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Дементьева Юлия, 293 (Упражнения по методичке)

2015-12-07 319 Обсуждений (0)
Дементьева Юлия, 293 (Упражнения по методичке) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Exercise 1: Stand - to support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position

(Из слова «Stand» в сравнении с другими выявляется дифференцирующая и ассертивная сема)

Move - to change from one place or position to another, or to make something do this

Run - to move very quickly, by moving your legs more quickly than when you walk

Go - to travel or move to a place that is away from where you are or where you live

Walk - to move forward by putting one foot in front of the other

Lie - to be in a position in which your body is flat on the floor, on a bed etc

Fall - to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position

Sit - to be on a chair or seat, or on the ground, with the top half of your body upright and your weight resting on your buttocks

Exercise 2: have, take, or maintain an upright position - дизъюнктивная сема

Maintain a position; avoid falling, moving, or being moved – негативная инклюзивная дизъюнктивная сема

Assume a stationary position; cease to move – негативная инклюзивная сема

Exercise 3: start moving or be moving from one place (or point in time) to another – ассертивная, описательная

Make a specified movement with your foot – ассертивная сема

Move with regular, not quick steps - негативная инклюзивная сема

Exercise 4: speak – utter words in an ordinary voice (противопоставления манере произносить и манере голоса, ассертивная сема)

Exercise 5: cut - to reduce the amount of something (ассертивная сема)

Chop - to cut something into smaller pieces (конкретизирующая сема)

Mow - to cut grass using a machine (дифференцирующая сема: инструмент для резки)

Trim - to make something look neater by cutting small pieces off it (ассертивная и чувственно-наглядная сема)

Pare - to cut off the outer layer of something, using a sharp knife (дифференцирующая сема: инструмент для резки)

Gash - to make a long, deep cut in (дифференцирующая сема: способ резки)

Hack - to cut something roughly or violently (описательная, ассертивная сема)

Hew - to cut something with a cutting tool (дифференцирующая сема: инструмент для резки)

Mangle - to damage or injure something badly by crushing or twisting it (ассертивная, описательная)

Mince - to cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces, usually using a machine (дифференцирующая сема: инструмент для резки, манера резки, конкретизирующая)

Rip - to tear something or be torn quickly and violently (ассертивная, описательная)

Slice - a thin flat piece of food cut from a larger piece (ассертивная, дифференцирующая сема: по способу резки)

Exercise 6: report – to give people information about recent events, especially in newspapers and on television and radio (ассертивная, дифференцирующая сема: по типу информации, возможно профессиональная)

Inform – to officially tell someone about something or give them information (ассертивная, коннотативная стилистическая сема)

Tell – if someone tells you something, they communicate information, a story, their feelings etc to you (ассертивная, бытовая сема)

Confined - to tell someone you trust about personal things that you do not want other people to know (негативная инклюзивная, эмпирическая сема)

Exercise 7: lamp - a device for giving light, especially one that has a covering or is contained within something (ассертивная сема)

Davy lamp - is a safety lamp with a wick and oil vessel burning originally a heavy vegetable oil (дифференцирующая сема по способу электропитания)

Flash-lamp - is a device that uses an electrical circuit to trigger a fuse to ignite explosive powder (дифференцирующая сема по способу электропитания)

Fog-lamp – is a powerful light for use in foggy conditions, usually positioned low down on the front or rear of a road vehicle (дифференцирующая сема по способу электропитания, по сфере использования)
hurricane lamp - a lamp with a candle, oiled wick, or electric bulb protected by a glass chimney. (дифференцирующая сема по способу электропитания, по материалу)
Lantern – is a light and its protective or decorative case (узуальная сема, дифференцирующая по строению)
Rear-lamp - lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle (дифференцирующая по сфере применения, по цвету вероятностная)

Reading-lamp - a lamp that provides light for reading (дифференцирующая по сфере применения)

Spotlight – is a strong beam of light that illuminates only a small area, used especially to center attention on a stage performer (дифференцирующая по сфере применения, по дизайну)

Stroboscope - an instrument producing a flashing light, the frequency of which can be synchronized with some multiple of the frequency of rotation, vibration, or operation of an object, etc., making it appear stationary. It is used to determine speeds of rotation or vibration, or to adjust objects or parts, sometimes shortened to strobe (дизъюнктивная, дифференцирующая по сфере применения, по строению, профессиональная сема)

Sun lamp – is a lamp that radiates ultraviolet rays used in therapeutic and cosmetic treatments (дифференцирующая по сфере применения, по способу электропитания)

Torch – is a portable light produced by the flame of a stick of resinous wood or of a flammable material wound about the end of a stick of wood (дифференцирующая и дизъюнктивная по материалу, дифференцирующая по способу электропитания)

Exercise 8: House - a building that someone lives in, especially one that has more than one level and is intended to be used by one family (ассертивная)

Palace – the official home of a person of very high rank, especially a king or queen. (Дифференцирующая по жителям дома)

Deanery – the area controlled by a dean or the place where a dean lives (дизъюнктивная сема)

Doss-house – a place where people who have nowhere to live can stay cheaply (дифференцирующая по жителям дома, по цене)

Dower house – a house set apart for the use of a widow, often on her deceased husband's estate (дифференцирующая по жителям дома)

Duplex – a type of house that is divided into two parts, so that it has two separate homes in it (дифференцирующая по строению)

