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2015-12-04 1723 Обсуждений (0)

Практические занятия – 10 часов.

Внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа – 10 часов.

Аудиторная работа

Key vocabulary

pre-trial - досудебный

release - освобождение (от ответственности, из-под стражи и т.п. )

plea - заявление оснований иска

enter a plea - подача заявления оснований иска или обвинения или оснований защиты против иска или обвинения

warrant - приказ; ордер (на обыск, арест и т.д.); предписание

custody - задержание; лишение свободы; содержание под стражей; тюремное заключение

investigation - расследование; дознание

charge - обвинение; пункт обвинения, обвинять

justify - оправдывать; извинять; обосновывать

counsel - участвующий в деле адвокат; барристер

expenses - расходы, издержки

public defender - 1) ответчик по апелляции 2) защитник

appearance - появление; явка; регистрация явки

recognizance - 1) обязательство, данное в суде (занесённое в судебный протокол)

authorize - уполномочивать; давать право

bail - поручительство

to flee from prosecution - скрываться от уголовного преследования

parole - 1) честное слово; обещание 2) условно-досрочное освобождение

под честное слово | условно-досрочно освобождать под честное слово

probation - пробация, система испытания (вид условного осуждения)

I. Read the text and translate it into Russian.

A criminal action is a lawsuit brought by the state or by a city or by a county (also known as the people) against a person accused of a crime. If found innocent, the person is released. If found guilty, the person is sentenced by the judge. Under law, a person is presumed to be innocent until: a) guilt is admitted or b) guilt is proven doubt in a competent court. Codes of procedure specify in detail the conduct of a trial – this is done to protect the rights of the accused person. Even before a suspect is arrested, certain procedural rules govern the activities of the police and the rights of the suspect. Because each jurisdiction develops its own procedures, the names of the various pretrial proceedings and the order in which they occur vary.

Investigation and Arrest

The first step in a criminal prosecution is normally a pre-arrest investigation in which the police seek to determine (1) whether a crime was actually committed; and (2) if it was committed, whether there is sufficient information pointing to the guilt of a particular individual to justify arresting that person. The pre-arrest investigation may involve, among other techniques, personal observation by a police officer, questioning of witnesses and the suspect, and collecting and examining physical evidence left at the scene of a crime.

The next step is the arrest of the suspect which can be made with or without a warrant (a document issued by a court prior to an arrest that clearly specifies the nature of the offense for which the suspect is being arrested). A judge may issue an arrest warrant if either a police officer or a private person swears under oath that the accused has committed a crime, or that a crime has been committed and there is probable cause for believing the accused committed it. A police officer may properly make an arrest without a warrant if a felony (serious crime) is committed or attempted in the officer's presence, or if the officer reasonably believes a felony has been committed and that the accused did it. A police officer may also make an arrest for any misdemeanor (minor offense) committed or attempted in the officer's presence.

An arrest is the process of taking a person into custody for the purpose of charging that person with a crime. Before questioning a suspect in custody, the police must inform him or her of certain legal rights, including the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning.

First Judicial Appearance

Within a reasonable time after the arrest, the accused must be taken before a magistrate and informed of the charge. The magistrate will ascertain that the person before the court is, in fact, the individual referred to in the complaint. The magistrate also will notify the accused of various legal rights, such as the right to remain silent and the right to assistance of counsel. If the accused is indigent (poor) and desires the assistance of an appointed attorney, the process for securing an attorney at the state's expense will be initiated. In some jurisdictions, the government retains a staff of attorneys, known as public defenders, specifically to defend those who cannot afford a private attorney. Public defenders specialize in criminal law. In other areas, the court appoints private lawyers from the community to represent indigent

defendants. Some areas have a mix of the two systems.

In most jurisdictions, either before or during the first appearance, the magistrate determines whether the suspect shall be kept in jail or released on bail. Bail is a sum of money or property deposited or pledged to guarantee that the arrested person will appear for a preliminary hearing or trial. The amount in each case is set by a judge. Although a money bail system is in place in many states, the trend is to encourage the release of accused persons without attaching financial conditions. If the court believes the accused is likely to return for further proceedings, the court may release the accused on his or her own recognizance—that is, an unsecured promise to return.

On the other hand, most jurisdictions either authorize or require magistrates to deny bail for individuals who have demonstrated a high risk of fleeing, such as individuals charged with an offense committed while out of jail on bail, parole, or probation. Similarly, bail is typically unavailable for people charged with offenses that could result in capital punishment (the death penalty).

If charged with a minor offense, the accused may be asked to enter a plea regarding his or her guilt or innocence, and the magistrate may have the authority to proceed to trial if the defendant has pled not guilty. If the accused is charged with a serious offense, he or she does not enter a plea at the initial appearance.

