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2015-12-04 797 Обсуждений (0)
AN ITNTERVIEW FOR A JOB 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs

These days, people who do manual1 work often receive far more money

than clerks who work in offices. People who work in offices are normally

referred to as “white collar workers” for the simple reason that they usually wear

a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature2, that a great many people

often want to sacrifice3 higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar


This can give rise4 to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred

Bloggs who worked as a dustman5 for the Ellesmere Corporation.

When he got married, Alf was too uncomfortable to say anything to his

wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every

morning, he left home dressed in a fine black suit. Then he changed into

overalls6 and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at

night, he took a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two

years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alf’s wife has never discovered

that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another

job. He will soon be working in an office as a junior clerk. He will earn only

half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the

loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others will call him

“Mr. Bloggs”, not “Alf”.


1. manual – ручной.

2. Such is human nature – Такова человеческая природа.

3. to sacrifice – жертвовать.

4. to give rise to – быть поводом чего-либо.

5. dustman – мусорщик.

6. overalls – рабочая одежда.

Give your opinion to the information you have read. Retell the story.

Reading IV:Read the story.

A job inMexico

It happened some years ago. Two of my friends lived in a small town

near Liverpool. They were out of work and were happy to agree to any job.

Their names were Stevenson and Black. Stevenson was a very talented

engineer, and he had a large family and no money to live on his life was very


One day when I was coming back from my office I saw Stevenson. He

was going along the street with a suitcase in his hand. Stevenson had read an

advertisement in a newspaper that a manufacturing plant of chemical

equipment wanted an engineer.

“You see, I must get that job. I’ve got a large family.”

“Why must you go to Liverpool yourself?” I asked, “It’s better to send

the documents by airmail.” “I think,” Stevenson answered, “many people want

to get the job and I’m sure all of them will send letters. If I get there before the

manager of the plant receives the letters I think I’ll be able to get the job.”

Stevenson was right. He received the job.

My other friend Black had lost three or four jobs though he was a very

good clerk. I told him Stevenson’s story. The story impressed him. A few days

later I met Black with a suitcase in his hand. “Where are you going” I asked

him. “To Mexico,” was the answer. “A bank there requires a clerk. I have sent

my documents by post, but to settle the matter sooner I decided to go there

myself. I remember the story you told me the other day about Stevenson.”

So black went to Mexico City. But his letter had come there three days

earlier. When he came to the Bank and spoke to the assistant-manager, the

assistant-manager said, “I’m sorry to say we have already got a man. But I’ll

clarify the matter with the manager”. And he left the office.

“Yes,” the manager said, “I have received a letter from a man who lives

near Liverpool. His name is Black. A good young man, he suits us right. I’ve

sent him a telegram to come here immediately and we’ll keep the job for him

for 10 days.”

“There is a man outside,” said the assistant-manager, “who wants to get

this job.”

“But we’ve got this man Black and we’ll wait for him.”

Black had not heard the conversation between the manager and his

assistant. He had to go back home. But as he had spent all his money and

nobody in Mexico could help him it took him two months to get back to

England. There he found the telegram, which was waiting for him.

Say what you have learned from the story about:

1.Stevenson and the way he got the job;

2. Black and his problems.

Think and answer.

1. Why was it difficult for Stevenson and Black, good specialists, to find a


2. Why did the writer recommend Stevenson to send his documents by


Why didn’t Black go back to Mexico when he got the telegram?

¨ Grammar snack:Put the verbs into the correct form.


On Wednesday I had an important interview for a job. I (get up) ____ at 7

o’clock in the morning and (shave) ____ carefully. I (put on) ____ my best

jacket and trousers. I (must, travel) ____ by train, so I (walk) ____ to the station.

On my way I (see) ____ a man who (paint) ____ his fence with red paint.

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The man (notice, not) _____ me: he (look) _____ at the fence. Then he (turn)

____ suddenly and (splash) _____ my beautiful trousers! The man (apologise)

____ to me, but the damage (already, do) _____ . “If I (go) _____ home, I (be

late) ____ for the interview,” I (think) ____. There (be) a department store not

far from the station, so I (decide) ____ to bye a new pair.

I (find) ____ a nice pair of trousers and since I (be) _____ in a hurry, I (decide)

____ to change on the train. The shop (be) ____ full, so I (pay) ____ quickly for

my trousers, (take) ____ my shopping bag and (leave) ____.

I (arrive) ____ at the station just in time to catch the train. Now I (be sure)

____ that I (be late, not) ____ for the interview. I (smile) ____ happily at an

elderly lady

who (watch) ____ at my trousers and (go) ____ to the toilet to change. I

(throw) ____ my discoloured trousers out of the window. Then I (open) ____ the

bag to get my new ones, but all I (find) ____ was a pink woolen sweater!


?2.Translate from Russian into English using a dictionary.

Вопросов претенденту

Вы впервые столкнулись с проблемой приема на работу. Перед вами

стоит претендент на вакантную должность, а вы не знаете, как построить с

ним беседу. Вот вопросы, задав которые, вы сможете выяснить все, что вас


* Почему вы обратились с просьбой о приеме на работу именно к


* Что вы знаете об этой должности и о предприятии?

* На какую зарплату вы рассчитываете?

* Что вы могли бы рассказать о себе?

* Как вы оцениваете свои сильные и слабые стороны?

* Какого типа работу вы предпочитаете?

* Какие результаты доставляют вам наибольшее удовлетворение?

* Какая была ваша самая серьезная ошибка?

* Почему вы оставили свою прежнюю работу?

* Бывали ли у вас конфликты непроизводственного характера?

* Каковы ваши цели в жизни?

* Как вы планируете достичь их?

* Каким вы представляете свое будущее через 5, 10 лет?

Желательно дополнить этот список еще одним вопросом:

* Как вы будете действовать в критической ситуации?

При этом надо заранее продумать и описать претенденту какую-то

нестандартную ситуацию.


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AN ITNTERVIEW FOR A JOB 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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