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In English, only the present tense singular form expresses person grammatically; therefore, the verb forms are obligatorily associated with personal pronouns

2015-12-04 330 Обсуждений (0)
In English, only the present tense singular form expresses person grammatically; therefore, the verb forms are obligatorily associated with personal pronouns 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


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Задание #38


_______words are characterized by incomplete nominative meaning, they are non-self-dependent and they perform mediatory functions in the sentence.


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Задание #39


Short words (on, in, to) that usually stand in front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).





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Задание #40


Prepositions are short words that usually stand

In front of nouns (sometimes also in front of gerund verbs).



Укажите соответствие для всех 2 вариантов ответа:

· 1) in the kitchen, in London, in the book,

In the car, in a taxi, in the picture, in the world


2) on Monday, in August / in winter, in the morning, in 2006, in an hour,

At night, at the weekend, at half past nine, since 1980, for 2 years, 2 years ago, before 2004


· __ of Time


__ of Place


Задание #41


They usually refer to the word (or, sometimes, phrase) immediately following and give special prominence to the notion expressed by this word (or phrase), or single it out in some other way, depending on the meaning .


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Задание #42


What part of speech is this?



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Задание #43


It can be defined as a syntactically organized group of words of any morphological composition based on any type of syntactic connection.


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Задание #44


Syntactic relations of the phrase constituents are divided into two main types:


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Задание #45


It can be defined as an immediate integral unit used in speech communication, built up of words according to a definite syntactic pattern and characterized by predication.


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Задание #46


Sentences can be classified according to their structural, semantic and pragmatic properties.


Укажите соответствие для всех 6 вариантов ответа:

1) Nominal sentences

2) infinitival sentences

3) One-member sentences

4) An interrogative sentence

5) elliptical sentences

6) declarative sentences


__ Such sentences contain neither the subject nor the predicate. Instead there is only one main part.

__ The main member in such sentences is expressed by a noun.

e.g. Winter. Snow.


__ The main member of these sentences is expressed by an infinitive.


__ They are generally identified as sentences with the subject or predicate missing.


__ an inquiry of information that the author of the sentence does not have.

__ communication of information.


Задание #47


The formative words linking the parts of a compound sentence fall into the following types: 1) coordinative conjunctions, 2) conjunctive adverbs, 3) fixed prepositional phrases.


Укажите соответствие для всех 3 вариантов ответа:

1) further-more, hence, however, moreover,nevertheless, therefore.


2) and, but, or, yet, for

3) at least, as a result, after a while, in addition, in contrast, in the next place, on the other hand, for example, for instance.


__ Coordinative conjunctions are rather few in number

__ Sentence-linking words, called conjunctive advebs are:

__ Some typical fixed prepositional phrases functioning as sentence linkers are:


Задание #48


Sentences with interjections


Укажите соответствие для всех 8 вариантов ответа:

1) pain

2) unpleasant surprise

3) introducing a remark

4) joy, laughter

5) hesitation

6) calling attention

7) surprise

8) greeting


__ Well, what is the answer?

__ Ha, you're funny!

__ Ouch, that hurt!

__ uh, I don't know.

__ Eek, a mouse!

__ Hello, how are you?

__ Hey, look!

__ Oh, really?


Задание #49


The scope of meanings rendered by the Genitive Case is the following:



Укажите соответствие для всех 7 вариантов ответа:

1) The man’s release - The man was released

2) children’s books - books for children

3) a mile’s distance, a day’s trip

4) Mary’s father - Mary has a father

5) the city of London

6) the boy’s story - the boy told the story

7) The doctor’s arrival - The doctor has arrived


__ Possessive Genitive

__ Subjective Genitive

__ Objective Genitive

__ Genitive of origin

__ Descriptive Genitive

__ Genitive of measure and partitive genitive

__ Appositive genitive


Задание #50


· Possessive Nouns

these are the nouns that use an apostrophe to show that a thing belongs to somebody or something.



Укажите соответствие для всех 7 вариантов ответа:

1) an hour's trip, a year's absence,

today's lesson, a mile's distance

2) Ukraine's population, London's banks , September's earliest frosts , summer's rains

3) the men's room; men's tailor;

children's books; children's hospital;

women's doctor; women's clothes.


4) piston's motion , the plane's propellers

5) Europe's future, the island's outline

6) a pin's head ,

out of harm's way ,

at one's finger's end


7) the report's conclusions ,

the university's president , the book's author



__ In the case of irregular plural nouns the apostrophe and S are added to show the possessive case.



__ The form of Possessive Case also have the following nouns: that mean time and distance:


__ • names of countries, cities, monthes, seasons:

__ some geographical terms:

__ nouns that determine movable devices, part of machines in the technical literature:

__ nouns that relate to the human activity:

__ • nouns in the idioms:






2015-12-04 330 Обсуждений (0)
In English, only the present tense singular form expresses person grammatically; therefore, the verb forms are obligatorily associated with personal pronouns 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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