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2015-11-12 620 Обсуждений (0)
TO BECOME A PSYCHOLOGIST 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The Volgograd State Medical University

The Stalingrad Medical Institute was founded in 1935. There was only one faculty then. It was the faculty of General Medicine. In 1985 the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. In 1993 it was granted the status of Academy, in 2003 – the status of University.

Nowadays the Volgograd State Medical University has nine faculties (departments) and affiliated medical, scientific and educational establishments:

- Faculty of General Medicine

- Faculty of Dentistry/Stomatology

- Pharmaceutical Faculty

- Faculty of Pediatrics

- Faculty of Biomedicine

- Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Studies

- Faculty of Post-Diploma Probation

- Faculty of Refresher Training

- Preparatory Course for Foreign Students

The Medical university framework comprises a number of research centres: the Centre for clinical and experimental rheumatology, the Centre for clinical and experimental pharmacology, the Federal centre for acupuncture, the Centre for licensing health care professionals, the Central research laboratory. There is a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses. Postgraduate training involves an internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.

Four educational buildings and five multi-profile hospitals for 7000 patients are also at the disposal of the University.

At present 3500 citizens of Russia and 700 foreigners study at the University. The University has been included into the WHO’s List of World medical schools. The Diploma granted by the VolSMU is recognized in over 80 countries and by the World Health Organization.

Today the staff of the University includes 3 academicians of the National Academy for Medical Sciences, 93 professors, 125 assistant professors and 831 faculty members.

Medical University has established numerous links with scientific research institutes of Russian Academy for Medical Sciences, medical and pharmaceutical higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as wide international links. One of the partner universities of VolSMU is Arkansas University of Medical Sciences (USA) implementing exchange programmes.


My working day

I am a first-year student at the Volgograd Medical University.

I live with my parents in a flat ( house) in the Voroshylovsky district. (I am not a native of Volgograd, so I live in a hostel, or rent a flat).

Every day I have much interesting and necessary work to do. I always remember that the lost time is never gained and that is why I do not like to waste even a minute.

I get up early in the morning – at about 6 o’clock, do my morning exercises and have a cold rubdown. As I am a medical student I consider that physical exercises are a good remedy for the protection of our health against diseases.

Then I have breakfast, get dressed and leavehome.

It takes me 30 minutes to get to the University by mini – bus.

Our classes usually begin at 8.30.We have several practical classes and a lectureor two every day. It is useful to us to listen to the lectures because the professors always deliver them clearly and scientifically.

On Friday we usually have a lecture in Physics. Our professor is not only a very good specialist in his field of science but also a qualified teacher. He delivers lectures in his own way and gives us many new and interesting facts about the application of physics in medicine. The professor shows us that at present deep knowledge of this subject will be valuable in our future work.

I also spend a lot of time in the dissecting-room because I know that I shall need deep knowledge of Anatomy in the future. And only hard work in the dissecting room will give me the possibility to gain this knowledge. That’s why there are always many students in the dissecting – room.

After classes I go home, have lunch and take a rest. I am often tired but I understand that every day which passesby gives me much valuable and necessary knowledge.

I also work hard in laboratories and perform different laboratory works. Sometimes I go to the library where I read additional literature and some special medical articles.

I work very hard because I want to be a good doctor.



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Clinical psychology as a future profession
Over the years VolSMU has become the centre providing higher medical
education to the whole Volgograd Region. It has established a
new faculty to train specialists within the field of human
services including public welfare, rehabilitation, day care for children,
medical care, juvenile and adult corrections, senior services, alcohol and
drug abuse, employment and training service, education and so on.
All these activities as well as many others may be related to clinical
or mental health problems. Clinical Psychology is a developing profession
in a changing environment that enables to treat them successfully. Any
young men who have the motivation and ability to become a psychologist can
enter the faculty of Clinical Psychology founded in 2004.
The study program lasts for 5 years and is mostly aimed at giving
students the knowledge and skills integral to their future profession as
well as the ability to independently and critically analyze and solve
During the first 2 years students are taught theoretical subjects such as
Philosophy, History, Medico-Social Basis of Health and others. Senior
students must acquire the knowledge and skills essential for profession of
a psychologist mastering such as Psychological functions and the Biological
bases of Behavior, Psychological Assessment and treatment, Research Methods
in Psychology, etc.
Practical training and laboratory work are integral parts of the
education from very beginning. The required level of knowledge is high. The
assessment of a student’s knowledge is on individual basis.
The students who have successfully completed the educational program
are awarded a Diploma in Psychology. Psychologists work mainly within the
health care field at schools and hospitals etc.


requirement требование

dedication верность, преданность

insight проницательность

brain functioning деятельность мозга

thought мышление

mental health психическое здоровье

humanities гуманитарные науки

keen острый, проницательный (об уме)

interaction взаимодействие

maturity зрелость

sensitivity чувствительность

compassion сострадание

inspire вдохновлять

observation наблюдение

patience терпение

perseverance настойчивость, упорство

The study of psychology is not for everyone; if it were, it would be a video game, not a profession. And so, in a society in which many high school graduates cannot even spell the word psychology, the requirements to become a psychologist can seem almost impossible. But the discipline, dedication, and academic requirements are no more difficult than those of any other profession.

I suggest that you prepare for a career in psychology by some basic high school science courses: chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics—and, of course, psychology, if your school offers it. Science courses teach you to think logically, and they give you important insight into how the physical world “works.” Moreover, biology and chemistry courses prepare you for later studies in the biological aspects of brain functioning. Mathematics teaches you analytical thought, and it prepares you for the statistics courses that are necessary to understand all the research that is fundamental to the field of psychology.

To be a really good mental health professional, you must develop an early interest in what motivates people; courses in the humanities, such as history, sociology, art, literature, and religion, will be helpful. Language courses will also be helpful. You should also become very good at writing and should develop excellent grammar, spelling, and punctuation as well as keen analytic thought.

I suggest you interview a local psychologist so that you might be able to decide whether it really suits you. Don’t try to do this the easy way by asking e-mail questions over the Internet; psychology is all about face-to-face interactions, so you had better get used to this early on.

The job skills of a psychologist include:

- Emotional stability and maturity

- Ability to deal effectively with people

- Excellent communication skills and patient interaction skills

- Sensitivity and compassion

- Ability to lead and inspire others

- Ability to work independently or as a member of a team

- Excellent observation and listening skills

- Patience and perseverance


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2015-11-12 620 Обсуждений (0)
TO BECOME A PSYCHOLOGIST 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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