Ex.1. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What happens to somebody if found guilty or innocent?

2. What is known under the codes of procedure?

3. Name two reasons for a pre-arrest investigation done by the police.

4. What is the case when a police officer may properly make an arrest

without a warrant?

5. What is the purpose of taking a person into custody?

6. What is bail?

Ex. 2. Find these phrases and expressions in the text.

1. признать невиновным 2. признать виновным 3. процессуальные нормы

4. предварительное расследование 5. показывать под присягой 6. хранить молчание 7. допрос 8. предварительное судебное слушание дела 9. с другой стороны 10. смертная казнь.


Ex. 3. Fill the gaps with the missing words from the box.

release, warrant, investigation, charge, justify, expenses, public defender, bail, authorize, parole, probation

1. He and his _________________ , Barry Collins, have acknowledged that Davis committed the crime.

2. The penalty agreed to on the cocaine charge includes four years of supervised ____________ and random drug testing.

3. But the program is short of money; some officers must look after up to 1,000 people on _________________.

4. There is not enough evidence to ______________ such accusations

5. Green is free on ____________ until his sentencing on June 27, when he faces up to 25 years in prison.

6. Thus the legal aid scheme permits those eligible to take the risk of litigation at the possible ________________ of the Fund.

7. Only Congress can ___________ the President to declare war.

8. Criminal ___________ were filed in October against Sorvino by the District Attorney's office.

9. Following a major police_____________________, two men have been arrested.

10. A ______________ has been issued for the arrest of a suspected terrorist.

11. Thousands of people worldwide campaigned for the _______________ of Nelson Mandela.

Ex.4. Fill empty slots in the table with the terms from the list to match their Russian language equivalents.

a) parliamentary investigation b) ongoing investigation c) internal security investigation d) introductory investigation e) later investigation f) law enforcement investigation g) lawful investigation h) legal investigation i) legislative investigation j) major investigation k) parallel investigation l) patrol investigation m) pending investigation n) initial investigation o) internal investigation p) investigation of accident q) investigation of crime r) judicial investigation s) latent investigation

1. первоначальное расследование 2. расследование преступления, совершённого в стране 3. расследование по делу о посягательстве на внутреннюю безопасность 4. предварительное расследование

5. расследование несчастного случая 6. уголовное расследование

7. судебное следствие 8. скрытое расследование 9. последующий этап расследования 10. амер. полицейское расследование 11. расследование на законном основании 12. расследование дела 13. расследование крупного дела

14. продолжающееся расследование 15. параллельное расследование

16. парламентское расследование 17. дознание патрульной полицией

18. незаконченное расследование

II. Translate into Russian.

Habeas Corpus

1. A person who has been convicted, sentenced to imprisonment, and incarcerated may apply to a court for a writ of habeas corpus, a court order to release the defendant from imprisonment. 2. Through such a writ the individual tests the legality of his or her detention and seeks to redress fundamental defects in the process leading to conviction. 3. The grounds for granting relief (release from detention) under the habeas corpus writ are limited and vary slightly depending on the jurisdiction. 4. Many jurisdictions limit the scope of the habeas corpus writ to situations in which the convicting court lacked jurisdiction over the defendant or over the crime. 5. Others grant relief in circumstances in which the conviction was obtained in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights and there is no other remedy to correct the violation.


*habeas corpus-судебный приказ о доставлении в суд лица, содержащегося под стражей, для выяснения правомерности содержания его под стражей

III. Study the dialogue between an American and an overseas law student.

Dialogue 2.Similarities and Differences

Alexander: You see, now we are studying the U.S. system of government. And my task is to analyze the similarities and differences between the U.S. system of government and other forms of democratic government. Александр: Видишь ли, сейчас мы изучаем систему управления США. И моя задача – проанализировать сходства и различия между системой управления США и другими демократическими формами управления.
Robert: As a constitutional federal republic, the USA is not unique. Many “democracies” are in fact constitutional republics. And they share with the USA long traditions of democratic representation, the rule of law, and constitutional protection. Роберт: Как конституционная федеральная республика США не уникальная страна. Многие «демократии» фактически являются конституционными республиками. И они разделяют с США долговременные традиции демократического представительства, верховенства закона и конституционной защиты.
Alexander: But what I need is to find out the differences, you know. Александр: Но знаешь, мне нужно выявить различия.
Robert: OK. One significant difference is the selection and role of the head of government. Роберт: Ладно. Одно существенное различие – это выборы и роль главы правительства.
Alexander: As far as I know, in parliament systems, the head of the government is a prime minister. He is selected from the parliament. Александр: Насколько мне известно, в парламентских системах глава правительства – премьер-министр. Он выбирается из членов парламента.
Robert: That’s right. But in the USA, the President is both head of government and head of state. Роберт: Все верно. Но в США Президент является как главой правительства, так и главой государства.
Alexander: Is it possible for a member of the President’s Cabinet be a member of Congress at the same time? Александр: Возможно ли члену Кабинета Президента быть одновременно членом Конгресса?
Robert: It is Constitutionally prohibited. Роберт:Это конституционно запрещено.

