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Тема 1.1.4 Спорт. Sport

2015-11-18 828 Обсуждений (0)
Тема 1.1.4 Спорт. Sport 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, используя оборот there is/are.

1. Около стены есть диван? 2. В комнате 2 стула. 3. Есть ли в чашке молоко? 4. В вазе много цветов? 5. Под столом нет кошки. 6. На стенах много картин.


Задание 2. Выберите нужное местоимение в значении «немного, некоторое количество»

1. There is ___ cheese on the plate. (some, any)

2. Is there ___ butter on the plate? (any, some)

3. Give me __ water, please.(some, any)

4. There are __ apples in the basket. (any, some)

5. Are there __ eggs in the box.(some, any)

6. Take __ books from the bag. (any, some)

7. There is __ tea in the teapot. (some, any)

8. Is there __ bread in the breadbin? (any, some)


Задание 3. Расставьте слова в нужном порядке, так, чтобы получилось предложение.

1. flowers, in, many, there, are, the, vase. 2. a, in, the, carpet, is, there, living room. 3. are, in, armchairs, there, two, the, room. 4. on, there, the, combs, are, table? 5. sheet, is, a, the, bed, on, there. 6. the, two, on, pillows, there, bed, are.


Задание 4. Дополните предложения неопределенными местоимениями some, any, no.

1. He does his homework without___ difficulty.

2. This year all the aples are red. We are going out this morning to pick __.

3. I hardly have __ free time.

4. I’d like __ water, please.

5. There weren’t __ tomatoes left.

6. I know you speak __ German, but do you speak __ French?

7. Sorry, I have __ matches.

8. There aren’t __ pupils here at the moment.

9. You can take __ bus to get to the city centre.

10. There weren’t __ chairs in the room and I had to stand.


Задание 5. Дополните предложения, используя данные ниже местоимения

something anything everything nothing somebody anybody everybody nobody somewhere anywhere everywhere nowhere


1. The box was empty. There was __ in it.

2. I heard a noise but I didn’t see __.

3. __ noticed John enter the house, didn’t they?

4. __ he does is opposite to what is considered to be normal behavior.

5. __ in the world people want to be happy.

6. Unfortunally, I could find the book__.

7. I thought I’d seen you __ before.

8. Did you turn the cooker off? I can smell __ burning.

9. No, I don’t want __ , thanks. I’m not hungry.

10. Elton John is __ I have always admired.

11. __ arrived in time and the conference started at 10 o’clock exactly.

12. There isn’t__ we can park.

Задание 6. Переведите следующие предложения (Present Indefinite).

1. Они делают зарядку каждое утро. 2. Моя дочь обычно учит уроки вечером. 3. Питер знает французский язык. 4. Анна ходит в школу каждый день. 5. Ник часто смотрит телепередачи по вечерам. 6. Мой отец обычно приходит домой в семь часов вечера. 7. Джон никогда не встаёт в пять часов утра. 8.Мери не изучает историю Англии. 9. Когда вы обычно встаёте? 10.Брауны живут в Бостоне, а их дочь Джейн живёт в Нью-Йорке.

Задание 7. Переведите следующие предложения.

1. Я думаю, что Джон закончит картину в следующем месяце.

2. Не думаю, что Билл будет играть в теннис в следующее воскресенье. Он уже неделю болеет.

3. Когда вы увидите мистера Смита? – Я думаю, я увижу его завтра вечером.

4. Когда они вернуться из Нью-Йорка? – В следующий понедельник.

5. Будете ли вы учить их английскому в будущем году?

6. Я знаю, что они полетят туда самолётом.

7. Завтра воскресенье и в парке будет очень много народу.




Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and make them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

Many sports are popular in Russia. They are: hockey, football weightlifting, track and field, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing, figure skating, cross-country skiing, swimming, judo and shooting. All these sports have their strong supporters.

The Russians are not only sports fans. They take an active part in all sports and sports activities. It's been" a tradition in this country to divide sport into professional and amateur. There are different sporting societies and clubs in Russia. Many of them take part in different international tournaments and are known all over the world. A great number of world records have been set by Russian sportsmen: gymnasts, weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, figure skaters, runners, high jumpers. The former Soviet Union, which relied heavily on Russian athletes, has won more medals than any other team in all but two Summer Olympics since 1956.

In our country much attention is paid to organized sports and this shouldn't overshadow the many sporting activities which are a part of daily Russian life. Most Russians, who grow up in the North, grow with outdoor winter sports and activities. Skating is a wide-spread activity. There are many skating-rinks in the cities.

There are many stadiums and public sports facilities in Russia. Numerous national and international matches and competitions are regularly held in Russia. They attract large numbers of fans. Most of the important games are televised alive. Thousands of people go to the stadiums to support their favorite team and many thousands more prefer to watch the games on TV. But watching sports­ events and going in for sports are two different things.

My favorite kind of sport is tennis. I’ve been ‘playing it since I was eleven-years old, and the more I play it the more I like it. There is a good tennis court not far from my house and whenever I have a chance I go there with a friend of mine.

Now I go to the stadium to play volley-ball. I began to train with a coach. He says I'm good at volley-ball and soon I’ll be a member of the volley-ball team of our city.


Working Vocabulary


amateur – любительский athlete – спортсмен coach – тренер disciplined – дисциплинированный exercise – физзарядка, занятие спортом. fit – в хорошем состоянии, в хорошей форме good shape – хорошая спортивная форма gymnast – гимнаст high jumper – прыгнуть в высоту overshadow – затмевать, заслонять pay attention – обращать внимание, уделять внимание professional – профессиональный sporting society – спортивное общество team – команда throughout – во всём мире tournament – турнир waterskiing – катание на водных лыжах weightlifter – тяжелоатлет whenever – когда бы ни


Задание 1. Подберите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам.

1. Здоровый 2. Ежедневная деятельность 3. Тяжелая атлетика 4. Лёгкая атлетика 5. Бег на лыжах 6. Дзюдо 7. Соревнования по стрельбе 8. Болельщики (2 варианта) 9. Принимать активное участие 10. Спортсмены (2 варианта) 11. Вырастать 12. Широко распространённый 13. Зимние виды спорта на открытом воздухе 14. Публичные спортивные залы 15. Многочисленные национальные и международные матчи 16. Наблюдение за спортивными соревнованиями 17. Теннисный корт 18. Член волейбольной команды

Задание 2. Спишите предложение

Many of Russian sporting clubs take part in different international tournaments.

a) Задайте к нему все возможные вопросы.

b) Поставьте предложение в Past и Future Simple.


Задание 3. Прочитайте, переведите и выучите диалог.


- What does sport help people to do?

- Sport helps people to stay in good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

- What can you say about sports in our schools, colleges and universities?

- We have always paid great attention to sport in our schools, colleges and universities. You can hardly (едва ли, с трудом) find a school without a gym or sport ground.

- Are there stadiums, swimming pools, sports grounds in the towns of Russia?

- Every city and town has a few stadiums or swimming pools where local (местный) competitions arc usually held.

- Our sportsmen participate in the Olympic Games and always win a lot of gold, silver and bronze medals.

- Where can amateurs go in for sports?

- There are also a lot of amateur clubs and keep-fit centre’s ( оздоровительный центр) in Russia where people go in for aerobics (аэробика), yoga (йога), body-building (бодибилдинг, развитие мышц), swimming, skating, jogging (бег трусцой).

- Are there any broadcasting of "sport events?

- There is an enormous amount of live broadcasting of all different types of sports events, professional and amateur at· national and international levels.


2015-11-18 828 Обсуждений (0)
Тема 1.1.4 Спорт. Sport 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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