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Fill in the table below

2015-11-27 706 Обсуждений (0)
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Read and translate the terms and word combinations into Russian

1. to accomplish a set of goals 2. to maximize shareholder value 3. to increase performance 4. chief executive officer CEO 5. to increase top- and bottom-line performance 6. environment 7. processing mechanisms 8. outputs 9. data 10. to be of higher relative value 11. to help drive business outcomes 12. to increase top- and bottom-line performance 13. to provide value to 14. to add value to products and services 15. inbound logistics 16. uniqueness of product 17. skill 18. to ensure success 19. companies of all sizes 20. to manage all aspects of customer encounters 21. customer service after the sale 22. Internet browsing habits 23. to be of most benefit 24. to be tailored for a company or an organization 25. to be installed on corporate computers 26. to retain loyal customers   27. retail stores 28. to meet customer demand 29. the primary goal 30. tax preparers 31. organization’s overall structure 32. to go through a transformation mechanism 33. an employee 34. feedback 35. goods or services 36. to incorporate software and databases 37. to locate close to manufacturing plants 38. to reduce inventory costs 39. to invests smth in the product or activity 40. a large healthcare company 41. to come from internal and external sources 42. the value chain 43. business executives 44. to be delivered over the Internet 45. prior to entering the subsystem 46. surveys 47. to process (manufacture) supplies into finished goods and services 48. supply chain management (SCM) 49. outbound logistics 50. legal firms 51. to reveal

Explain the meaning of the following terms in English.

1. finished product storage 2. a stakeholder 3. a customer 4. a supplier 5. a shareholder 6. production and manufacturing 7. marketing and sales 8. customer service 9. Inputs 10. warehouse and storage 11. e-mail 12. the company stock 13. customer relationship management (CRM)programs 14. supplies 15. just-in- time (JIT) inventory 16. chief information officer (CIO) 17. CEO 18. to compile comprehensive customer profiles 19. energy holding company 20. service providers 21. nonprofit organizations

Translate into English using phrases from the text.

1. относительная ценность 2. более высокого качества 3. максимизировать акционерную стоимость 4. структура организации в целом 5. более низкая цена 6. доставлять материалы или комплектующие (части) 7. инвестировать что-либо в продукт или процесс 8. реализовывать некое множество целей 9. достигать целей 10. увеличивать производительность 11. использовать сложную систему управления цепочкой поставок 12. маркетинг 13. реклама 14. проходить через механизм преобразования 15. вход для обрабатывающей подсистемы 16. продажи 17. организация 18. служить входом для чего-либо 19. отслеживать поставки и погрузку товаров 20. обработка 21. цена акций компании 22. станки и другое оборудование 23. добавлять стоимость или ценность 24. вводить в подсистему 25. выход в среду 26. управлять цепочкой создания ценностей 27. разрабатывать новые товары и услуги 28. управлять цепочкой поставок и системой отношений с клиентами 29. улучшать удовлетворенность клиентов 30. планировать отгрузку поставок и продуктов клиентам 31. управлять потреблением энергетических сетей и услуг 32. управлять отгрузкой поставляемых материалов и товаров 33. более лучшее обслуживание



1. data 2. information 3. knowledge 4. alphanumeric data 5. image data 6. audio data 7. video data 8. electronic records management (ERM) systems 9. to store data 10. to organize data 11. to control data 12. to turn data into information 13. knowledge workers (KWs) 14. a knowledge management system (KMS)




1. valuable information 2. to make poor decisions 3. accurate information 4. accessible information 5. simple information 6. reliable information 7. secure information 8. relevant information 9. complete information 10. economical information 11. flexible information 12. timely information 13. verifiable information 14. GIGO 15. authorized users 16. information overload 17. decision maker 18. data-collection method 19. access 20. verifiability 21. timeliness 22. inaccuracy 23. completeness 24. the value of information 25. to achieve a goal 26. overall profitability 27. cost savings 28. manufacturing costs



1. an information system (IS) data 2. to collect data 3. to manipulate data 4. to process data 5. to store data 6. to disseminate data 7. feedback mechanism 8. to meet an objective 9. to increase profits 10. to improve customer service 11. input 12. processing 13. to convert data 14. to compare data 15. storage 16. output 17. to output data 18. to input data 19. to detect an error 20. suppliers 21. to indicate 22. a proactive computer system 23. forecasting 24. to process data 25. to predict 26. to transform data  


2015-11-27 706 Обсуждений (0)
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