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According to AISE, the results of their survey of university students are

2015-11-12 2976 Обсуждений (0)
According to AISE, the results of their survey of university students are 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки

a) absolutely reliable.

b) difficult to believe.

c) worth thinking about.

d) true for every university in the country.

According to the results of the survey,

a) more than half of university students work.

b) less than half of university students work.

c) almost all university students work.

d) very few university students work.

The first respondent (Andrew) says that he does a part-time job because he

a) has to earn his living.

b) has to pay for his education.

c) wants to support his parents.

d) wants to gain some working experience.

The second respondent (Julia) says that

a) she doesn’t work because she is very lazy.

b) she works and it has a negative effect on her studies.

c) she doesn’t work because she wants to concentrate on her studies.

d) she doesn’t work because her parents are against it.

The third respondent (Anna) thinks that doing a job

a) can affect the teacher’s attitude to the student.

b) affects students’ academic results.

c) is very good for students’ academic results.

d) can show the practical value of education.

The text suggests that there will be

a) more working students in the near future.

b) fewer working students in the near future.

c) more universities.

d) more university jobs.

III. Use of English.

Use the verbs in the appropriate form.

I’ve been in our family business for thirty years already. Our company ___ (1) by my great-grandfather in 1920 and since then we’ve been manufacturing the ___ (2) furniture in England. We create wardrobes, writing tables, coffee tables, chairs, bookcases and other pieces, all of which are of the highest quality. Our furniture ___ (3) in traditional English style and we apply traditional technologies to make it. The furniture is hand-made and that’s why it takes several weeks to make a chair or a coffee table. It’s a difficult job and we employ very skilled ___ (4) who usually work for the company for many years. Two of our workers ___ (5) with us for more than fifty years already and they say that they love their work and are not going to retire yet. I’m also proud of our business because money is not everything for us. Making furniture inevitably implies cutting down trees. If we don’t think about the environment now, our forests___ (6) by the middle of the century. To prevent it we plant trees in our greenhouse and then put them in the forests. I don’t know what my life would be like if I ____(7) some other career, but I’m glad that I didn’t. I really think that a family business is a great responsibility but a great privilege too. found beautiful   design   craftsman   work     cut down     choose

IV. Writing.

Comment on the following.

Some parents think that university students should not work during term-time as it can affect their academic performance.

Use the guidelines:

· write whether you agree or disapprove with this opinion and to what extent

· present your arguments “for”

· present your arguments “against”

· write your conclusion. Write 200-250 words.

V. Speaking.

Work in pairs. Study the information in your cards and act out the conversation.

Student 1 Student 2
You want to take up a part-time job in a nearby pizzeria. You would like to work three days a week. Mind your time opportunities: · on Monday, Wednesday and Friday your classes finish at 4 p.m.; · on Tuesdays and Thursday your classes finish at 1 p.m. sharp; · you don’t have classes at weekends. You would like to earn at least ?30 per week. Call the pizzeria and find out if they’ve got any suitable vacancies. If the vacancy suits you, you can start work immediately. You start the conversation. You are a manager in the pizzeria. You are looking for people to fill in the following vacancies: · a driver (2 years of work experience is necessary, ?500 per month); · pizza deliverers (no experience is necessary, flexible hours): - at weekdays: from 2 pm to 6 pm - at weekdays: from 12 noon to 4 pm - ?15 per day. Agree the schedule with the candidate and find out if the candidate can start next week.

I. Fill in the gaps with the correct words. IV четверть Grammar

Hi Cathy,

After your lovely message I wanted to set aside some time and give you a proper reply. Instead I’ve left it so long and you may think that I’m ___ (1) you. I’m very sorry about that. But I hope you’ll forgive my silence if I explain what’s been happening this week.

This week we are having exams at school and it’s the time for public concerts at my music college too. So I’ve had to __ (2) a lot of essays and tests. I also need to rehearse for our concerts, which has taken __ (3) hours too. To __ (4) with the stress I try to have at least half an hour of relaxation time every night and to e-mail friends.

Aside from that I am trying to help my brother to renovate his flat. ___ (5), we have found a wonderful builder and I think he’s going to be able to do all the work for a __ (6) price. There is always a silver lining. Anyway, my brain is quietly frying from so much work today so I will leave it here.

I promise I will write again soon.

Amy xxx

a) appreciating b) ignoring c) estimating d) pushing
a) estimate b) suggest c) write d) take
a) many b) much c) few d) little
a) fight b) deal c) put up d) cope
a) Sadly b) Unfortunately c) Evidently d) Luckily
a) clever b) reasonable c) smart d) reliable

2015-11-12 2976 Обсуждений (0)
According to AISE, the results of their survey of university students are 4.75 из 5.00 4 оценки

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