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2015-11-20 684 Обсуждений (0)
II. Найдите ошибку в одном из подчеркнутых слов или фразе 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

20. No matter what some workers will jump from job to job, companies like IBM


want to have a core of careerists to providecontinuity.


21. So far, six billions of USD has poured into Romania over the last decade, with


last year’s figures showing a slight increase.

22. Judging from what has happened over the last two years, the demand for this type


of product will continually to grow.


23. KPU is a unique business venture who combines an unusual mixture of


entrepreneurship, education, communication and concernfor the environment.


III. От слов, данных в скобках, образуйте правильные формы.

24. Although he was well _____ (education), he didn’t become the president of the country.

25. If at first you don’t _____ (success), try again.

26. Franchisees have to buy vegetables and meat for their restaurants from preferred _____ (supply).

27. Motorola is _____ (current) experiencing financial difficulties.

IV. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из списка.

a) losses b) expanded c) subsidiaries d) flexible e) purchase f) appeared g) initially h) partnership


In 1849, J.P. Holzmann founded a company in Sprendlingen, near Frankfurt am Main, which __28__ undertook work in connection with the construction of the railroads. But very quickly the company __29__ its activities to include all fields of building construction and civil engineering. The first major foreign project was started in 1882, with the contract for Amsterdam’s Central Station.

By the turn of the century, branch offices had __30__ at numerous locations throughout Germany. As early as 1885, Holzmann had more than 5,000 employees. Interesting activities from this period include the company’s work on railroad projects in East Africa.

Holzmann has passed through all forms of company organization, from individual proprietorship via a limited and general __31__ to a public limited company, formed in 1917.

Even following the __32__ of manpower and assets during World War II, Holzman was able to restart its foreign activities. 1979 saw the acquisition of J.A. Jones Construction company, USA, a major American corporation active in the construction industry. This was followed by the __33__ of Lockwood Engineers, USA. Together with its USA __34__ Holzman has responded to the changes occurring in the construction field with a __35__ corporate strategy.


V. Образуйте устойчивые словосочетания.

36. joint 37. issue 38. customer 39. human 40. withdraw 41. probation a. resources b. cash c. shares d. period e. venture f. service


VI. В каждой строке найдите одно лишнее слово или словосочетание.

42. quota application duty trade restriction tariff charge

43. costs expenses income overheads expenditure penalty

44. plunge take off soar increase triple jump

VII. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами.


of in up to on off by


45. In order to protect domestic industry the government increased taxes ___ imported cars.

46. As a McDonald’s franchisee they have to conform ___ certain standards of quality and service.

47. Last year the company achieved rather encouraging results and increased its turnover ___ 10 per cent.

48. Unfortunately we were forced to call ___ our latest product because of one defect.

49. Many European Internet brokers are studying moves to catch ___ with their American competitors.

50. The development of computer technology has resulted ___ enormous changes in the way that people work.

VIII. Выберите правильный вариант.

51. At our last meeting the Managing Director ____ the matter of entering the European market.

a) raised b) rose c) arose d) set up

52. Merchant banks do not deal with the public but _____ in services for companies or corporate customers.

a) provide b) concentrate c) emphasise d) specialize

53. Managers are responsible for people directly under them, who are called ____ .

a) shareholders b) beneficiaries c) subordinates d) purchasers

54. The key factor to company success is _____ of its product range.

a) division b) diversification c) consignment d) contribution

55. The boss _____ the employee for not coming to work on time.

a) sacked b) rewarded c) delegated d) committed


I. Выберите правильную грамматическую форму.

1. Lauren _____ her house before 9 o’clock in the morning.

a) doesn’t leave b) hasn’t been left c) don’t leave d) is not left

2. Pam ____ about something.

a) always complain b) is always complaining

c) complains always d) is complaining always

3. We won’t make a decision until we _____ everyone.

a) have consulted b) have been consulted c) won’t consult d) will consult

4. She _____ in her studio since ten o’clock that morning.

a) was painting b) painted c) has been painting d) had been painting

5. In the old days we _____ three copies of all documents for the files.

a) used to making b) were using to make

c) used to make d) used making

6. _____ you mind if I smoke?

a) Could b) Would c) Should d) Ought

7. We’re only five minutes late. The talk _____ yet.

a) may not start b) might not have started

c) could start d) may not be started

8. A very large proportion of world oil production _____ in the Middle East.

a) is generated b) had generated

c) had been generated d) is generating

9. The Hungarian company _____ 6% over the next two years.

a) is expecting to expand b) expected to being expanded

c) expects to have expanded d) is expected to expand

10. We _____ our accounts _____ by KPMG.

a) got … audit b) have … auditing

c) have … audited d) had had … audited

11. If we _____ the post, we _____ a lot of applications.

a) will advertise … had got b) advertised … would get

c) advertised … had got d) would have advertised … had got

12. If only we ____ the performance of Romeo and Juliet yesterday!

a) had attended b) attended c) have attended d) attend

13. Your report on marketing is not _____ mine.

a) as good as b) as well as c) that well as d) so good that

14. It is a (an) _____ network.

a) Spanish efficient distribution worldwide

b) worldwide Spanish efficient distribution

c) efficient worldwide Spanish distribution

d) efficient distribution Spanish worldwide

15. Are you here for ____ business or pleasure?

a) the b) - c) a d) an

16. What she said was _____ strange.

a) a few b) enough c) little d) a little

17. He asked me _____ at the conference next week.

a) if I’d be seeing Bill b) whether will I see Bill

c) will be I seeing d) if am I seeing

18. Is complaining useful? Do you think it _____ any good?

a) gets b) makes c) does d) gives

19. He had an accident, _____?

a) hadn’t he b) didn’t he c) hasn’t he d) doesn’t he

2015-11-20 684 Обсуждений (0)
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