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Compaction equipment for soil and road construction

2015-12-08 577 Обсуждений (0)
Compaction equipment for soil and road construction 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок


Rollers from Hamm feature a number of different components which assist them in achieving the best possible compaction results.


Hammtronic is an intelligent technology for optimizing all machine functions. It can prevent spinning of the roller’s drum or wheels, for example, which allows Hammtronic rollers to climb slopes with gradients of up to 70%. Optimum calibration of the engine and drive systems enables the overall diesel consumption to be reduced by 30% to 40%. In the DV series, Hammtronic also automatically governs the water spray system. On the whole, Hammtronic guarantees considerably higher production rates at lower operating costs.

Driving and operating concept HI DRIVE


The HI DRIVE concept allows the roller driver to drive forward all the time. When in automatic mode, the roller comes to a gentle stop as soon as the driver initiates the reversing process. The machine’s optimized braking behaviour prevents unwanted bumps and undulations in the pavement. While the roller begins travelling in the opposite direction, accelerating to the previously driven speed, the driver’s seat turns automatically, thus ensuring that the driver is always seated in the direction of travel and has a full view of his working environment. This feature allows perfect compaction results to be achieved, while ensuring that the roller driver enjoys excellent ergonomics and a high level of safety.

Perfect range of vision


Good visibility is a prerequisite for precise compaction. The free-view concept (open frame design and glass all the way down to the driver’s platform) implemented in the rollers of the DV series, for instance, gives the roller driver a full view of the drums all the time, enabling him to also control the water spray system. The cabin can additionally be shifted beyond the edge of the roller, giving the driver a full view of the drum edge. In the CompactLine rollers and single-drum compactors of the 3000 series, this feature has been put into practice by a specially designed front carriage. The machine’s wasp waist gives the driver a perfect view of the drum edge.



Ergonomically optimized machines are a “must” when it comes to enabling focused, efficient working over long periods of time. Comfort for the roller driver is thus increased, and safety is improved, which results in both increased production and improved compaction results. Hamm rollers have earned themselves several awards for their ergonomically optimized operating design. All displays and switches are structured very clearly to allow intuitive operation. The main buttons and switches are located within easy reach and allow easy operation.

Edge pressing and cutting equipment


Edge pressing and cutting equipment is used for producing longitudinal joints, when paving asphalt layers without edging, or when paving “hot-against-cold”. It is recommended in such cases to use the edge pressing device for producing a slant of between 70° to 80° at the contact surfaces. The contact surface is thus increased, achieving a high-quality joint. Slanting and compacting the edges in peripheral areas effectively prevents water, dirt and roots from finding their way into the asphalt pavement.

Spreading chippings


High-quality chippings are frequently spread on top of the completed, still hot surface course to ensure that the road has excellent grip right from the start. Precision spreaders are capable of producing a highly uniform spreading pattern. Disc spreaders can also be used.

Hamm compaction equipment


These rollers never miss a beat.  


KNOW-HOW - Hamm oscillation technology




Oscillation is a method of dynamic compaction. The energy for compaction is generated by rotating eccentric masses, which cause the roller drums to oscillate. These oscillations are then transmitted into the ground to be compacted, causing the particles to re-arrange to a denser position.

Moment around the drum axle


Oscillation is based on two co-rotating masses generating a moment around the axle of the roller drum. One rotation of the masses by 180° causes the moment to change its effective direction, generating an oscillating movement of the drum. The roller drum maintains contact with the ground all the time, while tangential forces are transmitted into the ground.

Compaction energy hits the spot


Contrary to vibration, only about 15% of the vibrations created during oscillation compaction are given off to the environment. Oscillation compaction is therefore highly suitable for road construction work in sensitive areas like, for instance, bridges or park decks, along railway lines, in the vicinity of historical buildings, above supply lines or in other vibration-sensitive areas.

Flexible applications


The use of oscillation permits excellent compaction results to be achieved on pavements with layer thicknesses of up to 20 cm. With oscillation, the roller driver can always utilize the roller’s full power of compaction, as the method does not bear any risk of destroying the pavement through particle crushing.

Compaction of joints made easy


Oscillation compaction is also ideally suited for compacting the joints between newly paved and existing, cold asphalt surfaces, because oscillation prevents damage to the previously completed, compacted and cooled-down asphalt strip.

Compaction at the highest level


Oscillation rollers enable compaction to be achieved much faster than any other compaction method. Constant ground contact enables not only the dynamic forces but also static forces to have an effect on the asphalt or ground surface. Density thus increases much faster than with other methods. Excess compaction, which may result from an incorrect use of vibration rollers, is also prevented.

Oscillation turns rollers into all-rounders


The tandem rollers with oscillation are equipped with one oscillation and one vibration drum. Combining these two systems in one machine makes them suitable for all-round use. They are capable of compacting in sensitive areas and additionally offer the dynamic compaction properties of a vibration drum, which makes them ideally suited for universal application. Practical application has also shown that the combined use of both systems produces excellent compaction results in a very short period of time.


Compaction that goes really deep  


KNOW-HOW - Vibration




Vibration is the conventional method of dynamic compaction. It causes the surface to vibrate so that the aggregate particles are prompted to re-arrange to a denser position.

Vertical action of forces


Vibration compaction causes the material to be compacted to vibrate by inducing vertical forces into the ground in rapid succession. The asphalt is compacted as many times as is necessary to achieve sufficient packing density.

High compaction performance


Vibration rollers from Hamm are fitted with a circular exciter inside the roller drum. The circular exciter rotates at high speed, causing the drum to vibrate and, in a sense, bounce on the asphalt pavement. This leads to vertical compaction forces being induced into the ground, which results in high compaction performance with great depth impact in the material to be compacted.

Adapting to application requirements


A circular exciter allows the amplitude to be adapted in increments, whereas the compaction frequency is infinitely variable, enabling the compaction parameters to be fully adjusted to the material to be compacted.


Hamm vibration rollers Smart heavyweights for smart uses.  

2015-12-08 577 Обсуждений (0)
Compaction equipment for soil and road construction 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

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