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2015-11-20 309 Обсуждений (0)
СЕМИНАРСКОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ № 12 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Перевод текстов разной коммуникативной направленности

I. Публичная речь

А. Тосты

1.Провожает отец-казак сына на войну. Он уже очень стар, стоять ему тяжело, и он обеими руками опирается на посох, и поэтому чаша с вином, которую он держит, оказывается на посохе. Вот отсюда-то и происходит это название – «на посошок». Казак выслушивает наставления старика отца, выпивает поднесенное отцом вино и садится на лошадь. Тогда из дома выходит его красавица-жена и подносит ему вторую чашу. К тому времени казак уже держит ногу в стремени, и поэтому вторая чаша называется стременная. Казак выпивает эту чашу, крепко целует жену на прощание и выезжает со двора. За деревней, за бугром и снова с чашей вина ждет казака любимая, и третья чаша называется поэтому забугорная.

С этим же связана и другая русская традиция. Третий тост у нас всегда – за любовь! Ну а теперь – до дна!


2. Есть близкие друзья, есть – не очень близкие. Есть - приятели, есть - просто знакомые. И, вообще незнакомые. Давайте же выпьем за то, чтобы близкие были всегда близко, приятели были всегда приятны, просто знакомые становились приятелями и друзьями, а незнакомые, по крайней мере, были вежливыми и доброжелательными.

1.May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet; enough trials to keep you strong; enough sorrow to keep you human; enough hope to keep you happy; enough failure to keep you humble; enough success to keep you eager; enough friends to give you comfort; enough faith and courage in yourself, your business, and your country to banish depression; enough wealth to meet your needs; enough determination to make each day a better day than yesterday.

2.We don't know what we'll do without him but we're about to find out.

May we always part with regret and meet again with pleasure.

May the best of happiness honor and fortune keep with you.

A bad day at fishing is still better than a good day at work.

Here's to your health and your family's health. May you live long and prosper.

May you have even more fun in retirement than we do here at work.

Good luck with all the work you've been waiting to do since you joined us.

3.As the best man, it's my turn now to make a toast. My name is (Best Man's name), and I've known (Groom) since fourth grade. Wow. That's a long time. Back then we were more interested in transformers than girls. Then it was sports rather than girls. But, sure enough as the seasons change, there came a time when we were more interested in girls than anything else. After watching (Bride and Groom ) fall in love, I can say, now I know all those years of transformer and sports training were worthwhile - (Groom) will always have the transforming ability to say 'Yes Honey' and the Olympic endurance to say 'Yes Honey' for year, after year, after year. Here's to the Bride and Groom!



Б. Поздравления (речь жениха)


Jane Austen was right when she said, 'it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a good wife.'

It is my good fortune to marry the woman I love and I want to thank my father-in-law for his kind words and letting me marry his beautiful daughter.

You have all helped today to be the happiest of our lives by being here with us and being kind enough to bring gifts. I never knew that toasters came in so many varieties! Seriously, the greatest gift to us is your presence and I hope that you enjoy the day half as much as we've done.

My wife (I love saying that!) would not be the person she is without the love and support of her parents and I want to thank them for helping her to be her and welcoming me into their family. As my new mother-in-law said, she is not losing a daughter but gaining a washer-upper. Whilst not quite so useful, I hope that she will accept this small gift as a sign of how much I appreciate her love and support, especially with the nerve-wracking preparation of the wedding.

All that hard work was worth it. Sarah looks even more beautiful than she does normally and I hope that I will be everything she could ever hope for in a husband. If there is one thing I have learnt from her, it is patience and today was worth all the waiting.

Sarah, I just want to say, in front of our families and dearest friends, that I love you and hope that every day will be as happy as today. Just not as expensive.

Not only did Bob, my old roommate from Uni days and the best man I know, get me to the church on time but he also didn't lose the ring and I'm grateful for everything that he's done for me and look forward to returning the compliment - as soon as possible.

Lastly, I would like to thank the pack of bridesmaids who have been such good friends through all the preparations. In particular, I would like to thank Vikki, the Chief Bridesmaid who has been there every step of the way from the wedding dress shop to the hairdressers, offering advice and support. Even if it was only to mention looking like a meringue! Please accept these flowers, which symbolise friendship as a sign of our friendship.

Ladies and gentle, please be upstanding, I give you . . . the bridesmaids.


В. Траурная речь


2015-11-20 309 Обсуждений (0)
СЕМИНАРСКОЕ ЗАНЯТИЕ № 12 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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