage people to change their eating habits.

5. In the US and Europe, many children are __________ fatter because of their bad diets.

6. Many people _______ a change a diet because it makes them feel better.

7. A balanced diet can help to __________ you from illness.

8. Unhealthy eating is now a ____ problem: not just in the US and Europe.


Exercise 7. Read and translate the text:

Culture shock

Good manners are always good manners. That's what Miranda Ingram, who is English, thought, until she married Alexander, who is Russian.

When I first met Alexander and he said to me, in Russian, 'Nalei mnye chai - pour me some tea', I got angry and answered, 'Pour it yourself. Translated into English, without a 'Could you...?' and a 'please', it sounded really rude to me. But in Russian it was fine - you don't have to add any polite words.

However, when I took Alexander home to meet my parents in the UK, I had to give him an intensive course in ‘pleases and thank yous’ (which he thought were completely unnecessary), and to teach him to say ‘sorry’ even if someone else stepped on his toe, and to smile, smile, smile.

Another thing that Alexander just couldn't understand was why people said things like, ‘Would you mind passing me the salt, please?’ He said, 'Ifs only the salt, for goodness sake! What do you say in English if you want a real favour?'

He also watched in amazement when, at a dinner party in England, we swallowed some really disgusting food and I said, 'Mmm...delicious'. In Russia, people are much more direct. The first time Alexander's mother came to our house for dinner in Moscow, she told me that my soup needed more flavouring. Afterwards when we argued about it my husband said, 'Do you prefer your dinner guests to lie?'

Alexander complained that in England he felt 'like the village idiot because in Russia if you smile all the time people think that you are mad. In fact, this is exactly what my husband's friends thought of me the first time I went to Russia because I smiled at everyone, and translated every 'please' and 'thank you' from English into Russian!

At home we now have an agreement. If we're speaking Russian, he can say 'Pour me some tea', and just make a noise like a grunt when I give it to him. But when we're speaking English, he has to add a 'please' a 'thank you', and a smile.

Find out whether the following statements are true or false:

1. Miranda got angry because her husband asked her to make the tea.

2. Miranda had to teach him to say sorry when something wasn’t his fault.

3. Miranda’s husband thinks English people are too polite.

4. Alexander wasn’t surprised when people said they liked the food at the dinner party.

5. The food was delicious.

6. Miranda didn’t mind when her mother-in-law criticized her cooking.

7. Alexander thought his mother was right.

8. In Russia it isn’t normal to smile all the time when you speak to someone.

9. His Russian friends thought Miranda was very friendly because she smiled a lot.

10. Alexander never says thank you for his tea he and Miranda are speaking in Russian.

Exercise 8. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

1. From All Diets I Choose ...

2. Non-Traditional Food — Pros and Cons.

3. Better Cooks — Men or Women?

4. Each Family Has its Own Style of Cooking.

5. What I Like and What I Hate to Eat.

Exercise 9. Read and translate and the dialogues:

Dialogue 1

Jim:Shall I help you dish up, Maggie?

Maggie:Well, I’m afraid lunch isn’t ready yet. You see the meat hasn’t cooked properly. It’s been stewing for two hours but it’s still not quite tender. Perhaps another 10 minutes...?

Jim:Of course, of course. We are not in a hurry. We’ll have a drop of sherry while we are waiting. Oh! It doesn’t seem to be here. Maggie! What have you done with it. I keep it in the sideboard.

Maggie:I’ve been using it for cooking. It’s all gone.

Jim:But that happened to be a very good sherry. I’ve been keeping it for

special occasions. By the way, there is a rather funny smell coming from the kitchen.

Maggie:Good heavens! While I’ve been chatting with you the meat must have burnt. Oh! It’s burnt to a cinder. I really don’t know what to do. Perhaps I might make an omelet.

Jim:I’ve a much better idea. I’ll come into the kitchen and make omelet. I love cooking. And I’ll trust you to break the eggs, Maggie.

Dialogue 2

At the Restaurant

A: Shall we have our dinner in this restaurant? They serve very good meals here and the prices are reasonable.

