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C) Read the passage and explain the difference between paragraphs of description; paragraphs of process; paragraphs of analysis and paragraphs of comparison

2015-12-15 598 Обсуждений (0)
C) Read the passage and explain the difference between paragraphs of description; paragraphs of process; paragraphs of analysis and paragraphs of comparison 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Answer the question: Is it possible to combine several types of paragraphs in your abstract for finding the best way to express your ideas?


There are several types of paragraphs, which are organised differently. So you may choose the best way to present your project ideas.

A paragraph of description has one topic. The topic sentence is the first sentence. It includes the topic and main idea of the paragraph. The other sentences give details about the main idea. In a paragraph of description, the adjectives are important.

In a paragraph of process, you write about each step in a series of actions. It’s important to write these actions in order of time (What happens first? What happens next?). Begin with the topic (your learned action) in the first sentence

In a paragraph of analysis you state your opinion about the subject. This is your topic sentence.

Then give a reason to support your opinion. Explain how the reason supports it.

In a paragraph of comparison, you write about the similarities and differences between two things or ideas. One way to do this is to begin with your main idea in a topic sentence and then list the similarities and next the differences.


VI. a) Choose a project theme. Write an abstract for communication according to the requirements given in exercise V. b). The clichés in Appendix 6 may help.

b) Evaluate your abstract. Answer the questions on the checklist below (write YES or NO). Exchange your abstract with a partner’s one. Write YES or NO on your partner’s checklist. Use the answers on the checklist to help you to rewrite your abstract.

Editing checklist


Points to check for My check My partner’s check
Is the abstract no more than 1 page and maximum three paragraphs?    
Is the first sentence the thesis statement?    
Does each paragraph deal with one central idea?    
Are the ideas supported carefully?    
Do the transitions between paragraphs link them together logically?    
Is there a conclusion with some new ideas to challenge the readers to think further?    
Is the layout correct?    
Is the style correct?    
Are the clichés used properly?    



Unit 2. Visual aids


I. Tongue twisters to be remembered:








c) Listen:


d) Give appropriate translation to the sayings. Remember four of them:



E) Make up a small sayings-based dialogue.

II. a) Read out the numbers and quantities. Then listen and check.

a) 3.142 a) 16 kHz i) 12V DC
b) 1150 mm b) 30 mA j) 106
c) 250 MB c) 0º C k) 10-12
d) 60 GB d) 73 % l) 40:1

B) Listen and write down the numbers and quantities you hear.


2015-12-15 598 Обсуждений (0)
C) Read the passage and explain the difference between paragraphs of description; paragraphs of process; paragraphs of analysis and paragraphs of comparison 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок

Обсуждение в статье: C) Read the passage and explain the difference between paragraphs of description; paragraphs of process; paragraphs of analysis and paragraphs of comparison

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