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Pronounce the following sentences with aspiration

2015-11-27 1810 Обсуждений (0)
Pronounce the following sentences with aspiration 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Пошла Поля полоть в поле.

Папа Петру пирожок пек.

Петр Петрович Перепелович продал телку, купил перепелку.


7. Intonation.

He bought a pen. He bought a pen and a pencil. He bought a pen, a pencil and a pan.


Unit 25ю BABY

1. Listen and repeat:

pin-bin, pen-Ben, pear-bear, cap-cab, pup-pub, Poppy-Bobby.


2. Listen and repeat:

Barbara, birthday, beautiful, butterfly, Ruby, about, remember, somebody, black, blue, blouse, terribly, brown, brother, hairbrush, Bob.


3. Dialogue. Happy birthday

Bob: Hello, Barbara.

Barbara: Hello, Bob. It’s my birthday today.

Bob: Oh, yes! Your birthday! Happy birthday, Barbara!

Barbara: Thanks, Bob. Somebody gave me this blouse for my birthday.

Bob: What a beautiful blouse! It’s got brown and blue butterflies on it.

Barbara: And big black buttons.

Bob: Did Ruby buy it for you?

Barbara: Yes. And my brother gave me a hairbrush and a book about baby birds.

Bob: I didn’t remember your birthday, Barbara. I’m terribly sorry.

Barbara: Well, you can buy me a big bottle of perfume, Bob!

Bob: I’ve got a better idea. We’ll get into a cab and go to a pub, and I’ll buy you a bottle of beer!


4. Stress.Listen and repeat:

A shelf, a bookshelf.

A brush, a hairbrush, a paintbrush.

A card, a postcard, a birthday card.

A ball, a football, a ping pong ball.

A bag, a handbag, a shopping bag.

A man, a policeman, a postman.


5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Betty Botter had some butter,

"But," she said, "this butter's bitter.

If I bake this bitter butter,

it would make my batter bitter.

But a bit of better butter –

that would make my batter better."

So she bought a bit of butter,

better than her bitter butter,

and she baked it in her batter,

and the batter was not bitter.

So 'twas better Betty Botter

bought a bit of better butter.

Busy buzzing bumble bees.


Unit 26. TIN

[t], [d] – переднеязычные апикально-альвеолярные смычные взрывные согласные. Кончик языка касается альвеол, образуя полную преграду, размыкаемую струей воздуха, [t] – глухой согласный, произносится с аспирацией, [d] – звонкий.

Произносите [t] перед акцентируемой гласной с придыханием, а в конечном положении – энергично.


1. Listen and repeat:

tin, tennis, top, cafeteria, fourteen, thirteen, tell the time, ten to ten, telephone, photographer, tomato, restaurant, pretty assistant, steak, student, upstairs.


2. Listen and repeat:

T is quieter in these words:

hat, coat, skirt, shirt, cricket bat, let, lift, left, first, basement.


3. Listen and repeat:

T is also quiet in these words:

travel, try, lavatory, twenty, twelve, twins, department, store, want, some, fat man, hot meal, bootlace, bottle, little, gentleman, exactly, first, door, light bulbs, fruit juice, hats, coats, skirts, shirts, restaurants, cricket, bats.


4. Dialogue. In a department store

A.: I want to buy a hat (coat, skirt, shirt).

B.: Hats (coats, skirts, shirts) are upstairs on the next (first) floor.

A.: Where can I get a hot meal?

B.: The restaurant (cafeteria) is on the thirteenth floor.

A.: I want to buy some bootlaces (light bulbs, bottle of fruit juice).

B.: They’re on the next counter on your left, dear.

A.: I want some tins of tomato paste (steak).

B.: Try the supermarket on the basement.

A.: Could you tell me where the travel agency (lavatory)is?

B.: It’s right next to the cafeteria (restaurant) on the thirteenth floor.

A.: I want to buy a football (cricket bat, tennis racquet).

B.: Take the lift to the sports department. It’s on the top (14th) floor.

A.: Could you tell me where the telephone is?

B.: It’s on the 12th floor opposite the photographer’s.

A.: Could you tell us the time, please?

B.: Yes. It’s exactly twenty- two minutes to ten.


5. Tongue twisters. Can you say these three times … fast?

Two toads, totally tired.

A Tudor who tooted a flute

tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

Said the two to their tutor,

"Is it harder to toot

or to tutor two tooters to toot?"


Never trouble about trouble until trouble troubles you!

Terrible, terrible Thomas Tatterton tied two twigs to two tall trees.

Tie three tree twigs.


2015-11-27 1810 Обсуждений (0)
Pronounce the following sentences with aspiration 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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