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Переход одной части речи в другую

2015-11-20 637 Обсуждений (0)
Переход одной части речи в другую 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

answer work place walk to answer to work to place to walk


Перенос ударения

'export 'import 'increase to ex'port to im'port to in'crease


А. Префиксы с отрицательным значением

un-     in-   il- ir- im- dis-   mis-   uncomfortable unhappy unlock indirect inexperienced illogical irregular impossible to dislike dishonest to misunderstand неудобный несчастный отпирать косвенный неопытный нелогичный нерегулярный невозможный не любить нечестный неправильно понять


В. Префиксы с различными значениями

re- over- under- post- pre- counter- ex- to rewrite to overwork to underpay postwar pre-war counteraction ex-minister переписать перетрудиться низко оплачивать послевоенный довоенный противодействие бывший министр


Суффиксы существительных

-er, -or   -ist -ee   -ance -ence -ment -ness -ship -ure work direct physics employ addressee important different develop dark member press worker director physicist employee addressee importance difference development darkness membership pressure рабочий директор физик служащий адресат важность различие развитие темнота членство давление


Суффиксы прилагательных

-able -ible -al -ful -less -y change terror centre use use cloud changeable terrible central useful useless cloudy изменчивый ужасный центральный полезный бесполезный облачный


Суффиксы глаголов

-en -ize short sympathy shorten sympathize укорачивать сочувствовать


Составные существительные

bedroom, newspaper, reading-room, father-in-law


Составные прилагательные

a well-known writer, a well-dressed woman, a blue-eyed girl




mail (US) = post (UK) mailbox (US) = postbox (UK) zipcode (US) = post code (UK)   sender – отправитель recipient = receiver = addressee – получатель письма addressee's company name

Ave. – avenue, Rd – road, St. – street / saint


    137, 5th Avenue New York NY 23301 USA street city postcode country (sender’s address)
receiver’s à company name New York City Council City Hall New York } (receiver’s address)  
Date (on the left or à on the right) Greeting à Beginning à   Monday, 3 March, 2012   Dear Sir / Madam (UK), / Gentlemen (USA), I am writing about …  
Final Commentà   Signature à Name à Position à I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully (UK), / Yours truly(USA) James A Davies James A Davies Managing Director  



Dear Sirs to a company
Dear Sir / Madam to a person if you do not know his/her name
Dear Mr / Mrs Smith to a man / a married woman
Dear Miss Smith to an unmarried woman
Dear Ms Smith to a married or unmarried woman
Dear John Hi John! – – to someone you know quite well to a friend

Note: It is wrong to open a letter with ‘Dear Mr John’ or ‘Dear Mr John Smith’.

The way you close a letter depends on how you open it:

Dear Sirs/Sir/Madam Yours faithfully
Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/MsSmith Yours sincerely
Dear John Best wishes

Addressing an envelope


  Person sending the letter (or on back of envelope)   Name and address of person receiving the à letter Mr. James A. Davies 1007 7th Avenue New York NY 23300 USA Mr. Frank Phillips 98 Cator Road London SE497LS Great Britain   Stamp  



5. letter of application (for a job) – заявление о приеме на работу

6. letter of complaint – письмо-жалоба

7. letter of inquiry (asking for information) – письмо-запрос

8. letter of confirmation – письмо-подтверждение

9. letter of invitation – приглашение

10. letter of congratulation – поздравительное письмо

11. letter of order – письмо-заказ

12. letter of guarantee – гарантийное письмо

13. letter of introduction – рекомендательное письмо

14. memo – служебная записка персоналу

15. fax message – факс

16. curriculum vitae (CV)/resume – резюме

17. letter of apology – письмо-извинение

18. reply to a business letter – письмо-ответ на деловое письмо


1. Memo

To : All the staff

From : J.Tramp, R&D Director

Subject : the Chairman of the corporation visit

Date : 28 August 2006

The chairman of our corporation Mr. Smith is visiting our company next Monday, 4 September. He is coming to see our new laboratory. Mr. Smith will be here at 10.30 a.m. and you are all kindly requested to be at the welcome reception for him at the Conference Hall.


Letter of application

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to apply for the job of information officer, which was advertised in “The Daily News”.

I am 20 years old, and I am studying at university. I have just completed my second year. ............................................................................................


I look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Brand

Ann Brand

Letter of complaint

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing in connection with the weekend I recently spent at your hotel. I have to say that I was very disappointed ............................................................


I am sure you will understand that I was very dissatisfied, and did not enjoy my weekend at all. I would like a full refund as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

John Dark

John Dark

FAX Message

To: Sally Jones

Fax No:


Fax: +44 (0) 1711234567



Pages (including this one): 1


This is to let you know about the arrangements for my trip to Australian next week. I'm taking flight BA135T ........................................................................


Could you ….......................................................................................................



CV / resume

Curriculum Vitae

Personal details Name: ______________________________

Age: _______________________________

Date of birth:_________________________

Marital status: ________________________

Address: ____________________________

Tel: ________________________________

Position applied for: ____


20__ to 20__ ____

20__ to 20__ ____

Work experience

20__ to present Company: ___________________________

Post: _______________________________

Responsibilities: ______________________


Other information ______(e.g. clean driving licence)________

References ____

Current salary ____


Letter of inquiry

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a software company based in London and are currently developing a Windows-based scientific graphics package for use in universities and research laboratories. We are interested in protecting the programs we sell from unauthorized copying and duplication.

Could you please send us more technical information about ... and price list.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Anne Newson

Anne Newson

Project Director

2015-11-20 637 Обсуждений (0)
Переход одной части речи в другую 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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