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Environmental protection

2015-11-20 1079 Обсуждений (0)
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The twentieth century is known to be the century of the scientific and technological progress. The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and automation of industrial processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the creation of atomic power stations and ships are amazing.

But at the same time, this progress gave birth to a very serious problem – the poisoning of our planet, its land, its air and water. The ecological harmony is disturbed. The seas are filled with industrial and nuclear waste, chemicals and fertilizers. The concentration of smoke in the air is so high in some industrial centres that it is deadly dangerous just to breathe there.

Many species of flora and fauna have disappeared. Many of them are on the brink of extinction, many have been written down into the “Red Book of Nature”. Every hour some kinds of animals and plants die. Much is spoken now about acid rains, the greenhouse effect, ozone depletion, caused by tons of harmful substances emitted by industrial enterprises.

Transport is one of the main offenders in poisoning the environment. Atomic power stations are a great threat to the environment nowdays. The pollution of the environment is one of the greatest dangers to human life on earth. Now industrially developed states cannot ignore the problem of environmental protection. It has become a part of political programs in many countries.

The Environmental movement has gained support everywhere. Many laws and decisions on this problem have been adopted, many measures have been taken to protect our forests, rivers, lakes and seas. Though each of us must do everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean, the problem can’t be solved by one man or one country. Its solution requires the cooperation of all nations. That’s why various international organizations and “green parties” have been organized and more and more people have been involved in them.

The Earth is our home. The world around us is wonderful. Our aim is to make more beautiful and to preserve it for ourselves and next generations.


Вариант 9.

1.Задайте все возможные вопросы к данному предложению:

Football is my favourite kind of sports.

2. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени и переведите предложения:

1) My friend (to visit) his relatives last year.

2) Olga (to like) to read detective stories.

3) Tom (to study) French at school.

4) I (to be) very good at computers.

5) His wife (to be) in Spain last month.

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где необходимо:

1) I see him … school every day.

2) Usually I go … cinema … Sunday.

3) I like to play … tennis.

4) My friends live … Moscow.

4. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be:

1) There … many French books in the library.

2) There … some milk in the bottle.

3) What … there on the plate?

4) There …n’t any metro in our city.

5) … there a cinema on this street?

5. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол и переведите предложения:

1) My granny …speak French and Italian.

2) You … go to dancing with your friends.

3) I haven’t got Kate’s phone number, I …n’t phone her.

4) All children … go to school.

6. Выберите правильное наречие:

1) My little son knows (a little, a few) English words.

2) If you think (a little, a few), you‘ll remember the rule.

3) My father works (much, many).

4) Please, say (a little, a few) words in German.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1) Ты не можешь идти гулять сейчас, уже поздно.

2) У вас есть английский словарь? – Да. Можешь взять его.

3) Обычно я всегда делаю утреннюю гимнастику.

4) Твоя сестра умеет варить кофе? – Нет, но она может печь чудесные пирожки.

5) У моей сестры нет собственного автомобиля.


8. Переведите письменно текст и ответьте на вопрос: what is your favourite place of interest in Krasnoyarsk and why?




Krasnoyarsk is a large city with a population of almost one million people. It is situated in the center of Russia on the banks of the great Siberian river Yenisey, one of the longest in Russia 4092 km long.

It was founded by a Moscow noble man and Army Commander Andrey Dubenskoy in 1628. The fortress was named Krasny Yar due to its position and the beauty of the place. The history of Krasnoyarsk is marked with many famous names. Among them were all generations of revolutionaries from Decembrists to social democrats who were on exile in the city and the Province. Nicholas Ryasanov, an outstanding Russian sea-traveler; a great Russian painter Vasily Surikov; honored citizen merchant Yudin, the owner of one of the richest private libraries in Russia are in the list of these well-known names.

The architectural face of the city reflects its history. The oldest of the remained buildings is Pokrovskaya church built in 1795 in Siberian Baroque Style. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Chapel built on the place of a watch tower of the ancient fortress has become a heraldic symbol of the city. Among other interesting places of architecture are the Organ Hall build in Pseudo-Gothic Style, the building of the Regional Museum looking like an Egyptian temple, Kommunalny Bridge across the Yenisey, awarded with the State prize, etc.

The city is located in the zone of continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. Krasnoyarsk is remarkable for a great number of sunny days almost as many as in Sochi.

Krasnoyarsk is a beautiful city but due to a complex ecological situation the fauna and flora are gradually perishing. The main reason is that Krasnoyarsk is a big industrial center. It is known for the production of Aluminium Plant, Metallurgical Works, a number of chemical enterprises, Silk Fabric Factory etc, but the technology doesn’t meet present day sanitary standards.

Krasnoyarsk is a big scientific center of the Eastern Siberia. Now there are 12 higher schools with 60 thousand students, more than 50 scientific research institutes solving important problems of industrial, agricultural and cultural life. Krasnoyarsk is a city of long-standing cultural traditions. The first theatre was opened in 1873. At present there are 5 theatres, the Organ Hall, a number of Dancing and Concert Halls and Circus. We also have many museums and exhibitions regularly held in Krasnoyarsk.

Sport life in Krasnoyarsk is very lively. Thousands of the residents go in for sports. All kinds of sport competitions take place in Sport Palaces and Stadiums. Several Olympic and world champions in wrestling, bandy, rugby, sport gymnastics, mountain skiing live in Krasnoyarsk.

Вариант 10.


1.Задайте все возможные вопросы к данному предложению:

Krasnoyarsk was founded by Andrey Dubenskoy in 1628.

2. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени и переведите предложения:

1) I (to study) at the university next year.

2) Alec (to like) to read detective stories.

3) Tom (to study) French at school.

4) He (to be) very good at computers.

5) His cousin (to be) in Spain last month.

3. Заполните пропуски предлогами там, где необходимо:

1) I see him … school every day.

2) Usually I visit my grandparents … weekends.

3) Peter likes to play … hockey.

4) My friends live … Moscow.

4. Заполните пропуски, выбрав нужную форму глагола to be:

1) There … many foreign magazines in the library.

2) There … some butter on the plate.

3) What … there on the plate?

4) There …n’t any metro in our city.

5) … there a cinema on this street?

5. Вставьте необходимый модальный глагол и переведите предложения:

1) My granny …play the piano very well.

2) You … go to dancing with your friends.

3) I haven’t got Kate’s phone number, I …n’t phone her.

4) All children … go to school.

6. Выберите правильное наречие:

1) My little son knows (a little, a few) English words.

2) If you think (a little, a few), you‘ll remember the rule.

3) My father works (much, many).

4) Please, say (a little, a few) words in German.

7. Переведите предложения на английский язык:

1) я не могу дать тебе эту книгу, у меня ее нет.

2) У тебя есть карта Великобритании? – Да. Можешь взять его.

3) Обычно я всегда пью кофе по утрам.

4) Твоя сестра умеет вязать? – Нет, но она умеет хорошо шить.

5) Моя мама не очень хорошо разбирается в компьютерах.


8. Переведите текст письменно и ответьте на вопрос: Who are you by education?


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Environmental protection 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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