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I know we (not to be) late. 2. I knew we (not to be) late. 3. I want to know whether he (to be) at

2015-11-18 1400 Обсуждений (0)
I know we (not to be) late. 2. I knew we (not to be) late. 3. I want to know whether he (to be) at 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

home. 4. I wanted to know whether he (to be) at 'home. 5. "When you (to be) ready?" he asked. 6. He asked when I (to be) ready. 7. I can't say whether Bob (to do) the work perfectly, but he (to do) his best. 8. He asked me whether he (to see) Olga there. 9. Are you sure that we (to have) time to do that? 10. I was afraid he (to say): "I don't think I (to be) able to come." 11. I did not know what he (to speak) about.

Упр. 237. Употребите следующие предложения как придаточные дополнительные. В роли глав­ных предложений используйте предложения, дан­ные в скобках.

(I supposed; He believed; She was sure; We were told; I heard; She said; He understood; She imagined; The letter said.)

E.g. My brother will be sleeping.

I supposed that my brother would be sleeping.

They will win the game. 2. I shall go to the south. 3. My sister will not forget to ring me up.

I shall have done my homework by nine o'clock.

5. The tourists will not return by sunset. 6. My friends will be waiting for me. 7. My friend will have returned by that time. 8. They will be work­ing the whole evening. 9. He will solve the prob­lem in no time. 10. The new film will be on in many cinemas. 11. The teacher will have corrected our papers by the beginning of the lesson. 12. She will not like this TV programme. 13. The train will arrive on time. 14. The children will be play­ing in the yard. 15. All the newspapers will pub­lish this information.

Упр. 238. Переведите на английский язык, об­ращая внимание на время глагола в главном предложении,

1. Я знаю, что он скоро придет. 2. Я знал, что он скоро придет. 3. Я думаю, что она будет спать в это время. 4. Я думал, что она будет спать в это время. 5. Она думает, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 6. Она думала, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 7. Она боялась, что ее друг не придет. 8. Они написали, что скоро приедут. 9. Я был уверен, что встречу его на станции. 10. Я думаю, что папа скоро напишет нам пись­мо, 11. Вам сказали, что в декабре мы будем пи­сать контрольную работу? 12. Он понял, что ни­когда ее не забудет. 13. Я полагаю, что они вспомнят о нас. 14. Он говорит, что знает этого человека. 15. Она боялась, что ее сын весь вечер будет сидеть перед телевизором. 16. Я был уве­рен, что к десяти часам он уже выучит стихот­ворение. 17. Я знал, что к девяти часам мама уже приготовит ужин и в'девять часов вся семья будет сидеть за столом. Я боялся, что приду слиш­ком поздно.

Все времена действительного залога
Present Past Future  
      (He said that)
Не He wrote He will he would write
writes a letter write a a letter the
letters yesterday letter next day
every   tomorrow  
      (He said that)
He is He was He will be he would be
writing writing writing writing
a letter a letter a letter a letter
now at 5 o'clock at 5 o'clock at 5 o'clock
  yesterday tomorrow the next day
      (He said that)
He has He had He will he would have
already written have writ- written
written a letter ten a letter a letter
a letter by 5 o'clock by 5 o'clock by 5 o'clock
  yesterday tomorrow the next day
      (He said that)
He has He had He will he would have
been been have been been writing
writing writing writing a letter
a letter a letter a letter for two hours
since for two for two when I came
morn- hours hours  
ing when I when I  
  came come  


На все 16 времен

Действительного залога

Упр. 239. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.

1. Where is your luggage? — I (to leave) it at the station. I (to take) it tomorrow when Nick (to come) to help me. 2.1 (to read) about an hour when he (to come). 3. The play (not yet to begin) and the people (to talk) in the hall. 4. Yesterday I (to buy) a new pair of gloves, as I (to lose) the old ones. 5. We (to walk) in silence. He already (to tell) me all that (to be) interesting about himself, and I (to have) nothing to tell him. 6. The moon (not to rise) yet, and only two stars, like two distant lighthous­es, (to shine) in the dark blue sky. 7. One night a little swallow (to fly) over the city. His friends (to fly) away to Egypt six weeks before, but he (to stay) behind. 8. What you (to do) these three months? 9. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (to come) at seven o'clock, we still (to pack) our luggage. 10. When you (to see) him last? 11. I (to meet) him when he (to walk) across the park. 12. You ever (to act) on the stage? — Why, yes, that's what I (to do) for the last six years. 13. Don't enter the bedroom! The child (to sleep) there, and he always (to wake) up when somebody (to open) the door.

Упр. 240. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.