B:Well, you lead. You should know better. (In the restaurant)

A:What shall we have? A three-course dinner, I suppose. I’m awfully hungry.

B: So am I. And I’m thirsty too.

A: Then let’s have a glass of mineral water first or some orange juice.

B: I’d prefer orange juice with ice or iced tea.

A: Waiter! Iced orange juice and a glass of mineral water, please. Now let’s see the menu and here is the wine list too. How about some hard drinks?

B: I wouldn’t mind having a brandy.

A: So it’s one brandy. And whisky and soda for me. Would you like any starters?

B: A salad would do, I think.

A: And I’ll have shrimps. Would you like any soup? As for me I’ll have mushroom soup and smoked salmon for the main course.

B: I like your choice. I’d rather have the same.

Exercise 10. Find the logical order of the following dialogue parts:

  A Mother: Would you like some bread and ham, Tommy?
  B Tommy: All right, pass me the brown bread, please.
  C Mother: Better take some honey.
  D Tommy: No, thanks. Two soft-boiled eggs would do for me.
  E Mother: Another slice of bread, Tommy?
  F Mother: I’m afraid these are hard-boiled. But you can have half of the omelette I’ve made. I am sure you’ll find it to your liking?
  G Tommy: No, thank you. No more for me.
  H Mother: Very well. Let me pour it out. Some more coffee, Tommy?
  I Tommy: Thanks, the omelette is pretty good.
  J Mother: Here you are.
  K Tommy: May I trouble you for jam?
  L Mother: A cup of coffee?
  M Tommy: Yes, please.
  N Tommy: Oh, no. I never have honey with coffee.

Exercise 11. Translate the dialogues into English and reproduce one of them:


А: Завтрак готов?

В: Да. Чайник кипит. Пора завтракать. Будет что-то особенное на завтрак.

А: Да, пахнет вкусно, но мне кажется, что у нас будет обычный завтрак: яичница с ветчиной и тосты.

В: Нет, дорогой. Я испекла яблочный пирог.

А: Ну, давай садиться за стол. Я умираю от голода.

В: Что ты будешь пить, чай или кофе?

А: Чай, пожалуйста, с одним кусочком сахара.

В: Давай попробуем пирог.

А: Как вкусно. Тебе всегда удаются пироги.

В: Спасибо, дорогой. Передай мне, пожалуйста, масло.

А: Вот, пожалуйста. Можно мне еще одну порцию пирога?

В: Да, конечно. Дай мне твою тарелку, я положу пирог.

А: Боюсь, что я переел, но так вкусно, что я не могу остановиться.

В: Ничего страшного. Мы будем обедать сегодня довольно поздно. Я вернусь домой только в 8 часов.

А: Спасибо за вкусный завтрак.


2. В ресторане

А: Есть ли столики на девять человек?

В: Боюсь у нас нет таких больших столов. Есть несколько, но они расположены слишком близко к оркестру.

А: Вот хороший столик. Давай займем его. Какие закуски вы можете предложить?

В: Я могу предложить овощной салат, икру, сардины. Рекомендую настоящий русский салат.

А: Что он собой представляет?

В: Он приготовлен из помидоров, огурцов, перца и лука.

А: Хорошо, мне салат из помидоров и немного маслин. И еще, я хочу попробовать вашу знаменитую окрошку.

В: Она очень освежает в жаркий день. Она состоит из кваса, огурцов, картофеля, мяса и лука.

А: Лук! Тогда мне не надо окрошки.





Exercise №1. Complete the sentences using:

A) some, any, no.

1. There were __ of my friends there. 2. Well, anyway, there is __ need to hurry, now that we have missed the train. 3. Have you ever seen __ of these pictures before? 4. There is __ water in the" kettle: they have drunk it all. 5. There were __ fir-trees in that forest, but many pines. 6. We could not buy cherries, so we bought __ plums instead.

2015-11-11 2888 Обсуждений (0)
WHAT DO THE STARS EAT? 5.00 из 5.00 4 оценки

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