IV.Translate the following into English.

В последнее время судопроизводство России претерпевает значительные изменения особенно в отношении уголовных дел. Все чаще адвокаты приглашают в суд свидетелей и допрашивают их. Для многих адвокатов это новый опыт.

При подготовке к судебному процессу адвокат должен решить для себя кого именно стоит вызывать в суд в качестве свидетелей. Иногда случается так, что многие свидетели дают показания по одному определенному вопросу. Многочисленные свидетельские показания могут затянуть процесс.

Необходимо также помнить, что чем больше свидетелей вызвано для дачи показаний, тем более вероятны несоответствия в их версиях об одном и том же происшествии. Адвокат должен выбрать и пригласить в суд только самых лучших свидетелей. Самыми убедительными являются те свидетели, которые располагают надежной информацией, у которых были лучшие возможности наблюдать за ходом событий, и те, у которых нет предвзятого мнения.

V. Read the text and supply it with the missing terms.


circumstantial evidence, documentary evidence, hearsay evidence

Evidence is the means by which the facts in issue are proved. In criminal cases the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty. In order to prove him guilty the prosecution must prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

Two types of facts are relevant: facts in issue and other facts from which the facts in issue may be inferred. This is known as ________.

There are three methods of proving the facts: by the evidence of witnesses, by __________, by real evidence.

The general rule is that all witnesses must give evidence on oath. The oath is: “I swear by Almighty God that the evidence which I shall give be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!”

There are two basic rules which relate to the testimony of witnesses: firstly evidence should be given orally and in open court (there are some exceptions to this rule, for example provisions enabling evidence to be taken before trial, and in some cases given by affidavit); secondly evidence must be continued to facts which the witness personally perceived (this rule excludes opinions and ________: he cannot give evidence of what he heard another person say).

A person who wishes to rely on the contents of a document as a means of proving a fact must prove that the document is authentic or has been duly executed.

Real evidence refers to the inspection of physical objects (other than documents) by the court. There are three main types of real evidence: material objects, referred to in courts as 'exhibits'; physical appearance of persons in court when it is necessary to assess damages for personal injury; a view, i.e. an inspection outside the court of a relevant place or object.


Ex. 1.Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. The usual method to begin an action is …

a) inspection of documents

b) to issue a writ

c) to deliver an acknowledgment

2. After acknowledgment service the defendant has ...

a) to weight the importance of evidence

b) special instructions of his solicitor

c) further 14 days to file a defence

3. A pleading must contain ...

a) a brief statement of the facts relied on

b) physical exhibits offered by the lawyers

c) the opening and closing statements of the judge

4. The first pleading contains ...

a) the testimony of witnesses

b) the credibility of witnesses

c) the statement of claim made by the plaintiff

5. If the plaintiff feels that there is no defence to the action ...

a) he may make objections to evidence

b) he may include a counterclaim with the defence

c) he may apply for a summary judgment

6. Finally the judge gives ...

a) instructions to the jury on the law

b) the decision in the form of a reasoned judgment

c) his opinion of the case


Ex. 2. Mark the statements which are true.

1. The term “procedure” refers to the trial itself.

2. Issuing and serving a writ places the matter on official record.

3. The form of acknowledgment is served by the plaintiff with the injunction.

4. A pleading must contain the evidence by which it will be proved.

5. If a matter is not included in the pleadings it cannot usually be raised at the trial.

6. The second pleading contains the statement of claim made by the defendant.

7. If the plaintiff feels that there is no defence to the action he may apply for a summary judgment.

8. The trial starts with the inspection of documents.

Ex.3.These are answers. What are the questions?

1. The proceedings prior to trial take much time.

2. Proceedings after trial may also take time.

3. The usual method of commencing an action is to issue a writ.

4. After acknowledgment service the defendant has 14 days for which to file a defence.

5. There are the first and the second pleadings.

6. The plaintiff may obtain a default judgment.

7. The date and venue of the trial are fixed and the number of expert witnesses may be called.

8. The plaintiff’s barrister is outlining the issues involved and calling the witnesses.


Ex. 4.Make your own sentences on the judicial process. Use the following words and word-combinations.

1. court, to appear in court, trial, judge, jury;

2. to give evidence, to testify, testimony;

3. the accused, the defendant;

4. barrister, the defence, the prosecution;

5. to plead guilty / not guilty;

6. to put a witness in the stand, to cross-examine;

7. to try and pick holes in the witness’s evidence;

8. to make a closing speech, to announce the verdict.


