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Название факультетов и кафедр

2015-12-06 432 Обсуждений (0)
Название факультетов и кафедр 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Faculty Chairs Building
The faculty of agronomy 1) the chair of (to grow) crops; 2) the chair of technology of (to store) and to process the products of agriculture;
The faculty of animal husbandry 1) the chair of (to feed) farm animals; 2) the chair of genetics and (to breed);
The faculty of horticulture 1) the chair of (to grow) fruits; 2) the chair of (to grow) vegetables;
The faculty of soil science, agro chemistry and ecology 1) the chair of agronomic and biological chemistry; 2) the chair of microbiology;
The faculty of economics 1) the chair of (economy? economics?); 2) the chair of farm production organization;
The faculty of accounting 1) the chair of (to account) and audit; 2) the chair of applied computer science;
The education faculty 1) the chair of education theory and psychology; 2) the chair of theory and professional education methods;
The technological faculty 1) the chair of (to process) the products of (to grow) crops; 2) the chair (to process) animal husbandry products


2) Изучите примеры образования названий факультетов, музеев, отделов библиотеки.

Разделите их на две группы по способу образования:

а) the Technological faculty; the academic department4

b) the faculty of Economics; the department of press; the museum of soil and agronomy.

3) Переведите на русский язык примеры образования названий кафедр университета. Используйте герундий после предлога of. Найдите аналогичные примеры, объясняющие местоположение существительного по отношению к герундию.

а) единственное число в значении множественного: the chair of crop-growing;

b) абстрактное существительное: the chair of organizing business;

c) определение перед существительным: the chair of feeding farm animals;

d) расскажите о расположении факультетов и кафедр в Университете с помощью конструкций разного залога: активного (The chair of horticulture (to take) place (in? at?) Building one); пассивного (The chair of (to organize) business (to situate? to locate?) (in? at?) the faculty of (economy? economics?).

Ответьте на вопрос: как образуется пассивный залог у правильных смысловых глаголов?

Найдите подлежащее в предложениях с активным и пассивным залогами. Одинаковое оно или различное?

Примечание: указанные глаголы употребляются только в одном определенном залоге. Выбор залога не зависит от подлежащего.


1) Переведите на русский язык слова, обозначающие названия отделов библиотеки, соединив определение со словом department (по правилам Ex. 11(2).

2) Составьте предложение об отделах библиотеки. Ставьте существительные-названия во множественное число.

Образец: The students (to take? to borrow?) textbooks (in? from?) the academic department.

Чем отличаются глаголы to take и to borrow по значению?


1) Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания на тему Museums:

a) geology and mineralogy; soil and agronomy; zoological; animal husbandry; the museum of (to breed) horses; history of the Academy;

b) animals in evolution; sculptures; (the? 0) samples of soil from different regions; (the? 0) residues of ancient animals and plants; minerals; rocks and meteorites; (historic? historical?) documents and memoirs; pictures.

2) Образуйте названия музеев по образцу в Ех. 11(2). Найдите место для слова museum в каждом конкретном случае.

Составьте предложения, употребив активный залог в соответствии с правилом Ех. 7(1) по образцу: The museums of zoology (to exhibit) animals in evolution.


1) Раскройте скобки, чтобы рассказать о выдающихся ученых Университета.

Shelesnov N.I. (to be) a famous botanist and agronomist. He (to start) the research on embryology of plants.

Stebut I.A. (to live) from 1833 (to? till?) 1923. He (to begin) native crop-growing. Stebut I.A. (to be) (a? the?) leading figure in (the? a? 0) original development of Russian agronomy.

Timiryazev K.A. (to live) from 1843 (to? till?) 1920. He (to deliver) (a? the? 0) course of (plant? plants?), philosophy. Timiryazev (to found) (the? 0) chair of anatomy and physiology of plants, a laboratory. Timiryazev K.A. (to write) more than 50 research-paper. The examples of his books (to be) “Life of Plants”, “Sun, Life and Chlorophyll”.

