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Friendly Letter Sample

2015-11-23 551 Обсуждений (0)
Friendly Letter Sample 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Дружеские письма

Пишутся от руки или печатаются на почтовой бумаге. Адресуют друзьям и коллегам.


701-235 Sherbrooke St.

Montreal, QC H3C 1L4

January 11, 20xx

Dear Frank,

All the best to you for the New Year! How are things going in the Land of the Rising Sun? I must say, I really envy you getting that Tokyo gig with the company. Somehow they overlooked me on that one and I am forced to slug it out here through another frigid and snowy Montreal winter. Brrrr!

I heard through the grapevine that business is going well there. Rumor has it that you guys are just about to close a big deal with the Japanese government for an M-750 Simulator. Great news! Good for the company and good for you. Keep up the great work!

Did you hear about Margie Bronson suddenly leaving the company just before year-end? It was a bit of a shock to say the least. She gave one week's notice and was gone. Nobody knows for sure what's up with her but rumors have been flying fast and furious that she went through a bit of a personal meltdown and has now gone underground to lick her wounds for a while. There could be some truth to that since her long time relationship ended recently and three months ago she was passed over for that director position that was up for grabs. I'll keep you posted when we find out more.

As for me, I am quite busy these days on the Branscombe Systems Project. We are entering Phase Two now, and that is expected to run for three years, at least. Frank Schindler is Senior Project Manager and I am Team Leader of the Embedded Systems Group. I am enjoying it so far. Whether I'll feel the same way in three years, I'm not sure. By then I might be ready to join you in Japan.

I'm still kicking butt in the squash court and am managing to get in two or three matches per week. What about squash in Japan? Have you been able to play any over there? Are there even any squash courts? I suppose since you are in Tokyo there must be some. Let me know.

I have to go now and attend to family duties. Jonathon needs some help with his homework and Angie wants me to fix something in the kitchen. You single guys traveling the world sure are lucky!

Keep me posted whenever you can. I really enjoy receiving your letters and getting the details of your life in Japan.

Your squash buddy,


Goodbye Letter Sample

Прощальные письма

Должно быть лаконичным, по сути, и искренним. Адресуется коллегам по работе, печатается на бланке.


August 12, 20xx

Dear Friends:

As a number of you already know I have recently accepted a position with another company and will be leaving at the end of this week. Please consider this to be my sincere goodbye to each and every one of you.

I want you all to know that I am truly leaving here with mixed feelings; happy about my new career opportunity, but sad to be leaving such a great company where I have so many wonderful friends and colleagues. The last three years as a member of the SysTek team was the best period of my career so far. I learned a great deal and worked with many people with whom I am sure I will remain friends for a long time. I can only wish that my new job will give me such rewarding experiences and supportive friends.

Thank you so much for making my time at SysTek a truly enjoyable one. I invite any of you who would like to keep in touch, to speak to me before I leave on Friday and I will be happy to give you my new phone and e-mail co-ordinates.

My very best wishes for the future go out to each and every one of you.

Yours sincerely,


Jason Hurley

Romantic Love Letter

Романтическое письмо

Это разновидность любовного письма. Пишется по разным поводам. Так, как такие виды писем переполнены эмоциями, их следует писать от руки, чтобы обозначить важность и трогательность момента. Пишутся на именной или простой почтовой бумаге.


11017 Ashley Dr.
Rockville, MD 21547

September 5, 20xx


My Dear Robert:

I was just reminiscing about Saturday evening; it was such a perfect night.

The subtle breeze made me shiver from time to time, but I'm so glad they had a table for us outside. What a wonderful way to spend an autumn evening.

Sitting across the table from you, listening to your fascinating stories, I was mesmerized.

You're so passionate and intense when you speak of the things you love. I find that so attractive.

The wine you selected was perfect. Sipping it from the delicate glass enhanced the taste and it warmed my body as it filled up my insides.

Dinner was sumptuous. The pasta was so flavorful; I savored every bite, sucking each strand of linguini slowly through my pursed lips as I listened to you speak.

It was a luscious meal, and you were a delicious date.

I loved it after dinner when we sat there gazing into each other's eyes sipping our wine. After each sip, the subtle taste of wine lingered on my lips, and I licked them so slowly, catching every last drop. And when you touched my lip with your finger, capturing that one drop of wine that I missed, and then licked your finger, a tingling sensation flooded my entire body.

After dinner, as we walked along the sidewalk hand-in-hand, I realized just how much I love being with you, sharing a meal with you, talking with you, and being a part of your life.
Love and affection,


Love Letter Sample

Любовное письмо

Обязательно должно быть написано от руки на именной или простой почтовой бумаге.


1735 Stanton Ave.
Richmond, VA 22045

May 15, 20xx


My Dear Cheryl,

Loving you is so easy.

There are so many reasons why I love you…

The little things you do, the simple gestures you make, the feelings and thoughts that you share with me. I adore the way you look, the way you move, and your infectious smile.

There are so many things to love about you!

Do you know I love it when you daydream and you think no one is watching?

Do you know I love the way your eyes sparkle when you tell a funny story?

Do you know that I love the shape of your ears?

Do you know I love to watch you sleep?

I could go on and on.

It's important to me that you know that I love you - and how much I love you.

So whatever it is that you are doing, thinking or saying, as you go about your day -- know that I am there with you, loving you.

Much Love,


Letter of Apology

Письмо–извинение должно быть коротким и искренним.

175 Pitkin Park Road
Apt. No. 7
Montpelier, VT

April 10, 20xx

Martin Gavin
175 Pitkin Park Road
Apt. No. 15
Montpelier, VT

Dear Martin:

2015-11-23 551 Обсуждений (0)
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