Внеаудиторная работа


Grammar to be revised: The Gerund.


Ex. 1. Analyze and translate the sentences containing the Gerund.

1. There are some offences where the defendant is given the choice of having his case heard in the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court.

2. The process of taking an action from the lower court to the highest court may be very time-consuming and costly.

3. In any legal system there are institutions for creating, modifying, abolishing and applying the law.

4. I have most serious objections to this witness being summoned by the prosecution.

5. You should confine yourself to saying what you saw there.

6. His pleading guilty to all the offences should be a credit to him.

7. Her testifying against her brother surprised everybody.

8. The right of appeal usually depends upon the appellant being able to show certain reasons for dissatisfaction.

Ex. 2.Choose the correct form.

1. The suspect denies (having taken, having been taken) part in that robbery.

2. The case needs (investigating, being investigated) as soon as possible.

3. (Denying, having denied) the facts would worsen the situation for you.

4. I don’t insist on your (doing, having done) anything against your will.

5. Everybody is sure of his (winning, having won) the case tomorrow.

6. We knew nothing of the jury (passing, having passed) the verdict already.

Ex. 3.Insert the appropriate preposition before the Gerund where necessary.

1. Everybody was sure that for the defence there wasn't any possibility ... winning the case.

2. The journalists believe that the lawyer would be charged ...having concealed the material evidence.

3. I am not accused ... killing anyone to cover my defalcations.

4. The defendant claims he had no intention ... injuring Mr. Rogers.

5. For many years the banks denied ... receiving deposits from criminal sources.

6. We have no doubt ... your client's being guilty.


Ex. 4. Transform the sentences so as to use the Gerund according to the models.

Model 1: Our aim is to get to the truth.

Getting to the truth is our aim.

1. It is a bailiff's duty to assist in the court.

2. It is important to cross-examine the witness.

3. In some countries it is traditional to pay people who give information about criminals.

4. It is the judge's responsibility to guide the jury on questions of law.

5. It is the inalienable right of every citizen to have a fair trial.

Model 2: Mr.Brown is a judge. It is a very responsible post.

Being a judge is a very responsible post.

1. Mr. Fowler is a coroner. It requires a legal training.

2. The judge pronounced the sentence. It took half an hour.

3. The defence counsel browbeat the witness. It made a district attorney furious.

4. The police found the perpetrator. It turned out to be the simplest task.

5. The attorney for the Southern Railroad lost the case. It depressed him greatly.

Model 3: She committed perjury ... (to tell a lie in the court).

She committed perjury by telling a lie in the court.

1. The accused penetrated into the house ... (to climb through the window).

2. The counsel got the answer he wanted ... (to put the words into the witness's mouth).

3. Sometimes teenagers get into trouble ... (to keep bad company).

4. The defendant expressed his dissatisfaction with the court ruling ... (to file an appeal to the local Crown Court).

5. The criminals made the victim give false evidence ... (to threaten him).


Ex. 5. Insert either Infinitive or Gerund in the proper form.

1. Before the trial started Perry Mason felt quite sure of (to win, winning) the case but after the first day of hearing he began to lose confidence.

2. Mason is sure (to win, winning) the case: he is a veteran trial lawyer.

3. Do you remember (to see, seeing) the defendant that day?

4. Remember (to put down, putting down) the date of the trial in the protocol.

5. I will never forget (to appear, appearing) for the defence for the first time.

6. He always forgets (to take, taking) his glasses and can't read a single paper.


Ex. 6.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the Infinitive, the Participle or the Gerund. Define the Constructions with the Verbals, if any.

1. Important measures (strengthen) the criminal justice system have been taken in recent years.

2. Certain special powers are available to assist in (prevent) and (investigate) terrorist crimes.

3. The courts have powers (trace, freeze and confiscate) the proceeds of drug trafficking.

4. Money (launder) is the process by which illegally (obtain) property – from drugs or arms trafficking, terrorist activities or other serious crimes – is given the appearance of (originate) from a legitimate source.

5. There are also special powers for the police (conduct) security checks at ports and airports.

6. The police serve the public by (fight) crime, (preserve) public order and (keep) in touch with the concerns of the community.

Ex. 7. Translate from Russian into English using the Gerund.

1. Разве вы не боитесь, что вас привлекут к ответственности за ложь?

2. Хотя это вопрос весьма личного характера, я не могу не задать его вам.

3. Об этом факте не стоит упоминать.

4. Какой смысл допрашивать ребенка? Он слишком мал, чтобы давать показания.

5. Адвокат настаивал на том, чтобы обвиняемого осмотрел врач.

6. Достаточно ли у нас доказательств для предъявления обвинения?

7. Истец утверждает, что его избили и ограбили.


2015-12-04 1723 Обсуждений (0)


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