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II. Enumerate the Royal Regalia

2015-12-07 456 Обсуждений (0)
II. Enumerate the Royal Regalia 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

III. Give a short account of the three roles of the monarch in Britain today.

Vocabulary Check


a) Give antonyms to the following:

to dissolve (Parliament)


to give the power to

to introduce (monarchy)

to give (assent)


b) Give synonyms to the following:

to be released from (taxation)

to turn down (the request)

to collect money



П. Correct the mistakes:

1. the heiress to the thron

2. to refuse the roal asent

3. to stripe the monachy of all powers

4. to fase danger with equanimity

5. to bring toward a bille

6. to asume the hermine

7. to come under scrutiny


III. Choose the right preposition:

1. to go awake/ahead/awhile with policies

2. to dig for/about/against victory

3. to act under/through/on sb's advice

4. to reign in/on/with the consent of ...

5. to be to/for/on one's enrichment

6. to take up/over/on the throne

7. to be defeated on/in/at a general election


IV. Fill in the gaps where necessary with suitable notional or functional words, using your active vocabulary:

1. The government passes a bill......Parliament. However ... Queen can refuse the royal ... to the bill and it will not become

2. The Windsors have survived ... and ... in their popularity.

3. It's a ... that the ... law is obsolete in ... modern society, as men and women have equal rights.

4. During World Wai 2 the British ... quiet heroism and made ... in the common good.

5. To remain in ... with the modern world ... Monarchy is to reform itself.

6. The Monarchy's.......is damaged by aperies of recent ... in the press.

7. Very few ... of Her ... the Queen would like to abolish the ... of monarchy.


V. Translate from Russian into English, using your active vocabulary:

1. Хотя по существующему законодательству королева освобождена от уплаты налогов, Елизавета II приняла решение платить налоги со своих яичных доходов.

2. Настоящий Англичанин всегда проявляет спокойствие и решительность даже в самых сложных ситуациях, во времена политической и социальной нестабильности.

3. Американцы придают большое значение индивидуальным различиям.

4. Кроме исполнения церемониальных обязанностей, одной из функций королевы является посещение иностранных государств с Официальными визитами.

5. Сегодня, когда ничто не угрожает стабильности страны, монархия все чаще становится предметом жарких споров, но несмотря на это, большинство британцев все же почтительно относятся к королевской семье.

6. Теоретически правящая королева обладает абсолютной властью и не может поступить незаконно, ее действия - выше закона.

7. Порядок престолонаследия регулируется законом о первенстве старшего сына на наследование.

Sharing Your Own Culture

Pre-Reading Discussion

1 Look at the photos from the target culture and find three or four things which are different from your own culture. Show the photos to the class and point out the culturally relevant features. (Real photos or ones from authentic magazines are used.)

2 Can you predict what photograph would an American take in your country?

3 What can provoke culture shock in your country?


Vocabulary Development

1 The following list contains some concepts from this unit that are important for you to understand. Go through this list and put a tick next to the words you know. When you finish with the unit, return to this list and make sure you can put a tick next to all of the words. There's also room to list any additional words you've learned.

highway rags-to-riches to be neglected

nudge garbage vicious

crucial other


Reading, Thinking, Sharing

1 * What do the Americans who visited Russia or Belarus think about these coun­tries and their people? Read an extract from a diary and list the areas which provoke culture shock in Russia.


August, 1996 - Vladimir

I arrived today from New York. Russia looks extremely poor to me. From the bus, I noticed a lot of cars parked on the side of the main highway leading to Vladimir. It seems to me that people, like in Mexico, simply drive their cheap cars until they breakdown whereby they just leave them. Although I have seen pictures and knew in general how Russians live, I nevertheless was surprised when I saw the massiveness of some of their absolutely huge apartment complexes. Moscow, the little I saw, seems to be a city predominantly composed of these housing units. They are all very similar.

I couldn't believe the main highway leading to Vladimir. It is essentially a large paved road with stop lights. It is only 180 km, but it took at least three hours to travel the distance from Moscow to Vladimir. The lanes are not marked, and the pavement is filled with small holes.

I was surprised to see so much nature. Half the distance between the two cities is made up of forest, with the other half consisting of small village hamlets which look as if they have been stuck in time. Except for the road and power ca­bles, these beautiful (but often down run) wooden houses look like something straight out of the eighteenth century. This scene, combined with the decapitated factories belching out smoke (they are like giant cloud machines really) really shows what a paradox Russia is. Also, occasionally, these hamlets are interspersed with medium sized Soviet housing. The contrast between tradition and beauty and industry, poor quality housing and a repressive political system is fascinating and to be honest, quite unexpected.

Russia has shocked me more in a day than during four months of travelling around Europe.


2015-12-07 456 Обсуждений (0)
II. Enumerate the Royal Regalia 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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