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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса

2015-11-11 956 Обсуждений (0)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса

Variant 1

1.Use “to be” in the right form.

1.Moscow (am, is are) rich in interesting places.

2.London (am, is, are) famous for its outstanding people.

3.It (was, were) important to know about historical events in the exam last year.

4.My parents (am, is are) of my success at school.

5.The story written in 1978 (was, are, were) based on real adventures.

2.Match the sentences with each other.

1.Sir W.Churchill was ... a)an artist

2.Daniel Defoe was ... b)a famous ballet-dancer

3.Charlie Chaplin was ... c)a well-known singer

4.William Shakespare was ... d)a famous English scientist

5.Savva Morozov was ... e)a famous businessman


1.D.Defoe wrote the book of robinson Crusoe. He is a famous English ... (WRITE).

2.J.Turner liked to draw ruined abbeys and castles. He was a famous English ... (PAINT).

3.Isaac Newton discovered some important laws of physics. He was a well-known ... (SCIENCE).

4.Sir W.Churchill was a famous ... (POLITICS).

5.Savva Morozov was very rich and helped poor people. He was a ... (BUSINESS).

6.My friend can run very well. He is a ... (SPORT).


Задание: Write a letter to your pen friend. Be attentive and answer the following questions:

1.Do you like to read?

2.What books do you like to read?

3.When do you usually like to read?

4.What is your favourite book (story, novel)?

5.What is this book about (adventures, historical events, traditions of people, fantasy)?

6.Is it important to read more? Why?

Write 50 words.


Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 6 класса

Variant 2

1.Use “to be” in the right form.

1.The one of the famous book of Mark Twain (is, was, were) called “Tom Sawyer”. He wrote it when he was a middle-aged man.

2.Moscow (be, was, were) founded in 1147.

3.Margaret Thatcher (am, is, are) a famous politician.

4.J.Turner (was, be, were) fond of nature and a master of water colous.

5.J.Turner (be, was, were) the son of a barber and liked drawing very much.

2.Match the sentences with each other.

1.Savva Morozov was ... e)a famous businessman

2.Charles Darwin was ... f)a famous writer and poet

3.John Lennon was ... g)a well- known actor

4.Anna Pavlova was ... h)a famous writer

5.Joseph Turner was ... i)a famous politician


1.My uncle can swim very well. He is a ... (SWIM).

2.Charlie Chaplin act the roles in the film. he was an ... (ACT).

3.William Shakespare wrote different plays. He was a ... (WRITE).

4.John Lennon liked to sing. He was a famous ... (SING).

5.William Shakespare like to write poetry. He was also a ... (POETRY).

6.Anna Pavlova liked to dance. She was a ballet - ... (DANCE).


Задание: Write a letter to your pen friend. Be attentive and answer the following questions:

1.Do you like to read?

2.What books do you like to read?

3.When do you usually like to read?

4.What is your favourite book (story, novel)?

5.What is this book about (adventures, historical events, traditions of people, fantasy)?

6.Is it important to read more? Why?

Write 50 words

Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса

Variant 1

1.Use adjectives in the sentences.

1.My parents work very hard every day. I think they are … .

2.My friend likes to arrange a party. He is very serious with preparing. I’m sure he is …. .

3.My younger sister likes to talk all day long. I think she is very …. .

4.My classmates are very noisy at the lessons, they sometimes don’t like to answer. I’m sure they are ….. .

5.They like to play jokes with their friends and tell funny stories. I suppose they are ….. .


2.Make the sentence using the following words.




4.time/lots of/have/I/when/have/often/I/a/picnic/my/with/family.



3.Write a letter to your pen friend. Be attentive and answer the following questions:

1.Do you have summer vacations?

2.What do you usually do during your summer vacations?

3.Do you like travelling? Why?

4.Where do you prefer travelling? What do you usually do there?

5.Do you like to meet interesting people while you are travelling? Why?


Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 7 класса

Variant 2

1.Use adjectives in the sentences.

1.Jack is a leader of the company. He is ….. for their workers.

2.My father likes to listen to music very much. I think he is a real ….. man.

3.My sister is fond of doing sport and learning a lot. I’m sure she is an …. Person.

4.We usually draw funny posters and act plays. I think we are ….. .

5.Charles Darwin was a scientist and had a theory . He worked at the ….. events in the field of biology.


2.Make the sentence using the following words.


2.lots of/have/I/when/time do/I/sport/usually/I.





3.Write a letter to your pen friend. Be attentive and answer the following questions:

1.Do you have summer vacations?

2.What do you usually do during your summer vacations?

3.Do you like travelling? Why?

4.Where do you prefer travelling? What do you usually do there?

5.Do you like to meet interesting people while you are travelling? Why?


Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса

Variant 1

I.Write a dictation. Translate the following statements.

a)наслаждаться жизнью

b)нуждаться в помощи друга

с)хорошо проводить время с другом

d)заниматься спортом

e)быть преданным кем-либо


II. Make the sentence using the following words.

1.they/when/usually/they/happy/are/fun/ have/and/friends/with/parents.

2.because/stressed/she/is/she/girl friend/is/real/by/her/betrayed.



III.Angreee\disagree with the information.

1. “Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods”.

2. Your friend never help you and support you in difficult situations.

3. You always need some help from my parents.


IV.Write a letter to your pen friend Patricia who writes:

“A friend is one before whom I may think aloud”… Do you have a real friend? How does your friend help you in difficult situations? Do you feel lonely with your friend? Why?


By the way my friend is going to go shopping….

In your letter

-Answer her questions;

-Ask 3 questions about your friend’s shopping.


2015-11-11 956 Обсуждений (0)
Контрольная работа по английскому языку для обучающихся 9 класса 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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