Dwelling – a house, apartment etc where people live (интегрирующая)

Estate – an area where houses or buildings of a similar type have all been built together in a planned way (объединяющая возможно)

Eyrie – a room or building that is very high up (дифференцирующая по строению)

Farmhouse – the main house on a farm, where the farmer lives (дифференцирующая по жителям дома)

Gatehouse – a small building next to the gate of a park or at the entrance to the land surrounding a big house (дифференцирующая по местонахождению)

Gazebo – a small building with open sides in a garden, where you can sit and look at the view (дифференцирующая по местонахождению, по строению)

Grange – a large country house with farm buildings (дифференцирующая по местонахождению и добавочным пристройкам)

Guest-house – a small cheap hotel (дифференцирующая по размеру, жителям и цене)

Habitation – a building that is unfit for human habitation is not safe or healthy for people to live in (дифференцирующая по условиям проживания)

Homestead – a farm and the area of land around it (дифференцирующая по территории и строению)

Hostel – a place where people can stay and eat fairly cheaply (дифференцирующая по функции, цене)

Hut – a small simple building with only one or two rooms (дифференцирующая по строению и размеру)

Igloo – a house made from blocks of hard snow or ice (дифференцирующая по материалу)

Inn – a small hotel, especially an old one in the countryside (дифференцирующая по размеру, возрасту и местонахождению)

Maisonette – an apartment, usually on two floors, that is part of a larger house (дифференцирующая по строению)

Manor – a big old house with a large area of land around it (дифференцирующая по размеру, возрасту, территории)

Pied-a-terre – a small apartment or house, often in the centre of a city or town, that is not your main home but which you own and stay in sometimes (дифференцирующая по размеру, местонахождению и функции)

Pigsty – a building where pigs are kept (дифференцирующая по жителям)

Premise – the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc uses (дифференцирующая по функции)

Villa – a big house in the country with a large garden (дифференцирующая по размеру, местонахождению, пристройкам)

Exercise 9: cry – to produce tears from your eyes, usually because you are unhappy or hurt (ассертивная сема)

Yell – to shout or say something very loudly, especially because you are frightened, angry, or excited (коннотативная, эмоциональная, дифференцирующая по громкости голоса и ситуации)

Shout – to say something very loudly (дифференцирующая по громкости голоса)

Scream – to make a loud high noise with your voice because you are hurt, frightened, excited etc

(коннотативная, эмоциональная, дифференцирующая по громкости голоса и ситуации)

Barrack – to interrupt someone, especially a performer or a player, by shouting criticism at them (дифференцирующая по добавочному действию, объекту, содержанию)

Cheer – to shout as a way of showing happiness, praise, approval, or support of someone or something (дифференцирующая по ситуации, эмоциональная)

Holler – to shout loudly (дифференцирующая по громкости голоса)

Hoot – if a vehicle or ship hoots, it makes a loud clear noise as a warning (дифференцирующая по субъекту, значению, громкости звука)

Vociferate – to shout loudly, especially when you are complaining (дифференцирующая по громкости голоса, ситуации)

Exercise 10: Cup – a small round container, usually with a handle, that you use to drink tea (ассертивная)

Goblet – a cup made of glass or metal, with a base and a stem but no handle (дифференцирующая материалу (дизъюнктивная), строению)

Mug – a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc (дифференцирующая по строению, функции)

Glass – a container used for drinking made of glass (дифференцирующая по материалу)

Loving-cup – a large ornamental wine vessel, usually made of silver and having two or more handles (дифференцирующая по материалу, строению, функции)

Plate – a flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve food on (дифференцирующая по строению, форме, функции)

Tea-cup – a cup that you serve tea in (интегрирующая)

Exercise 11: chair – a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, which has a back, a seat, and four legs (ассертивная сема)

Rocking chair – a chair that has two curved pieces of wood fixed under its legs, so that it moves backwards and forwards smoothly (дифференцирующая по строению, функциям)

Swivel-chair – a chair whose seat part can be turned while the legs remain in the same position (дифференцирующая по строению)

Arm-chair – a comfortable chair with sides that you can rest your arms on (дифференцирующая по строению, оценочная)

Wing-chair – a comfortable chair with a high back and pieces pointing forward on each side where you can rest your head (дифференцирующая по строению, оценочная)

Wheelchair – a chair with wheels, used by people who cannot walk (дифференцирующая по строению, пользователю)

High-chair – a special tall chair that a young child sits in to eat (дифференцирующая по строению, пользователю)

Exercise 12: Obligation

· Etymology: c.1300, from O.Fr. obligation (early 13c.), from L. obligationem (nom. obligatio) "an engaging or pledging," lit. "a binding" (but rarely used in this sense), noun of action from obligare (see oblige). The notion is of binding with promises or by law or duty. It appeared because of Norman conquest, French borrowings.

· Lexical context: Synonyms: Duty - something that you have to do because it is morally or legally right

Responsibility - a duty to be in charge of someone or something, so that you make decisions and can be blamed if something bad happens

Obligation - a moral or legal duty to do something

(the words are related semantically)

Obligation = obligate + suffix –tion-

· Semantic field: Past meaning is closely related with the present one «an engaging or pledging”.


2015-12-07 319 Обсуждений (0)
Дементьева Юлия, 293 (Упражнения по методичке) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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