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Take after – походить на (родителей, родственников)

2015-11-12 857 Обсуждений (0)
Take after – походить на (родителей, родственников) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Look after

Look up

Look in

Look out

Look for

Look at

Look (№1)

1. Look…! There is a car coming.

2. Could you look… my dog while I am on vacation.

3. I’ll look… and see you next week.

4. If you don’t know the word look it… in the dictionary.

5. Have you seen my shirt? I’ve been looking… it everywhere.

6. Look… this picture, please.

Look (№2)

1. It’s hard work looking… three children all day.

2. I had to look the word… in a dictionary.

3. Look… those people. They are doing the tango.

4. Look…! The water’s deep.

5. He looked all over… the missing dog.

6. I looked… my youngest brother when I was a teenager.

7. Don’t look… me! I am changing my clothes.

8. I am looking… my key. Have you seen it?

Phrasal verbs:

Put off/aside

Put on

Put away

Put down

Put out

Put up with

Put (№1)

1. Close your books and put them…

2. Take your notebooks and put…all the words that are on the board.

3. Mr. Garret put…his trip to London until next month.

4. Alison is not ready yet. She has not put her sneakers…

5. Never put…till tomorrow what you can do today.

Get up

Get together

Get over

Get along with

Get on

Get in

Get out

Get on

Get off


1. If he gets…early, he’ll come on time.

2. Take this bus and get…in 15 minutes.

3. It was too hard for her to get…after that illness.

4. The more we get…the happier we’ll be.

5. How do they get…? Pretty well.


1. I can’t get … with my mother-in-law.

2. We should get … at the next stop.

3. I am sure we got … the wrong trolley-bus.

4. It’s good news that he finally managed to get ….

5. My mother and I are getting … next Sunday for lunch.


Come across-случайно встретиться, натолкнуться на что-либо

Come along-пойти с кем-нибудь

Come back-возвращаться

Come off-отлететь, оторваться

Come on-пойдем


1. Come…or we’ll be late.

2. I came…this book in a little store.

3. Come…here. I want to talk to you.

4. Come…with us, or you’ll miss the bus.

5. The button has come…my coat.


1. The explorers came…some ancient ruins.

2. “Are you coming…with me later?”

3. I’ve just come…from Paris.

4. I was driving at 90 km/h when the front left wheel came….

5. Come…out with us and blow off some steam.


Find out-узнать, выяснить, понять

Find oneself-найти свой талант

Find fault with someone or something-придираться


1. You can’t trust him until you find everything….

2. He found…after graduating from the University.

3. She’s unpleasant. She always finds…people.


1. I'm going to call the cinema to find … what time the film starts.

2. My boss finds … with everything that I do.

3. "When I find … you'll be the first to know."


Run away / run away from - бежать, уклоняться от (чего-л.); избегать (чего-л.)

Run after-преследовать

Run away with – понести (о лошади); потерять управление (об автомобиле и т.п.); одержать лёгкую победу в (соревновании)

run into – налететь, наскочить, наехать на, столкнуться с;

Run off – убегать, настрочить, накатать (стихи, статью

Run out – выбегать; кончаться, истощаться (о запасах, деньгах, шутках): of указывает, что истощилось, кончилось

run over – переливаться через край; выходить (за некоторый предел), сбить, переехать, задавить


1. We can't run … from the facts.

2. Our team should run … with the cricket competition.

3. I ran … him.

4. I can run … the article that you want in a few days.

5. There were still more than seven hours left before the batteries ran ….

6. The bathwater is running …!


1. Yesterday I ran…my friend whom I haven’t seen since we left school.

2. Why are you so upset? My kitten was run …by a car.

3. I’ll have to go to the baker’s as we’ve run…of bread.

4. I tried to run …the thief, but he was too fast for me.

5. Oh, no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are run …of coffee.


Give away-дарить

Give out-раздавать

Give in-уступать

Give up-отказаться

Give off – испускать, издавать (запах, дым, свет, тепло)

Give №1

1. She gave … all the money to the poor.

2. This lamp gives … a very bright light.

3. Don’t give … without a fight.

4. He gave … copies of the report at the end of the meeting.

5. He gave … smoking.

Give №2

1. The fire was giving … a lot of smoke.

2. She gave … her exam paper.

3. They’re giving … a CD with this magazine.

4. Mary has to give…all her cats except one.

5. Give …the textbooks.


Go in for-увлекаться

Go off-гаснуть, портиться (о еде)

Go on-продолжать

Go without-обходиться без чего-либо


1. Mike doesn’t go…sports.

2. The meeting went…for two hours.

3. The lights went…and the film began.

4. You may take this book. I can easily go…it for a month.

5. Are you going to go … soccer this year at school?


Don't drink the milk, it's gone ...

2. How long has Jim gone … collecting stamps?

3. Do go …, I am listening.

4. A person can go … water for three days.

5. Please, go …. Don't let me interrupt you


Turn down – убавлять (звук).

Turn into – превращать.

Turn off – выключать прибор.

Turn on – включать электроприбор, газ, воду.

Turn up – сделать громче (звук).

Turn to – обращаться к кому-то за помощью.


1. I couldn’t cope with the problem so I had to turn …my friend, who was an expert in computer science.

2. Could you turn … the volume? I can’t find the remote control.

3. Why don’t you turn the lights …? It’s pitch-dark in the room.

4. If the red indicator flashes turn … the machine immediately.

5. She turns a pumpkin … a golden carriage, mice … horses, a rat … a coachman, and lizards … footmen.


1. Could you turn … the volume? The baby is sleeping.

2. Our neighbors turned their old barn … the garage.

3. Turn … the radio. It disturbs me.

4. Can you turn … the TV set? My favorite TV show begins in a minute.

5. You can turn … us for help at any time.


Take after – походить на (родителей, родственников)

2015-11-12 857 Обсуждений (0)
Take after – походить на (родителей, родственников) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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