Tursky M.K. (to be) a well-known professor of (the? 0) chair of forestry. He (to organize) a forestry of the Academy.

Michelson B.M. (to be) one of the prominent Russian physicists. He (to live) from 1860 (to? till?) 1927. He (to establish) a physical laboratory and a meteorological observatory (in? at?) the Academy.

Pryanishnikov D.M. (to be) a distinguished Russian agro chemist. He (to live) from 1865 (to? till?) 1948. Pryanishnikov (to work) more than 50 years (in? at?) the Academy. He (to contribute) a lot to (the? 0) development of native agro chemistry, biochemistry, physiology of plants and crop-growing.

Doyarenko A.G. (to head) (a? the? 0) chair of general crop-growing. He (to live) from 1874 (to? till?) 1956. He (to be) the first agro physicist and an organizer of experimental business in Russia.

Williams B.R. (to live) from 1863 (to? till?) 1939. He (to play) an important role in (to develop) general crop-growing, soil science and meadow-growing. Williams B.R. (to collect) many samples of soil and plants.

Professor Rudzinski D.L. (to create) the first selective station in Russia.

Professor Sugalov S.I. (to work) (at? in?) this station too. He (to become) a founder of native vegetable selection.

Academician Lisitsin P.I. (to organize) the system of seed-farming.

Vavilov N.I. (to study) and (to work) (in? at?) the Academy from 1906 (to? till?) 1917. Vavilov N.I. (to be) an outstanding scientist and the founder of new scientific directions in crop-growing, botany, genetics and selection. Vavilov N.I. (to do? to make?) a number of theoretical conclusions such as (a? the? 0) law of homological rows in hereditary, variability, (a? the? 0) study about (the? 0) centres of crop origin, ecological-geographical principle of intraspecific systematization the study about (crop? crops?) immunity, theoretical fundamentals of selection, (the? a? 0) theory of (crop? crops?) introduction.

Such great scientists as Shreder P.I., Shitt P.G., Aidelshtein V.I. (to represent) the native school of (fruit? fruits?) and (vegetable? vegetables?) growing (in? at?) the Academy.

The research-work of Chernopiatov I.N. (to be) (a? the? 0) (basis? bases?) of zoo engineering. Chernopiatov I.N. (to hold) (the? a? 0) course of animal husbandry (in? at?) the Academy. Chernopiatov I.N. (to be) a professor (in? at?) (the? 0? a?) chair of general zoo engineering. His research-work (to dedicate) to (to study) and development of farm animals.

Professor Leontovich A.B. (to begin) to develop (the? a? 0) physiology of farm animals.

Such professors as Kuleshov P.N., Ivanov M.E., Pridorogin M.I. (to work) (in? at?) (the? 0) chair of particular engineering. Their research (to be) important for (to work) out the main zoo engineering problems.

The main research of Bodanov I.A. and Popov I.S. (to dedicate) to (to breed) and (to feed) farm animals.

Chayanov A.B. (to be) an economist. He (to be) a well-known organizer of agricultural cooperation.

Kondratyev N.D. (to be) an author of (a? the? 0) (economic? economical?) (cycle? cycles?) theory.

2) Выберите отрывки, посвященные ученым, работавшим на Вашем факультете.

3) Найдите в тексте все предложения в активном залоге, содержащие имя ученого в качестве подлежащего и его достижения как дополнение. Вот пример: Shelesnov N.I. (to start) the research on embryology of plants.

Переделайте данные предложения в активном залоге на пассивный. Поменяйте местами подлежащее и дополнение. Образуйте пассивный залог по формуле: (to be) + 3-я форма глагола.

4) Найдите в тексте все возможные эквиваленты выражений: положить начало (3), создать / организовать (5).

5) Найдите в тексте эквивалент фразы: жить с… до… Выразите ту же самую мысль по-другому, по образцу: Stebut I.A. (to be) born in… and (to die) in…


23. Прочитайте и переведите тексты о факультетах Университета.

2015-12-06 432 Обсуждений (0)
Название факультетов и кафедр 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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