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Concluding sentences in replies to enquiries: offers

2015-11-12 1341 Обсуждений (0)
Concluding sentences in replies to enquiries: offers 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Our services are at your disposal.

As we execute all orders in strict rotation, we strongly advise you order early.

If you think our offer meets your requirements, please let us have your order at an early date, as supplies are limited.

An early reply would help us to help you.

We look forward to the pleasure of serving you.

We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements, and we look forward to your first order.

You may reply on us to give your requirements immediate attention.

We will hold a quantity in reserve for you, as we feel sure you would not wish to miss such an opportunity.

The enclosed catalogue will give you all the essential facts about our lines, but in cannot answer all your personal questions. It will be a pleasure for us to do that if you will write to us.

Words alone will not prove what we claim for our products: only a trial can do that, and a trial will convince you.

Our whole experience is at your service. We hope you will make use of it.

We should appreciate the opportunity of showing you now efficiently we can serve you.

We think we have covered every point of your enquiry. If not, please do not hesitate to write to us again. It will be a pleasure to give you an immediate reply.



Translate these word combinations from English into Russian.

1. without any obligation \ free from any need to buy ______________________

2. trade terms/ prices paid by the dealer _______________________________

3. settlement/ payment ____________

4. lines / products or groups of products ______________________________

5. in stock / available, ready for delivery ______________________________

6. firm order / definite order _______

7. discount / reduction in price allowed by the seller _____________________

consignment / goods packed together and sent from seller to buyer _____


Напишите деловое письмо-заказ по следующему плану:

1. Ссылка на визит / посещение агента по снабжению или на рекламу, и каталог,

на образец или предшествующую корреспонденцию.

Примечание. Это необходимо в том случае, когда заказ делается впервые

2. Данные о требуемых товарах: количество, качество, номер каталога, упаковка и др.

3. Условия и качество.

4. Альтернативные товары, если заказанных товаров нет в наличии.

5. Заключительное предложение, побуждающее поставщика к незамедлительному и

точному (аккуратному) выполнению заказа.


Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Напишите деловое письмо и употребите английские предложения в разделе о ценах, скидках и т.д. / Prices, Discounts, etc.

1.We agree to your price, but should like to know if you are prepared to
grant us a discount of 5 % for a quantity of 2,000.

2.What special discount can you offer for orders over $ 5,000 net? –

3. We enclose our order, but must point out that the falling market here will leave us
little or no margin of profit. We must ask you for a keener price in respect of future supplies.

4. As we have now done business with you for a year, we should appreciate
quarterly settlement terms.

5. As we propose to run a series of 12 consecutive advertisements, we should like to know what discount

you can allow for this.

6. We attach our order for 3 gross, but could send you much larger orders if you could see your way

to bringing your price down to a level comparable with that of your competitors in this market.


Письмо-уведомление о получении заказа и гарантии поставки товаров.

Manufacturer acknowledges order and guarantees delivery Dear Sirs

Thank you very much for your order of 2 March for:

5 doz. tea services no. 53.

3 dinner services no. 65.

4 gross cups and saucers, export seconds, white.

All these items are in stock, and we can guarantee delivery to your Moscow warehouse well before 15 March. As requested, we will advise you of date of despatch.

We are at your service at all times.


Письмо-подтверждение заказа.

Dear Sirs

We thank you for your interest in our special offer of tinned beef, and are pleased

to advise you that your order has been despatched today by Road Transport Services, Ltd.

Yours faithfully


Письмо-подтверждениезаказа и его приоритета / Manufacturer acknowledges order and confirms priority

Dear Sir

We were very glad to receive your order for:

2 horizontal drilling machines,

to be supplied to your own specification.

As we mentioned in our previous letter, delivery for machines made to supplied specifications is not normally possible in less than 3 months, but we should like to help you and are giving your order priority. You may be sure that your machines will be ready for shipment by 1 April.

We will advise you when your order is ready for collection and shall be pleased to assist you to the best of our ability at all times.

Yours faithfully



Прочитайте предложения. Напишите к ним русские соответствия. Определите в каких случаях используются эти предложения. Распределите их по разделам:

а) Заверение клиента / заказчика в своем внимательном отношении к его

б) исполнение заказа;

в) упоминание метода платежа;

г) вопросы о ценах и формах платежа, ответы на них.

You may rely on us to carry out your instructions in every detail.

Your order is receiving immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery at

Southampton well within your time limit.

We have taken special note of your packing instructions and these will be strictly observed.

Special instructions have been given to our despatch department to send your orders on 1 May, 1 June

and 1 July respectively. You may be sure that your wishes will be carried out.

We note that the goods are to be collected at our works by your forwarding agent, and we shall

accordingly notify Carter & Sons when the order is ready t be called for.

We cannot guarantee delivery by next Friday as your order was received too late for this week's despatch,

but we are sending your goods by rail, and they Win reach you more quickly than if we waited for the

next van delivery.

The goods are nearly ready for despatch and we should be glad to have уоцг instructions.

We have not yet had precise shipping instructions and are holding your order until these arrive.

As you do not give any special instructions for forwarding, we are passing your order to our forwarding

agents in the usual way.

As you need the goods so urgently we have arranged transport by road to the port. This will make

shipment by S.S. Dinard possible. To avoid storage charges at the port, we are holding your goods here

pending arrival of your forwarding instructions.

Please inform us what arrangements you have made for payment. Shipment will be effected

immediately we have your reply.

As we have not had the pleasure of doing business with you before, we enclose a copy of our invoice,

and will be glad if you will arrange payment either by banker's draft or by opening an irrevocable letter

of credit in our favour. Please also state what documents you require.

In view of the urgent nature of your order we suggest that you arrange payment by banker's transfer,

confirmed to us by telegraph.

As requested, we shall draw on you at 60 days for the amount of our invoice, one copy of which

is enclosed, the draft to be accepted by your bankers as arranged.

Our terms are net. You will appreciate that our low prices make it impossible for us to

grant any discount.

We are grateful to you for the order, but regret we cannot allow a further discount of 5% as requested.

Our prices are ex-works: should you wish us to undertake shipping arrangements we will gladly

do so, adding the costs involved to our draft on you.

We are accepting your order at the prices quoted in our letter, but cannot guarantee that they will

hold good for further orders.

Prices of raw materials have risen steeply since our quotation of 1 May and we could now accept your

order only at the rates quoted on the attached list. We await your confirmation before executing your

order, but shall be pleased to give you priority if your reply reaches us within 3 days.

2015-11-12 1341 Обсуждений (0)
Concluding sentences in replies to enquiries: offers 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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