1. What you (to do) when I (to come) in? 2. When I (to come) to his house, they (to tell) me that he (to leave) an hour before. 3. On checking up his answers he (to find) out that he (to make) several mistakes. 4. When I (to leave) home, the snow al­ready (to stop), but a strong wind (to blow). 5. You (to read) this book? — Yes, I (to read) it. I (to think) it (to be) very interesting. 6. What the chil­dren (to do) now? — Oh, they (to play) the new table game which I (to buy) for them the day be­fore yesterday. 7. They (to reach) the corner of the street by now and (to stand) at the bus stop. 8. After we (to walk) about two hours, we arrived at a picturesque glade covered with fresh grass.

We could not go out because it (to rain) hard since early morning. 10. She (to teach) at our school for twenty years now. 11. Ring me up as soon as you (to come) home. 12. He (to begin) to write his composition at three o'clock. It is already eleven, and he still (to write) it. He says he (to finish) it by twelve. 13. We (to help) our librarian to put the books in the right order for already three days, but we (to arrange) only half the books.

Упр. 241. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.

1. The first person whom Andrew (to see) as he (to enter) was his old nurse. She (to sit) on the sofa. During the last five years she greatly (to change) and now (to look) a very old woman. 2. She is going to read the letter she just (to re­ceive). 5. How long you (to wait) for me? I am really very sorry. 4. Yesterday I (to meet) a friend of mine whom I (not to see) for a long time. 5. Ring me up at eleven o'clock, I (not yet to sleep). 6. You (to be) late for the concert if you (not to take) a taxi. 7. The sun (to set) a long time ago, and it (to begin) to get really cold. 8. When I (to come) home yesterday, my sister already (to re­turn) and (to sit) at the fireplace looking through some old photographs. 9. He (to smoke) three cig­arettes and (to look) through all the books on the shelf, when at last he (to hear) his friend's steps approaching the door. 10. He just (to approach) the door, when she (to enter). 11. He (to write) the composition for three hours and he (to say) he soon (to finish) it as he (to think) over the conclusion now. 12. Hardly1 I (to go) out when I (to remem­ber) that I (to forget) to take my umbrella. 13. Where is the baby? — The nurse (to put) it to bed. 14. He said he (to work) for a long time with­out achieving good results.

Упр. 242. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.

1. When I (to come) to Pete's house last Sunday, he (to read) a new book. He (to say) he (to give) it to me soon. Today I (to take) it from him. Now I (to read) it. I (to finish) it by Friday. If you like, I (to give) it to you on Saturday when you (to come) to see me. 2. When will he come? We (to wait) for him for already half an hour. 3. On leav­ing the hall the students (to thank) the professor who (to deliver) the lecture. 4. We already (to cov­er) about ten miles when Peter, who (to look) out of the window for the last five or ten minutes, suddenly exclaimed: "Here is the station!" 5. When morning came, the storm already (to stop), but the snow still (to fall). 6. Yesterday by eight o'clock he (to finish) all his homework, and when I (to come) to his place at nine, he (to read). 7. I (to wait) for permission to go abroad for already three weeks, but I (not to receive) the visa yet. 8. Every­body (to be) at the door of the museum, but my friend (not yet to come). 9. We (to drink) tea when the telephone (to ring). 19. Johnny noticed that everybody (to look) at him, and he (to feel) shy. Ц. Light (to travel) more quickly than sound.

Упр. 243. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.

1. Peter (to read) by the fireplace when the door (to open) and the maid (to enter). The cook (to follow) her. 2. When the mother (to satisfy) her­self that the children (to sleep) peacefully in their beds, she (to take) out the Christmas presents and carefully (to put) them into the stockings which (to hang) at the beds. 3. If you (to ring) me up tomorrow, I (to tell) you all about it. 4. The lesson (not yet to begin), and the children (to talk) loudly in the corridor. 5. I (to live) in St. Petersburg since 1991. 6. By the fifteenth of January the students (to pass) all the examinations. 7. The students (to write) the paper by dinner-time. 8. They (to sail) down the river for many hours before they (to come) to the village. 9. I (not to be) to my home town for five years. 10. The rain (to stop) by the time we (to reach) home. 11. The message (to arrive) five min­utes after he (to leave) the house. 12. It (to be) nearly eleven o'clock when we (to begin) doing this work. 13. At last the reply from my grandmother (to come), and my mother (to tell) me that she (to come) soon. 14. Here you (to be) at last! I (to wait) for you for twenty minutes. You (not to be) ashamed?

2015-11-18 1400 Обсуждений (0)
I know we (not to be) late. 2. I knew we (not to be) late. 3. I want to know whether he (to be) at 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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