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Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме

2015-12-15 249 Обсуждений (0)
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Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. Переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: This man is an engineer. Thesemenareengineers. Эти мужчины – инженеры.

a. This mouse is white.

b. She is a teacher.

c. This shoe is to large.

d. That girl is my niece.

Определите время в следующих предложениях. Подчеркните сказуемое. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: They met me at the station. ( Past Simple) Они встретили меня на вокзале.

a. Mary speaks English well.

b. I’ll meet you at the airport.

c. I have many friends.

d. She was ill last week.

Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме.

Образец выполнения: I saw him at the club yesterday. Didyou seehim at the club yesterday?

a. She wrote two letters to Jane.

b. We went to the cinema last Sunday.

c. I decided to spend my holiday in Spain.

d. The weather was very nice yesterday.


Образуйте от прилагательных, стоящих в скобках , сравнительную или превосходную степень, в зависимости от смысла. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения:This text is (difficult) of all the texts. This text is the most difficultof all the texts. Этот текст – самый трудный из всех текстов.

a. The Trans-Siberian railway is (long ) in the world.

b. Our house is (low) than yours.

c. Silver is (heavy) than copper.

d. Iron is (useful) of all metals.

7. Переведите текст на русский язык:

THE ENGLISH YEAR Great Britain is situated on islands. It is washed by seas from all sides. That's why the climate and the nature of Great Britain is very specific. The climate of Great Britain is usually mild, cool, temperate and humid. The weather is so changeable that the English often say that they have no climate but only the weather. The weather is the favourite topic of conversation in the United Kindom. The English also say that they have three variants of the weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily that they say: "It's raining cats and dogs." Besides, Britain is famous for its fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it is impossible to see anything within 2 or 3 meters. The winter months in Great Britain are: November, December, January and February. January and February are usually the coldest months. In winter it snows and rains. There is often fog. But there is not much snow on the ground. Sometimes there are snowstorms. Then all traffic storms. But the snow soon melts. The frost is rare in Great Britain. There is no ice on the lakes and rivers in winter . Winter holidays in Great Britain are: Christmas or X- mas- December 25; New Year- January 1; St. Valentine's Day- February 14. In Great Britain there are two spring months: March and April. Spring comes early to England. You can see daffodils everywhere in April. They grow wild in England. Spring holidays in Great Britain are: Mother's Day, Easter, April Fool's Day. In Great Britain summer begins in May. So there are four summer months. They are: May, June, July and August. The days are long and the nights are short. Great Britain is an island. There is sea all around. That's why the summer is not very hot. The wind blows from the west. It brings a lot of rain from the Atlantic. Summer holidays are: May Day, in June they celebrate Father's Day. Autumn months in Great Britain are: September and October. Autumn is usually a nice season in England. It is warm and dry, but it can rain much too. The leaves on the trees are yellow. In Great Britain school begins in the second week of September. On the 31st of October there is a funny holiday for children- Hallowen's.

Вариант 2

1. Дополните предложения оборотомthere is или there are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: ___ a big tree in the garden. There isa big tree in the garden. В саду большое дерево.

a. _____ nine planets in the solar system.

b. _____ two big hotels in this city.

c. _____ some tea in my cup.

d. _____ a lot of sheep in the field.

2. Вставьте артикль (a, an, the), где необходимо. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: Montreal is ___ large city. Montreal is a large city.

a. We live in ___Magnitogorsk.

b. What is ___ largest city in Canada?

c. When we were in London we stayed in __ small hotel.

d. Would you like ___ apple?

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. Переведите их на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: This man is an engineer. Thesemenareengineers. Эти мужчины – инженеры.

a. This room is very large.

b. That woman is my cousin.

c. My tooth is white.

d. She is a pupil.

Определите время в следующих предложениях. Подчеркните сказуемое. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения: They met me at the station. ( Past Simple) Они встретили меня на вокзале.

a. She speaks Chinese very well.

b. The weather will be fine tomorrow.

c. He bought a new car last month.

d. I read many books last summer.

Напишите следующие предложения в вопросительной форме.

Образец выполнения: I saw him at the club yesterday. Didyou seehim at the club yesterday?

a. I left home for school at 8 o’clock yesterday.

b. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.

c. My sister won a free trip to Moscow.

d. We were at the concert last week.


2015-12-15 249 Обсуждений (0)
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