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Послетекстовые упражнения. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний

2015-11-18 1337 Обсуждений (0)
Послетекстовые упражнения. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний.

перевозить наземные буровые установки; с другой стороны; для (ради) безопасности; подключить двигатели; поднять вышку из горизонтального положения в вертикальное; рабочая платформа; остов (каркас); поднять; освобождать место; очищать оборудование в сложнейшем положении; талевый канат; приводить в действие лебедку; достичь желаемой высоты


Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста.

1) Rigging up a land rig is as complicated as rigging up an offshore drilling rig.

2) Crew members load parts of the rig on trucks or helicopters for transportation to the next location.

3) Rig up usually occurs only at night.

4) The rig floor rests on level ground.

5) More modern type of substructure is the self-elevating type.

6) The substructure only supports the weight of the drill string.

7) Drawworks is an important piece of equipment that the rig floor may support.


3. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предполагаемых вариантов соответствующее слово.

1) A rig usually has two … heavy equipment (many, much).

2) Crew members set … pieces of equipment on the substructure (many, much).

3) Now there are … sources of energy as important as atomic energy (little, few).

4) A new geological map of the region will appear in a … years (little, few).


Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.

1) Подвышечное основание располагается прямо над скважиной и является основанием буровой установки.

2) Существуют 2 типа подвышечного основания: тип «коробка на коробке» и самоподнимающее основание.

3) Подвышечное основание поддерживает не только вес бурового оборудования, но и вес всей бурильной колонны.

4) Лебедка – это важный элемент бурового оборудования, который находится на рабочей площадке.


Письменно переведите главу “Rig Floor”.


Представьте себе, что вы бурильщик, объясните новому члену бурильной бригады, какое оборудование имеется на рабочей площадке и для каких целей его используют.

Тексты для самостоятельной работы

Directional Drilling

Control if the course of a well during the process of drilling is vital importance. For divers reason it is frequently necessary or desirable to finish a well at some point away from a straight line drawn vertically below the rotary table. For this purpose a new technique called “directional drilling” has been developed. The system has been used in starting wells under a derrick location on land and drilling away from a straight hole into a producing sand beneath the sea or to reach points situated some distance away, horizontally, from the starting points. In this event, the well must be directionally controlled during the progress of drilling from the surface location to the points selected for penetration of the producing formation. This well involve use of devices to achieve deflection of the well in the desired direction and at a suitable angle from the vertical to reach the point selected for penetration of reservoir rock. The art of directional drilling has to far progressed that a well may be drilled into a given stratigraphic horizon within a few feet of the points selected and the entire course of the well may be kept within a predetermined hypothetical cylinder of intervening formation not more than 25 ft in diameter.

Directional drilling methods has been likewise frequently helpful in straightening crooked holes and in drilling around tools that fishing jobs have been unable to clear out of the hole.

Directional drilling may be used profitable in exploration work in a new field.

The tools that have been developed for the purpose of changing the direction of a well are: whipstocks, knucle joints and special drilling bits and reamers.



Core Drilling

Structural drilling is aimed at the study of the geological structure of an area, at plotting structural maps of a horizon, at the search of reservoir rocks.

To solve these questions it is necessary to have a required number of samples of mother rock along the total depth of drilling. This is achieved by drilling structural wells and wild cats.

Core drilling is such a type of rotary drilling in which formation is destroyed not upon the entire area of the bottom but in a circular way. This produces a column of mother rock which is called a core sample.

Structural drilling is done from some tens of meters up to several thousand meters in depth. Rigs for core drilling may be of a rotary type and a spindle type. Rotation is transmitted from the rotary table through the kelly or less frequently from the spindle.

Four kinds of drilling tools are used in core drilling:

  1. Hard alloy core heads for semi-hard and hard formations.
  2. Diamond core heads for extra-hard formations.
  3. Pellet core heads for igneous rocks.
  4. Roller bits and sometimes drag bits.

Core equipment for core drilling includes core head, core barrel, drill pipe, kelly. For ordinary drilling the core barrel is replaced by drill collars.

There are single and double core barrels. In the first case the fluid goes between the core and the inside wall of the pipe. In the second case it goes in the annular area.

The turbobit is used in turbodrilling is used in turbodrilling for the recovery of the core sample. The turbobit comprises the drill bit, the core breaker, the core barrel and turbodrill with a hollow shaft. The use of the turbodrill enables the recovery of the core sample in a core barrel to the surface without pulling out of the drill pipe and bit.


2015-11-18 1337 Обсуждений (0)
Послетекстовые упражнения. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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