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The results at the end of training

2015-11-20 342 Обсуждений (0)
The results at the end of training 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


DepartmentObstetrics and Gynecology №2 (90 hours)

Sabject Obstetrics and Gynecology

Specialty 051301 «General Medicine»

The total volume of training hours

(credits) 90 hours (2credits)

Practical traning 30 hours

Student’s independent work

the teacher controlled 30 hours

Independent work of the student 30 hours

The course V

The semester IХ - Х


The form of control exam


Almaty, 2013.

The sillabus is compiled by MD Kaliyeva L.K., is discussed and approved at the meeting of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology№ 2.

Protocol №______, «_____»___________________2013.


Head of the department. Obstetrics and Gynecology № 2,

MD Kaliyeva LK



1. General:

1.1. Name of UniversityKazakh National Medical University S.D.Asfendiarov

1.2. Department: Obstetrics &Gynecology №2

1.3. Discipline& its code:Obstetrics &Gynecology, AG-4303

1.4. Speciality:«051301 – General medicine»

1.5. The volume of hours / credits90 hours

1.6. Course and semester:5-th course, IХ-Х semester


1.7. Information on teachers



Name position academic degree priority research interests the location of the department Contact phone
1. Kaliyeva Lira Kabbasovna Head MD Operative obstetrics and gynecology, infertility issues, gynecology phthisiatry Богенбай Батыра, 492 Роддом №1 292-69-91 [email protected]
2. Bishekova Balzira Nagashybaevna Docent PhD Obstetrics and gynecology, gynecology, child and adolescent Богенбай Батыра, 492 Роддом №1 292-69-91
3. Maksutova Dina Zhusupovna Docent MD Contemporary methods of treatment of uterine fibroids Казыбек Би БСНП 235-87-55
4. Espaeva Raushan Nurkadyrovna trainer PhD Obstetric hemorrhage. Джандосова,2 ЦГКБ 230-59-12

1.8. Contact information:

The Department ison theBogenbai batyr str. 492. Phone:2926991; 3179201

1.9. The rules of discipline are:Consistent and focus the learning process. Requirement of students’ studying is based on general principles of training in medical school:

1. Mandatory, regular attendance of workshops, in the absence of the lesson for a good reason, such as illness, you should submit the approval of the dean's office to perfect the missed classes.

2. Do not be late for classes

3. Regularly and hard carry out tasks, to participate actively in the learning process

4. Students should come to the practical training in special clothes: pure white gown, clean hood, removable shoes without heels

5. Students must be approved for use in hospitals

6. Students must comply with sanitary and epidemiological conditions in the hospital

7. Students should be respectful to teachers, medical staff and other clinic students

8. Students should openly discuss conflicts in the groups with the head teacher or head of department

The Program.


In the recent years we have seen increasing intrauterine infections and their role in the occurrence of perinatal mortality. A risk group of intrauterine fetal infection is pregnant women with obstetric pathology, women who have had acute respiratory and other infections during pregnancy, especially, the infections in the urogenital area.

It is now known that infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy may adversely affect the fetus, cause his death into the utero or miscarriage. The disease can be detected at birth, immediately after birth, or for months or during years after birth.

Viral infections play an important role in the pathology of the fetus. Viral infection can causes various pathological processes in the egg, embryo, fetus and adult.

The virus, chlamydia and genital mycoplasmas are the most common causes of infectious diseases urogenital tract of adult, as well as of common diseases of the newborns and young children.

The problem of modern infectious disease is co-infection. Co-infection may enhance the virulence of each infection. In these cases the diagnosis becomes complicated and there is necessary to use many modern serological virological and immunological methods.

2.2. The purpose of the elective course:

• Formation of students’ knowledge about:

ü the effect on the fetus maternal acute and chronic infectious diseases

ü practical skills of history-taking

ü objective methods of general and gynecological research

ü using of additional methods, the interpretation of their results

• Formation the technique of taking bioassay for the detection of sexually transmitted infections.

2.3. The learning problems:

· To acquaint the student with the clinical features, diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory diseases in pregnancy, therapeutic tactics

· To acquaint the student with the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic infections of the genitourinary system in pregnant women

· To acquaint the student with genital diseases caused by adenovirus, enterovirus, papovaviruses, hepatitis, HIV

· To show the role of viral, chlamydial infections in causing pathology of pregnancy and newborns, the role in the birth of healthy children

· To acquaint the student with the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, clinical manifestations and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

· The show features a hidden carriers of sexually transmitted infections, methods of detection, treatment, and prevention of hidden forms of STIs.

· To demonstrate the technique of taking a bioassay for the detection of sexually transmitted infections

· To acquaint the student with the basic clinical protocols and orders of the MH RK in obstetrics and neonatology

· To acquaint the student with the legal framework of health care for women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

The results at the end of training.

The student must be generated knowledge about:

· specifics of acute and chronic infections during pregnancy, testing and treatment in different stages of pregnancy

· specifics of manifestation and treatment of acute and chronic infections of the genitourinary system during pregnancy

· the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of infections transmitted through sexual contact. The role of these infections in the pathology of pregnancy and child

· the features of inter-species relationships STI

· the basic protocols and orders MH RK in obstetrics and neonatology

· the regulatory framework of health care for women during pregnancy and after childbirth


The student acquires skills:

· a survey of women with certain infectious diseases during pregnancy

· carry out the necessary research to verify the diagnosis

· planning treatment of infections during pregnancy

· prevent transmission to the fetus and newborn

· conversation with a patient with a particular infection

· taking a bioassay for the detection of pathogen

· registration forms in the direction of the laboratory

2.5 Prerequisites:Departments of: Microbiology, Communication skills - 2, Epidemiology, General immunology, Obstetrics and Gynecology №1.

Postrequisites: Departments of: Postgraduate training for AFP, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology.


2.6 Brief contents:Students will lean different methods of diagnosis various infections during pregnancy and management of pregnant women



2015-11-20 342 Обсуждений (0)
The results at the end of training 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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